No USB on 4g iPod


Sep 27, 2003
When I try to plug my iPod in to my computers (2k sp2, 2k sp4) I get nothing except the charging indicator, but when I use firewire it works fine. But what I think is odd is that I don't even get a "DO NOT REMOVE" indicator even before I get into windows (like I do on firewire) which makes me think it's the cable.

I'm gonna try it on my machine at work (server 2k3) because I've had the USB work there before, I just wanted to see what [H] would say..

EDIT: All machines are on USB2

I recently bought a 4G 40Gig and had a similar issue. The usb worked, but the firewire didn't. It also locked up and skipped. I returned the unit and the new one works fine. I would double check the wire, but it sounds like apple is having quality control issues.
i have a 3g ipod that I seriously regret getting... I urge anyone looking at an ipod to consider alternatives, such as the creative nomad zen.
What's up with the ipod lately???

Mine has been perfectly fine playing like 2-3hrs minimum a day since June!
Damn. I would try the ipod update stuff from i did that on my 20 gig 3gen when i got it last week. works great so far.
I think it's the cable, because I tried it on the computer it worked on before and it doesn't now. But I'm gonna borrow my one friends USB cable (from their 3g) and see it that works, if not i'll make use of that applecare I paid for and demand a new cable next time i'm at the apple store. but other than that the unit works amazingly.