No MPG Audio over HDMI


Aug 1, 2004
I just built a new pc with an ASUS P5N7A-VM motherboard with XP Pro (onbard nvidia 9300) and hooked it up to my Samsung LN46A650 using the onboard HDMI.

Looks freaking beautiful and sounds great when I watch AVI or MKV files.

Whenever I try to listen to mp3s or watch a mpg file I do not get any audio. I searched around but cannot find any settings to switch for this. A work around I found is to start an AVI file and then open the mpg file in a seperate instance of VLC (or mpc). I can then close the AVI video and the leave the MPG file playing and the audio comes through just fine.

Also I do not have audio for windows system sounds or for websites like pandora unless I do the AVI trick I noted above.

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? I read the other no audio over HDMI threads but they did not seem to cover this, and I don't think this is a PCM vs Bit Stream thing, seems more like a windows setting to me, but I cannot find where to change it. The audio setting in control panel is set to the HD audio signal.

Any help is highly appreciated.

I'm not sure about XP but with Vista as long as you set it in Control Panel Sound menu to HDMI then it should work. For avi's you can try installing AC3Filter and allowing SPDIF which usually lets you bitstream DTS & DD (Not DTS-HD or TrueHD).
The avi files work perfectly which is the confusing part. It seems like windows doesn't like sending the audio over the HDMI cable when it is from any sort of mpeg source (mp3 mpeg4 mpg etc).

Is there a place so set which audio hardware mpeg uses?
Only thing i have installed right now is VLC. I thought that had everything in it.
Only thing i have installed right now is VLC. I thought that had everything in it.

well it does but it does not. Try getting Media Player Classic-HC as that can be hardware accelerated and does work correctly to send audio out to the TV/Receiver. You should also try installing ffdshow-tryouts as they include codecs for you to use in Windows Media center, WMP, and such.