Non-Deal of the Day

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Sony is giving Bravia owners a chance to download a movie early for free (to rent, not keep) if they buy a new TV or Blu-ray player. If you already bought one of these items, you can still get the online rental but it will cost $24.95. This wouldn’t be so bad if it was an actual Blu-ray disc, a month early…but a rental for $25? Is this something you guys are interested in?

Since this is an online rental, you’ll need to have a Bravia HDTV with networking capability, either built in or thanks to being attached to the Bravia Internet Video Link, or the BDP-N460 Network Blu-ray player. People who buy one of these devices between now and January 4 will get a break, scoring the rental for free.
This is dumb. Just got up on BD,DVD and a digital copy for $20 to KEEP from WallyWorld. $20 for all three is not bad to me.
The price is way to high, no doubt about it. But you have to look at it from a Companies standpoint. Movie theaters are still the number one advertiser for Movie companies (sony, warner, Universal, etc), killing them buy letting people watch at home doesnt make sound finacial sense just yet. Rental is huge, no doubt about it, but will rental be able to take over when the theaters die out? We already have people who buy LP's becuase "sound is warmer" there will be people who think a 50 foot sledom in focus screen 100 feet away is better then a 60inch HDTV screen 10 feet away. Right now marketing a movie in home at the same time as theaters (or almost same time) is a HUGE gamble. Most likley theater owners are going to take some kind of action. Refuse to show movies by the rental company, etc.. (its happening iwth game downloads right now). Lets look at simple math- A movie is $8-10 per person, not including the food (basicly double, but we wont count that). So 2 people going to a movie is $20. I belive i read somplace most movie tickets are sold in pairs. I would guess that marketing looks at it that way (to a degree at least, i know pure per ticket sales is the end resault no matter what). Movie rentals on day one, to start with limited devices that can do it. Possability of theaters not showing said movie (some at least). You gotta protect that bottom line somehow, and thats the price.

Again I agree, way to much, no interest myself (Netflix has it down, if they could just increase the movie list). But i sure dont condem them from trying it. Some fool alwasy buys the the lastest video card even if its 10% improvment form 1000% price increase. marketing guys love early adopters.

And with all that said, alot of fail in this one i think.Nobody or very few will purchase a view for $25.
IF this were a movie I were interested in watching; and
IF the movie were available for streaming while it was fresh in the theater; and
IF I could find a two-hour block where my family and I could sit down together;


maybe. But probably not for $25.
They are friggin idiots. Thus, this is what is wrong with Hollywood. And why they don't understand why the world of torrents is growing.
Typical Sony responce to growing deeper in the red, bring out something "new'ish" then charge a shit ton for it...
I am an avid Blu-Ray/DVD movie buyer and there is NO way I would ever pay $25 for a rental even if it was still being shown in the theater. I don't even want to pay the current movie theater ticket prices cause I get a better experience in my home theater. Most of the time I wait for the BR disc to be release rather than even going to the theater cause I'd rather use the money I would have spent at the theater towards buying and keeping the movie. I think I have spent at most $23 to buy a BR movie. They'd have to make it <= $5 for me to even consider "renting" it early from them.
Thats a pretty good deal.....for Sony. Sony and the other chaps are getting nailed for price fixing the Blu-Ray. So for the price of a over priced Blu Ray player they also want to squeeze anther $25 out of you. Will Sony ever stop. or is it so large that one division doesn't know what the other division is doing .Reminds me of IBM a few years ago, until they refocused and went back to their roots and worked on what they were good at.
Ya, I purchase alot of blu rays and subscribe to netflix blu ray for around 11$ a month but I also agree that I would never spend that amount for a rental of any kind. Why pay that price when I could be 1 if not 2 blu rays for that price?

Ya, I purchase alot of blu rays and subscribe to netflix blu ray for around 11$ a month, and I also agree that I would never spend that amount for a rental of any kind. Why pay that price when I could be 1 if not 2 blu rays for that price.

maybe if I drank a 12 pack that would sound like something I would want.

seriously wtf?
Sony is retarded, only a few rich people will do this.

It's just going to piss people off when they refuse to release it for sale on physical discs. Because it's going to show that hey we have this technology available for you now, but you can't buy it.. well why the HELL would you rent something you can buy later for same cost or LESS?

People will just go to the theatre to see it on a gargantuan screen. very very few will actually do this.

They're trying to create a new service line, that will truely almost cost them nothing.. just to squeeze a few bucks.
IMO the most ridiculous thing is that they are giving it to people if they replace their Sony product, or is this just some 'deal' to encourage people to spend more money on the newer Sony products?
Yeah, this rental will be the first thing I do right after I buy a Tesla automobile and scale Mount Everest wearing a gold-plated Speedo.
It's really not that bad of a deal, if the movie is in theatres. Say you've got a 50 inch TV and 6 friends that want to watch a movie. Well, there you go. instead of spending 60 bucks + food and drink (altogether), you can spend 25 bucks + like 10 bucks for way better food than the theatre have a better experience to boot. Why is this ridiculous?
It's really not that bad of a deal, if the movie is in theatres. Say you've got a 50 inch TV and 6 friends that want to watch a movie. Well, there you go. instead of spending 60 bucks + food and drink (altogether), you can spend 25 bucks + like 10 bucks for way better food than the theatre have a better experience to boot. Why is this ridiculous?

In that perspective and if you're lucky enough to have such a setup, or a friend with such a setup and nice enough to share it, then that works out.

But if you're not, it may not break down so nicely.
And they wonder why people are pirating movies... $25 to rent a crap movie, even if its still a month away from home release, its like sony just spat in my face for even suggesting it.