No work on Linux -Bigadv client


Jun 15, 2004
So as of this past weekend one of my systems is suddenly unable to get any work. I have restarted the system, rebooted the PC, pretty much done everything I can think of, including switching to -advmethods, then back to -bigadv after the regular smp unit was started, and still nothing. I just keep getting the same error over and over. Any ideas?

# Linux SMP Console Edition ###################################################

Folding@Home Client Version 6.29


Launch directory: /usr/local/fah
Executable: ./fah6
Arguments: -bigadv -smp 8

[22:24:13] - Ask before connecting: No
[22:24:13] - User name: Arentol (Team 33)
[22:24:13] - Machine ID: 1
[22:24:14] Loaded queue successfully.
[22:24:14] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[22:24:14] Cleaning up work directory
[22:24:14] + Attempting to get work packet
[22:24:14] Passkey found
[22:24:14] - Connecting to assignment server
[22:24:14] - Successful: assigned to (
[22:24:14] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[22:24:14] Loaded queue successfully.
[22:24:15] - Attempt #1 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[22:24:25] + Attempting to get work packet
[22:24:25] Passkey found
[22:24:25] - Connecting to assignment server
[22:24:25] - Successful: assigned to (
[22:24:25] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[22:24:25] Loaded queue successfully.
[22:24:26] - Attempt #2 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
probably have to reinstall the smp client if you havent already..
Just realized I forgot to mention this is a VM client. DOH.

Anyway, gonna kind of try what you mentioned sir, and delete the entire FAH folder and then replace it with a new folder with the original VMware I downloaded and start that one... Be back shortly to report on this.
ahh its the VM yeah id probably reinstall/start the client.. friggin VM clients to unstable for me to bother with it..
Yup, that did it. Totally wiped out the folder, copied the VM from my downloads folder, and reconfigured, and I am up and running. How stupid.

Thank you sirmonkey1985!!
I'm curious as to what you A2 -bigadv or an A3 -bigadv (2684 probably). ?
just so you know - you can run with the -verbosity 9 tag and it will show you a lot more info as to what its actually doing. though it looks like you already figured it out.