No Easter Logo at Google Again

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Every year there is someone mad about the fact that Google doesn’t do a special Easter logo. The company changes its logo for all the other holidays, just not for Easter. Conspiracy? Discrimination against colored eggs? Or…it’s Google, they can do as they please and you’ll like it.

It has been at least five years since Google placed a Google Easter logo around Easter time on their pages. This year is no exception, if you visit, you won't see a special Google logo or Doodle for Easter. As you can imagine, there are many people upset with Google over this lack of a logo.
So what. Their website, their rules. People get upset about everything dont they? :p
Another case of christians thinking they're the most important thing in the world. Move on, they'll quit bitching eventually.
Holidays cause stress and is not covered by universal health care. So we will be phasing out all holidays.

Weekends will be next on the chopping block.

More work, more taxes. (hi ho, hi ho)
I demand equal treatment. They must change Google into a Pentagram for the day!
I'm Christian and I think it's stupid for any company to feel obligated to celebrate any holiday, religious or what not.

Google didn't celebrate Easter? Whoop-dee-doo.

No matter what you do, someone's going to have a fit. You can't win.
They should just come up with a universal "Holiday Symbol" that everyone can use. That way no one gets pissed off.

It can be a picture of a guy stretched out in the Recliner, holding a Beer, and watching a ball game.

There. Whenever any holiday of any type comes around, just put that up. Done!
Seems odd, if they do Christmas they ought do Easter. I don't really care but seems inconsistent.
No true complaints here, though I have seen google do banners for far lesser known or widely celebrated holidays, so I guess it's rather strange they didn't just plop a bunny/egg up for that day.

I rather liked the Hans Christian Andersen google theme they did just recently; was very nice.
it could be worse, some group like peta might try to sue them over something this stupid. grow the fuck up.
Another case of christians thinking they're the most important thing in the world. Move on, they'll quit bitching eventually.

Wait. What does a holiday for the goddess Ostara have to do with Christians? It's not like their entire faith is borrowed, stolen and plagiarized from preexisting religions or anything...

Candy, chicks, bunnies and eggs - Yup, that totally makes me think about the Lord rising from his tomb.
only unstable people and the low IQ potion of the population would be upset
I noticed that only a few articles about this mentioned that it was also the anniversary of Martin Luther King's assassination. Maybe choosing none was easier than choosing which one to honor( it's a fucking corporate logo! but anyway)?

as someone else said in a forum and I blatantly stole:
"I'm trying desperately to give a shit about this. Somehow, I can't, yet you seem to be easily able to. What's you're secret?"
They should just come up with a universal "Holiday Symbol" that everyone can use. That way no one gets pissed off.

No, they really shouldn't. That's how we got Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings instead of Merry Christmas. I'm not religious, and I even prefer Merry Christmas. Universal anything just means you made it so vanilla that it doesn't even bother to stand out anymore.
It does seem odd that they don't do Easter. I've seen plenty of Christmas trees, menorahs, and various secular objects too - seems rather innocuous to simply turn the 'o's into eggs or something.
Who even cares. I celebrate National Talk Like a Pirate Day very seriously with the utmost respect and reverence but you don't see me writing sternly worded emails to Brian Williams when his observance of this most sacred holiday continues to fall short year after year on NBC's nightly news.
They should just come up with a universal "Holiday Symbol" that everyone can use. That way no one gets pissed off.

It can be a picture of a guy stretched out in the Recliner, holding a Beer, and watching a ball game.

There. Whenever any holiday of any type comes around, just put that up. Done!

THIS is an idea I can get with.
It does seem odd that they don't do Easter. I've seen plenty of Christmas trees, menorahs, and various secular objects too - seems rather innocuous to simply turn the 'o's into eggs or something.

"fuck yea! let's pay our art department a couple days worth of salary to turn some O's into eggs. it'll totally stop these 14 crazy people from writing a negative status update about us on facebook. and think of the twtrs!!!"
They should just come up with a universal "Holiday Symbol" that everyone can use. That way no one gets pissed off.

It can be a picture of a guy stretched out in the Recliner, holding a Beer, and watching a ball game.

There. Whenever any holiday of any type comes around, just put that up. Done!

Couldn't disagree more. Having each unique is a better way to celebrate them. Aside from that you would have the same argument. I don't drink, and I don't watch "ball games." So there's no correlation how I "celebrate."
Maybe it's just to increase traffic for Google on easter.

With everybody bitching and moaning about it, I'm sure they got a whole lot more visits than if they just put a boring egg somewhere.
Really doesn't surprise me that a couple of Jewish guys wouldn't feel the need to create a doodad for the holiday that celebrates Jesus Christ rising from the grave. You can't count Christmas as that has become universally secular and is, for the most part, not even referred to as Christmas by major corporations any longer. "Happy Holidays"... Easter is still intimately associated with the Christian church in spite of major media's attempts to secularize it ala Easter Bunny.

A no-brainer really.

It's their company, their logo to do with as they wish.
Why do they have to actually see the logo? They should just have faith that it's there.
They should just come up with a universal "Holiday Symbol" that everyone can use. That way no one gets pissed off.

It can be a picture of a guy stretched out in the Recliner, holding a Beer, and watching a ball game.

There. Whenever any holiday of any type comes around, just put that up. Done!

Won't work. There's been Christians getting offended because "happy holiday" is too politically correct.

You can't please everybody.
Damn, what is it with Google and their inability to acknowledge Pagan holidays!
Google can do what they want. No one should dictate otherwise.

Imagine, hypothetically, the hate and outrage if they had "traditional marriage day" and not "gay marriage day."
Not too familiar with the history of Easter, are you?

Indeedy. Just about every "Christian holidays" were assimilated, adopted, or outright stolen by the Christian Church in an effort to draw in more followers.

But that's for soapbox, not here ;)

Google's web site, Google's policy. Plain and simple. The people upset about that should get a grip and take a chill pill. So Google doesn't want to observe Easter. That's Google's problem, not yours.
Master [H];1035551442 said:
I'm Christian and I think it's stupid for any company to feel obligated to celebrate any holiday, religious or what not.

Google didn't celebrate Easter? Whoop-dee-doo.

No matter what you do, someone's going to have a fit. You can't win.

Same here. Appreciate it when they do, but they should not feel like they have to by any means.
Google's web site, Google's policy. Plain and simple. The people upset about that should get a grip and take a chill pill. So Google doesn't want to observe Easter. That's Google's problem, not yours.

This is really all it comes down to, my joking aside. The idea that Google is somehow required to add in joke/extra logos for all holidays just because someone there found time to do it for a few others is ludicrous. All these people complaining need to create a new search algorithm good enough for me to give a rat's ass about and then they can put whatever logo they want on it.
I noticed that only a few articles about this mentioned that it was also the anniversary of Martin Luther King's assassination. Maybe choosing none was easier than choosing which one to honor( it's a fucking corporate logo! but anyway)?

Maybe they could have combined them somehow. Like having a black Jesus resurrect and as he walks out of the tomb he gets shot and killed?

Ya, maybe better off doing nothing at all.
Maybe they could have combined them somehow. Like having a black Jesus resurrect and as he walks out of the tomb he gets shot and killed?

Ya, maybe better off doing nothing at all.

Yeah, I gotta admit I'd much rather them just not do that.