No work


Limp Gawd
Jan 25, 2003
Well out of my farm I have now 8 cpus looking for new work but not getting any. Any ideas if it is me or the problem at f@h.

Probably F@H. I had issues with it all weekend.

It's not just you, I am having the same problem. Major bottlenecks today. :(

One of my E2160's just dl-ed a 2605

Maybe the server I'm hitting is up? :confused:

Oh man that is going to piss me off... I mean come on... fastest way to lose people is to waste the resources we are donating... Grr Vijay Pande get it in gear! :p

I had the same problem. I deleted the 2 fah cores in the program files/f@h folder and it redownloaded one of them and it gave me a new wu.
I just completed a 28 hour SMP WU and can't even upload the results. Grr. My single-core boxen are still looking for work too.

All my 24 Linux SMP clients are uploading and downloading like normal with just the odd short delay.

I've heard that the Windoze server that issueing out small work-units is getting hammered at over 8,000 work-units per hour and this is having a knock-on effect on some of the other servers.
Stanford is working on it.

One trick to try is to either add or remove the advanced methods flag and see if you get sent to a different server.

Luck ............. :D

My Windoze boxen running Linux VM seemed to be updating properly.
Just uploaded WU and recv new 1.

Edit: Stats seem to be updated too
Finally managed to get my big SMP WU sent in. still no work for my P4 boxen though. Still getting the infamous server error.

Wonder if this has something to do with the mini WU they put our recently.

Well still no WU for some of my boxes, the slower ones that cant make the pref deadline with smp client

[00:01:44] + Attempting to get work packet
[00:01:44] - Connecting to assignment server
[00:01:44] Connecting to
[00:01:45] Posted data.
[00:01:45] Initial: 0000; - Successful: assigned to (
[00:01:45] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[00:01:45] Work Unit has an invalid address.
[00:01:45] - Error: Attempt #92 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
Finally some news from Vijay Pande:

We're looking into it. Assignment to means there are no jobs for your server. It looks like we had a server go down and were low on jobs on the other servers. We're working to get that server back up ASAP, but we've also freed up some reserve jobs for now (although it will take a little time for them to come on line).

[00:01:44] + Attempting to get work packet
[00:01:44] - Connecting to assignment server
[00:01:44] Connecting to
[00:01:45] Posted data.
[00:01:45] Initial: 0000; - Successful: assigned to (
[00:01:45] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[00:01:45] Work Unit has an invalid address.
[00:01:45] - Error: Attempt #92 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.

By the looks of that log file you might want to go back and do a -configonly and where it asks if you want to use IE settings change that to a "no". Unless working through a proxy or some other wierd issues it will probably make your connection faster and more reliable.;)

By the looks of that log file you might want to go back and do a -configonly and where it asks if you want to use IE settings change that to a "no".
Yup, noticed that shortly after I posted. Thanks. :cool:

Meanwhile, my little P4 finally downloaded a WU.. it seems a bit chunky compared to the little 1, 7, 10, and 15 point WUs it was working on up until now. Currently working on 3408 (R1, C969, G5) - 388p.

my SMPs are both inside Linux VMs. I'm hoping that it is limited to the Windows clients.

Worse case scenario, I've got two F@H clients with WU that they can work on. I keep extra F@H clients with WU in the queue for just such an occassion. I always turn them in before their due date so no issues there.

I sincerly hope that my lappy gets an non "chewy" one. It's had two in a row and my PpD on that box is down to 1200 from 1450.

Yup, noticed that shortly after I posted. Thanks. :cool:

Meanwhile, my little P4 finally downloaded a WU.. it seems a bit chunky compared to the little 1, 7, 10, and 15 point WUs it was working on up until now. Currently working on 3408 (R1, C969, G5) - 388p.

Not only no work but Stanford while updating the individual stats is putting out nothing for to use. Maybe we will get lucky and stanford will output the last update of the day:rolleyes:

Not only no work but Stanford while updating the individual stats is putting out nothing for to use. Maybe we will get lucky and stanford will output the last update of the day:rolleyes:

I stopped holding my breath on that a long time ago. We've only got one update left for the day and I'm willing to bet that this problem will continue to tomorrow.

My SMP client inside a Linux VM just wrapped up a WU and picked up a new one without missing a beat. Maybe this issue is limited in scope.

All the boxen I had waiting have picked up work... and I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but all of them were getting the tiny (4 point) wu's yesterday, and now it's a bunch of 3408's.... odd.

Both my console clients finally picked up work about 2 hours ago. It's not the small WUs that I've been blowing through either. Both are moving a ta pace of about 30-60 minutes per percent, so they are some of the larger ones I've pulled since I started.
Got home from work to see alot of my clients are not getting any work. I keep getting attached to, which says it is up. Anyone else having problems.

None here for me.... and I just finished reformatting two of my XP boxen and got two of the classic clients running no problem.....

Sorry to hear about your troubles... but from what it looks like there are some pretty big problems on Stanfords end right now.... stats not updating correctly, the new wu's are all screwed up and so on.....

Yeah, Vijay said he may have to do some drastic measures to fix the problems which might include pulling a lot of the small WUs.

Yeah, Vijay said he may have to do some drastic measures to fix the problems which might include pulling a lot of the small WUs.
I haven't been able to DL any WUs on my console clients today, but when I increased the RAM by adding modules, I was able to DL the standard 300 point WUs. I don't want to fold these, though. They take over a week and sometimes the machine can't handle them. Has anyone else not been able to DL the new small WUs?

Has anyone else not been able to DL the new small WUs?

I haven't been able to not download the damn things.... seems like they're all I've been getting for the last few days...... weird.....

It's a bit frustrating because most of my boxen complete the 300-343 point units in two to three days.... oh well..

I haven't been able to not download the damn things.... seems like they're all I've been getting for the last few days...... weird.....

It's a bit frustrating because most of my boxen complete the 300-343 point units in two to three days.... oh well..
It might be the flags you have or the amount of system memory. I will remove the extra RAM I added and see if that makes a difference...
It might be the flags you have or the amount of system memory. I will remove the extra RAM I added and see if that makes a difference...

That's a good point, but here is another thought. I have to wonder if the 45XX wu's are really the "bonus" units.... If you have to have the -advmethods set, then I don't think they are, because one of my *nix boxen doesn't and I have been getting them back to back for several days... so that would lead me to believe that they aren't the "bonus" units after all....

And I just reconfirmed that I do not have the -advmethods set on that box.... odd...

The way I understood a post by Vijay the other day, the bonus units haven't started yet. He only mentioned they'd be coming soon. I'm pretty sure he'd announce it when they started flowing.

Okay... thanks...

I think I posted my above post in the wrong thread:confused:

There was some discussion in another thread about the 45XX units and I got mixed up....

That's a good point, but here is another thought. I have to wonder if the 45XX wu's are really the "bonus" units.... If you have to have the -advmethods set, then I don't think they are, because one of my *nix boxen doesn't and I have been getting them back to back for several days... so that would lead me to believe that they aren't the "bonus" units after all....
I believe you are correct here. Stanford hasn't officially announced the release of these bonus units yet. Besides, the small WUs do not grant a significant PPD increase, from what I've seen.

And I just reconfirmed that I do not have the -advmethods set on that box.... odd...
I have tried a few new installations with different settings and I think I have the combination that results in DL the small WUs. If you have your client set to accept small packets and -advmethods is off, you will receive the small WUs. I tried running the client without advmethods and it still DL the standard ~300pt WUs if 'big packets' was chosen. So, the key seems to be the packet size. As always, YMMV.

I have tried a few new installations with different settings and I think I have the combination that results in DL the small WUs. If you have your client set to accept small packets and -advmethods is off, you will receive the small WUs. I tried running the client without advmethods and it still DL the standard ~300pt WUs if 'big packets' was chosen. So, the key seems to be the packet size. As always, YMMV.
Confirmed. I just edited the client.cfg file of another client and changed the big packets to 'no' and it DL a small WU. If you don't want to process these WUs then you should try to change the packet size in the client.cfg file.
Dude, your message is being deleted and it's the second thread I noticed where that happened. It must be your bookmark badge. It will do that to me if I quote someone's post and then click the bookmark. Try using the quick reply box at the bottom of the page instead. Your post will be preserved.