No Mercenaries 2 love?


Jan 25, 2007
Haven't seen any threads on this game, it released for the 360, PS3 and PS2 on Sunday and will be out for PC on the 4th. I got my copy on Sunday, anyone else playing it?
Waitin' for the PC version :) How's it play? Did you like the first game?
I preordered the PC version, waiting to get it on Thursday. Couldn't stand waiting any longer though, so I picked up the 360 version on Sunday. The game has a few bugs, but nothing to really hurt the gameplay. Graphics-wise, the lack of AF on the 360 version makes the terrain textures look very crappy, but everything else looks quite nice. None of that matters, though, because this game is just plain fun to play. It may not have the best graphics, it may not be picture perfect, but it's damn good fun. Any game that I can play and have this much fun at gets much deserved kudos from me. I can't wait to pick up the PC version on Thursday and crank up the AA and AF for some high quality fun!
Spore or Mercenaries Stalker: Clear Sky, Crisys: Warhead, Warhammer, Brother in Arms Hells Highway just around the corner. To many games and Im waayyy behind now. :cool:

Well, I'll be buying them all for the PC since I HATE game pads for those types of games. It's just a matter of when due to budget. Should be able to score Mercenaries 2 for PC for $40 or less within a short time. :D
I've got mine on order; hoping to see it soon, (nothen better for relaxen than leveling a few city blocks....
Picked it up yesterday (360) and Mom-in-law was in town for the holiday so I haven't been able to play it much but so far it's pretty damn fun torching and blowing up everything in sight. After so long with COD4 the aiming seems a little funky, but that's a knock against me and not the game. I can see this one being pretty entertaining.
Been playing it on my 360. Its a fun game, but dont go in expecting a GOTY or something like that. its not as good as the first, and its most certainly not devoid of bugs. Its fun though if you forgive everything else.
I played it on my brother-in-law's PS3. I really wasn't all that impressed with it. Not worth $60 IMO.
Played it Sunday and Monday, very fun, much like the first which was a fav of mine. There are bugs but nothing major (just see weird stuff once in a while) but I am having a great time with it.
Can't wait to have a marathon Co-op Session. First thing I want to do is drop a cluster bomb on a group of enemies my partner rounds up.
Im thinking about picking it up from the EA digital store, I hate it but EA wont ever go on Steam.
Enjoying the heck out of this one right now. I want to try out coop, but I'm really bad at third person action games using the gamepad. Regardless, the bugs don't detract for me- this game is pure entertainment.
compare this with army of two, which game is better?

or is that even a fair comparison?

i mean co-op-wise
compare this with army of two, which game is better?

or is that even a fair comparison?

i mean co-op-wise

Probably not. Army of two was a really long hall-way the entire game, and merc 2 is open world.
I just beat it, took me about 70 hours, I didn't do any of the "side quests" so to speak but I'm doing those now, even killing Solano only puts you at about 62% completed.
I just beat it, took me about 70 hours, I didn't do any of the "side quests" so to speak but I'm doing those now, even killing Solano only puts you at about 62% completed.

Holy shit did you say 70 hours?
Was playing last night. Don't really like it as much as the first one. Probably, the novelty were off, the first was a great sandbox game from last gen, and a surprise coming from LucasArts/Pandemic. Now, somehow it just feels like every other shooter that's been released so far. Still think the characters are pretty cool even though they seem generic at first.I think I grew up or grew down -_-.
I just beat it, took me about 70 hours, I didn't do any of the "side quests" so to speak but I'm doing those now, even killing Solano only puts you at about 62% completed.

I'm going to ask one more time because this needs to be asked again, 70 HOURS??????
70 HOURS?!?!?!?!? are you shitting me i dont even think its been out that long (i know technically it has) but did you not sleep or something because i mean DAMN 70 hours that means i will be playing it for at least 4 months. But 70 HOURS dude you need to get a life (seriously)
Holy shit did you say 70 hours?

I'm going to ask one more time because this needs to be asked again, 70 HOURS??????

70 HOURS?!?!?!?!? are you shitting me i dont even think its been out that long (i know technically it has) but did you not sleep or something because i mean DAMN 70 hours that means i will be playing it for at least 4 months. But 70 HOURS dude you need to get a life (seriously)

My mom is on vacation and I have the house to my self, you would be surprised at how much gaming I can get in when I'm by my self. And yes, 70 hours, or at least that's what my game save is telling me, it could be wrong though?
wow that is a ridiculously long time. Wow man this is gunna keep me occupied for a while. now i regret just getting into GRiD because tommorow when Mercs comes (Yes i did overnight shipping from gamestop for 10 bucks and yes for pc) im gunna be playing this which is unfortunate because i got the wireless receiver thing for xbox controllers and now i can really play GRiD and actually able to control the car im not gunna be able to because i know that i am really gunna like mercs. But oh well.
My mom is on vacation and I have the house to my self, you would be surprised at how much gaming I can get in when I'm by my self. And yes, 70 hours, or at least that's what my game save is telling me, it could be wrong though?

I have to applaud your hardcore marathon gaming. Question though: Did you leave the game on while you were doing other things or something?
I have to applaud your hardcore marathon gaming. Question though: Did you leave the game on while you were doing other things or something?

No, not really. I did leave it on for about an hour while I went out to do an errand or two, but no longer than an hour and a half I'd say.
I picked up the game the other day and just started getting into it(360). I must say so far the game sucks.

I've had the AI just stare at me a few times while I shoot them.

I've had the AI sit their and take 2 or 3 mags without dieing as they unload into me(I manage to die)

Controls for the cars/bikes/etc need work.

I've seen a bunch of other glitches as well.

This is after the update via xbox live. Mind you this is an EA title so you can't expect it to run right but usually their console games are less buggy then the pc versions. Really pisses me off because this could have been much better. I mean the game is fun when it works but I've died a bunch of times because of bugs. I'm not very far in it and after the first hour I debated on selling it.
The PC version doesn't run for me. The intro video starts playing, it freezes (sound loop) and crashes to desktop.

Any ideas?
I picked up the game the other day and just started getting into it(360). I must say so far the game sucks.

I've had the AI just stare at me a few times while I shoot them.

I've had the AI sit their and take 2 or 3 mags without dieing as they unload into me(I manage to die)

Controls for the cars/bikes/etc need work.

I've seen a bunch of other glitches as well.

This is after the update via xbox live. Mind you this is an EA title so you can't expect it to run right but usually their console games are less buggy then the pc versions. Really pisses me off because this could have been much better. I mean the game is fun when it works but I've died a bunch of times because of bugs. I'm not very far in it and after the first hour I debated on selling it.

Just give it some time, I felt the same way at first but I changed my mind after getting in to it. Just wait till you start blowing lots of shit up with really big bombs.

The PC version doesn't run for me. The intro video starts playing, it freezes (sound loop) and crashes to desktop.

Any ideas?

I don't have this problem so I have no idea, you update your video drivers?
Got it tonight, and I am installing it as i type.

A buddy of mine was so hyped about the Co-Op gameplay that he sold me. So I went out and got it. Hopefully it is as kick ass as he says, blowing up buildings and grappling onto helos with a friend online...All these mixed reviews are scaring me though :(
Got it tonight, and I am installing it as i type.

A buddy of mine was so hyped about the Co-Op gameplay that he sold me. So I went out and got it. Hopefully it is as kick ass as he says, blowing up buildings and grappling onto helos with a friend online...All these mixed reviews are scaring me though :(

There's no way in hell I would EVER recommend the PC version - and this is coming from someone who prefers everything to be on PC. The controls are confusing and annoying, they don't tell you what they are. They just flash up symbols and expect you to know which key does what it's telling you to do. I couldn't ever hijack anything because the "tutorial" part of the game is useless. Also, the highest resolution it supports is 1280x720, it lags like fuck with water effects on and it over all looks super shitty on the PC. VERY disappointed with this piece of shit port.

The 360 on the other hand is very enjoyable, to me at least.
Don't forget to mention that if you mistakenly play online, all it does it dump some random nobody into your game who then proceeds to fuck everything up. I was trying to do the monster truck mission, and was near completing it when suddenly my screen went fuzzy and I was told I was too far from my partner.

What fucking partner? I'm playing the singleplayer, you cock. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR FUCKING LOGIN NONSENSE, EA. Cheers.
Funny this thread should pop up... I was actually going to post a thread of how big of a disappointment this game was. I RENT a game and it gives me buyer's remorse, that's pretty bad.

Basically the entire game disappointed me (except I must say the menu was cool). But the main things that got to me was the annoying cone of fire on the assault rifles (don't start with your realism debates, I get it - simple fact: guns are broken in this gun-based game) and the overuse of blur to mask mediocre graphics.
Funny this thread should pop up... I was actually going to post a thread of how big of a disappointment this game was. I RENT a game and it gives me buyer's remorse, that's pretty bad.

Basically the entire game disappointed me (except I must say the menu was cool). But the main things that got to me was the annoying cone of fire on the assault rifles (don't start with your realism debates, I get it - simple fact: guns are broken in this gun-based game) and the overuse of blur to mask mediocre graphics.

Hey realism aside the "cone of fire" the guns have sucks. An m16 doesn't have that bad of a spread.