Nokia Music Bench

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Stuck waiting for a bus somewhere? This Nokia Music Bench comes to the rescue! Each bench will have an “attendant” and by attendant I mean a person playing live songs to drown out your digital music selection. Hopefully the attendant will have a can of Lysol handy as well to wipe down the headphones after each use.
I would NOT want to sit on a bench with someone looking like that sitting on the arm-rest...
Clown Bench, brought to you by nokia. How many people can sit on it at one time?
OMFG further proof that most marketing people are on seriously strong medication (and need much much more apparently) .

houston we have a problem

i wanna be the person that puts on the headphone after the one that has ear mites

Go Nokia!
After reading the article it makes sense it's only in the UK... Because I just plain don't understand what is going on here. That includes 90% of their "humor" which I don't get/think is funny either.
After reading the article it makes sense it's only in the UK... Because I just plain don't understand what is going on here. That includes 90% of their "humor" which I don't get/think is funny either.

I like British humor, but I still don't get this.