No, Your ISP Doesn't Own the Internet

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
You have to admit that this story is funny because it is so stupid. Why would your ISP have to tell you that it doesn’t own the internet? Or back up your hard drive? What other funny stuff does YOUR internet service provider stipulate in their TOS?

In their subscriber contracts, some Internet providers explicitly absolve themselves of obligations that, it seems, no one would imagine they had in the first place. For instance, Verizon Communications Inc. makes broadband subscribers agree that the company assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of things they may read on the Internet, or receive in e-mails.
Mine specifically states I cannot hold them responsible for offensive material I may see on the internet.
Doesnt suprise me, back when I used to do support for SWBell dial up and ISDN internet years and YEARS ago. It never ceased to amaze me how many customers thought the internet resided AT our location. I had more than one customer call up and ask if we could reboot the internet
It's all to save their ass if someone wants to put blame on the ISP for when they're kid visits a porn site or something. ISP's are the gateway to the Internet and some whack-jobs will feel it's necessary for ISP's to protect their customers and kin from such "travesties."

It's not shocking at all to see TOS that read like that. They're going to offer you a way to the Internet and everything you see, do, or visit is up to you and the law.

I guess it can be looked at from another stand point that McDonald's now puts "Hot" on their coffee lids after an incident.
Those who are not in a support role of some sort have no idea what people are like. I work for my local cable company doing field tech support(meaning I go to your house when your tv, cable modem or phone isn't working and fix it or install the services) and people surprise me all the time with what they hold us accountable for. When people think of their ISP they think of the whole internet. I many times have to explain to them that we provide just the road to the net, not the net itself and our road stops once traffic hits other servers and routers.
You mean that 'come steal all my shit" add on Craigslist wasn't real? But I saw in on the intrawebz!
Lawyers are not intelligent enough to think of these things on their own, which means that the only reason they're in the TOS is because someone has blamed the ISP for it in the past.
Lawyers are not intelligent enough to think of these things on their own, which means that the only reason they're in the TOS is because someone has blamed the ISP for it in the past.

I'm sure there was some substantial lawsuit, which stipulated that and won quite a bit. That's usually the only reason to put something as explicit as that down on a TOS. So that a same thing wouldnt' happen to another company.
In their subscriber contracts, some Internet providers explicitly absolve themselves of obligations that, it seems, no one but an attorney at law would imagine they had in the first place.

fixed it for ya
For good measure I sabotaged the gestation period of wombats.... but someone else aslo did it?! WHO??!?!? I KNOW YOU'RE HERE!
The reason it's there is because if it wasn't, you know there would be a lawsuit somewhere suing them for PORN or Nazi websites or something. Some people don't seem to understand the concept of the Internet...
I'm still chuckled by a lady that I recommended to drop AOL for a local ISP.
She replied with something along the lines of "Oh no I want to keep AOL because I want access to the whole Internet nationwide, not just the Local Internet in town. I wan't to be able to send emails to my daughter in California" :confused: