NOD32 + Vista x64 = 32 bit app crash


Jun 1, 2002
Just wanted to post this in case anyone else runs across this issue with Vista x64.

Last week, I booted my machine only to have every 32 bit app requesting internet access crash. Firefox would load, give a socket error and when I closed it, it would crash. Same with IE7, thunderbird, gaim, etc. Windows update, ping facilities, etc all worked (64 bit).

I looked through my installed software to try to pinpoint anything that might cause the crashes. Googled a bit and found a forum post regarding IMON causing app crashes in Vista x64. Disabling IMON didn't do anything, but uninstalling NOD32 fixed the issue.

So... if you're running NOD32 and you're getting 32-bit application crashes or socket errors in Vista x64, you might try removing NOD32.

Bummer, though, because I've used NOD32 for years.
Sorry to hear you're having problems with NOD32.

Like yourself, I am running Vista x64 and NOD32 without any problems. All my 32-bit programs work well.

Maybe you are using an older version?
Had also no problems running Vista x64 and NOD32 untill one good day... That day all 32 bit apps lost internet access, just like m0unds'. So I did uninstall NOD32 and everything got back on track. Later downloaded latest NOD32 version and installed back - everything is working fine so long.