No Elder Scrolls 6 to protect ESO and Skyrim success


Fully [H]
Sep 28, 2007

I figured it was a given we wouldn't see any new games from them for the rest of this decade and this all but confirms it.

^^ What I read in articles like these is Bethesda basically cruise control on their laurels and be more of a publisher now.

They can regurgitate Skyrim to the point we'll have Skyrim towels and tolilets seats and milk the whole MMO and microtransaction concept for all its worth past that. Unfortunately, it's working.

At least they publish some good games. I'm looking forward to Wolfenstein II.

If they are tired of doing Fallout and ES games past what they have done then that's fine. I don't want to put words in their mouths but that's essentially my takeaway from it.

If this is going to be the case then why not farm out the Fallout and ES licenses like they did with allowing Obsidian to make New Vegas and the rest of it?

They can get a cut and everyone wins instead of us being lucky to get two new games from them per decade.

What do you all think?
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It does make sense. Skyrim is still going strong all this time later and I doubt Zenimax wants to risk Bethesda cannibalizing ESO now that is finally doing well. Though, the time where they start working on the next game might not be too far off. One of the unannounced titles mentioned in the article is releasing this year (likely the often rumored Starfield). Still, I wouldn't be surprised if the next TES game is 5 years out, or more.
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In the words of Mr. Horse, "No sir, I don't like it."

I agree though, letting other closely-tied studios work on other games in those universes would be a great idea. Maybe even some of the less likely combos. What about a new ES game with Arkane's world-building and tight first person mechanics, but more expansive like a true ES game. I bet they could REALLY pull off a good Fallout based game too if they wanted to. Just an off the top example. Maybe a Machine Games rendition of Bethesda franchise that's heavy on story? Obsidian would be a more obvious choice, but I like to think a bit beyond that.

Really though, as long as they keep id funded and releasing their games, I'm pretty happy. I'd love to see a new single player Quake, a new Doom, maybe a new RAGE even. A new full fleshed out RAGE game on Tech 6 would be nice to say the least.
I don't think this has anything to do with Skyrim and everything to do with ESO...the game didn't seem to be doing well when it was first released but player numbers have jumped a lot since it went free-to-play
I don't think this has anything to do with Skyrim and everything to do with ESO...the game didn't seem to be doing well when it was first released but player numbers have jumped a lot since it went free-to-play
Buy to play, and yes they did. It's evolved into a very good game now with obscene amounts of content and good rvr Pvp. They're making a killing off the cash shop, but nothing is p2w on there. For old time people like me, it has gone down hill in some ways severely, but if you didn't play while it was pre changes, you'd never know the difference some of the game play it had offered.
Couldn't care any less. I think ES games are some of the most over rated games.
Yes, I think that was even the worst one.

ES games are actually kind of hard for me to rate. I love the worlds, and the freedom that they allow, but as far as the actual game play and stories, I do think they are quite a bit weaker than many other franchises. I'm almost positive that it's precisely to do with the fact that the worlds are so large and open. It may actually be beyond the scope of a typical AAA development cycle to produce something that large, and still have an engaging experience story-wise. The worlds themselves though are very cool and fun to explore. However, I also think the dungeons and caves should have more individuality. They're kind of samey after a while. If they put as much work into these as they do the overworlds, and then had good reasons for being there, these games would be absolutely incredible. I have to rate them highly just because of the worlds they create. It's not an easy task. For wandering, walking, exploring, and occasionally zapping the hell out of someone/something they're incredible. For traditional RPGing, I would agree that they're not the best. I come from an Ultima-heavy background where EVERYTHING in the world has a purpose with a crafted story and history behind it. I guess if you come from some of the earlier RPGs you'd be a bit spoiled though.
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Yes, I think that was even the worst one.

To each their own. Myself and many of my friends happily sunk hundreds of hours into Morrowind and the accompanying mods. As J3RK mentioned, it was quite an accomplishment just to make a world so vast. It was definitely ahead of it's time.
It wouldn't be so bad if they were delaying the next game in the series so they could continue to add new content to the current game, but we don't even get that. Unless I'm missing something it's been 4.5 years since the last expansion. Even the post release content they did release was a little lacking considering one of them was almost completely to do with building a house. What has actually been released since other than additional versions of the same game?
I remember the massive gap between Daggerfall and Morrowind, so I suppose this isn't too shocking.
I have no desire to dabble with the online TES games, but at least they have some new stuff out there.
Plus, the Fallout games scratch the same itch for me.
It does make sense. Skyrim is still going strong all this time later and I doubt Zenimax wants to risk Bethesda cannibalizing ESO now that is finally doing well. Though, the time where they start working on the next game might not be too far off. One of the unannounced titles mentioned in the article is releasing this year (likely the often rumored Starfield). Still, I wouldn't be surprised if the next TES game is 5 years out, or more.

If there was a sequel it wouldn't be played nearly as much.
I like the ES games but i just cant get into ESO for the life of me, and I love good MMO's. It just feels so utterly generic.
I like the ES games but i just cant get into ESO for the life of me, and I love good MMO's. It just feels so utterly generic.
So far every MMO I saw felt generic, that seemed like a trademark of the genre. Which is understandable if your metric of success is how many players you can keep, and the broader audience you try to cater to the more diluted the result.
It seems to me that MMOs are made by people who don't care one bit about the work they're doing.
So far every MMO I saw felt generic, that seemed like a trademark of the genre. Which is understandable if your metric of success is how many players you can keep, and the broader audience you try to cater to the more diluted the result.
It seems to me that MMOs are made by people who don't care one bit about the work they're doing.
I agree completely. EQ kicked off the revolution, WoW broke that mold but now its old and busted, and everything else that has been out since just hasnt quite cut it. FFXIV is probably the only other one that feels a bit unique and held my interest for a while. At least as far as high fantasy MMO's go. have two really successful series that people freaking love but you'll stop making them because....people love them and want more and you don't want to look like a failure?
I only partially agree. The way the article words it almost makes it sound like they are doing it with malice... why make TES6 when they can milk what they have. I don't think it's that simple. I'm inclined to believe that Bethesda wanted to work on a new IP and it makes more sense to do that now, while the current crop of TES games are still generating revenue.

What's more curious to me is why Bethesda (specifically BGS) seems to keep themselves limited to one project at a time. Fallout and TES are both very lucrative IP's and they have enough renown in the industry that any new AAA IP should be very successful for them. There's no reason why they shouldn't be able to open up a second studio and have multiple ongoing projects. Looking at Bioware, it seems to me they typically have 3-4 projects going on at the same time. Currently they are known to be working on both Anthem and the next Dragon Age, and I'm sure Andromeda's development cycle overlapped with both of these, and AFIAK they are still actively supporting The Old Republic also. Admittedly I think Bioware is spread a little thin these days and has suffered in quality, but I don't think Bethesda needs to explode from a single project into four, either. Per wikipedia, BGS has 170 employees. Bioware has 800. I'm sure there's a reason they keep it to their single studio (I'm not counting Bethesda published titles here), but I don't see what it could be. Currently, they seem to release a major AAA game every 3-4 years. I don't see why they wouldn't want to try to get on a 2-year cycle with a support studio.
I'm still recovering the 150+ hours I put into Skyrim between 2011/2012. I'm OK waiting a few more years.
I like the ES games but i just cant get into ESO for the life of me, and I love good MMO's. It just feels so utterly generic.

The Elder Scrolls games are uniquely good because they are so open and unrestrictive. In Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim you can upgrade however you want no matter what class you are, the combat is real time and non-lock-on allowing you to be very creative. It's hard to make a game balanced and do this.
ESO lacks all of that. It's just a generic MMO with ES lore. They pussed out and made combat lock on and restricted the way you can upgrade. Everything that makes ES games great it lacks.
Only 150+? Rookie :LOL:

I have just under 600....

...:cry: What am I doing with my life!
How and why is that even possible with such a shit game. Cool you enjoy a game but to put 600 hours into it?! I loved The Witcher 3 and believe it is a far better game to Skyrim in every way and I only put 120 into it.
How and why is that even possible with such a shit game. Cool you enjoy a game but to put 600 hours into it?! I loved The Witcher 3 and believe it is a far better game to Skyrim in every way and I only put 120 into it.

I agree shit game story wise. Witcher series is far superior in every way. But you can make Skyrim fun again with mods of course, and thats where the majority of the time spent playing goes. Usually the mods end up being the game. That being said though, I haven't played Skyrim in over a year.
How and why is that even possible with such a shit game. Cool you enjoy a game but to put 600 hours into it?! I loved The Witcher 3 and believe it is a far better game to Skyrim in every way and I only put 120 into it.

There's really not a lot to do in Witcher once you beat it. Skyrim with mods is leagues beyond any other singleplayer RPG on the market.
The Elder Scrolls games are uniquely good because they are so open and unrestrictive. In Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim you can upgrade however you want no matter what class you are, the combat is real time and non-lock-on allowing you to be very creative. It's hard to make a game balanced and do this.
ESO lacks all of that. It's just a generic MMO with ES lore. They pussed out and made combat lock on and restricted the way you can upgrade. Everything that makes ES games great it lacks.
Huh? Combat is not lock on, and the amount of customization is ludicrously high. Nothing you wrote matches reality.
Huh? Combat is not lock on, and the amount of customization is ludicrously high. Nothing you wrote matches reality.

Archery and magic are lock on. You shoot an arrow and it automatically hits, there's no aiming. And the skills are very limited compared to the single player games.
Archery and magic are lock on. You shoot an arrow and it automatically hits, there's no aiming. And the skills are very limited compared to the single player games.
Wrong. You have to aim on a small hit box. It isn't tab target only as you describe. The skills are way better laid out than the single player games were.

i know how you guys feel.
Wrong. You have to aim on a small hit box. It isn't tab target only as you describe. The skills are way better laid out than the single player games were.

I never said tab targeting. I said lock on. The projectile locks on and automatically hits once you fire. You don't have to actually "aim" like the other games. Your actual skill doesn't matter in regards to aiming and movement which makes the combat gameplay very limited in comparison. It's basically the same watered down combat in every other MMO.
There's really not a lot to do in Witcher once you beat it. Skyrim with mods is leagues beyond any other singleplayer RPG on the market.
If a game need a community to created content to fix it and make it fun then it is a shit game. The story and lore of Witcher 3 >>>>> some user mods to fix a shit game.
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I'm fine if they halt the series for now. I'd rather Witcher 4 to come out over ES 6, but that is just me. And yet W4 isn't happening.

On the bright side of things, I believe another Dragon Age is in the works.
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Kingdom Come: Deliverance will satiate my epic RPG craving come February.