Non-gaming LCD?


Jan 5, 2003
This is a gift for my mother, who doesn't play any games other than online card games. She does spend a lot of her time on the computer for work however (word processing/internet browsing). Most of the discussion here is about monitors for gaming, but I don't want to pay for something with a low response time when something cheaper will do the same thing.

It needs to be at least 17", and the cheaper the better. :p I would prefer to buy from somewhere local (best buy, compusa, etc) so I can exchange it easily in case she doesn't like it.
If she's not gaming or doing imaging (both of which would be better served by using a CRT but anyway)... then whichever cheap LCD is probably going to be fine. Envision, Sony, Samsung, NEC, LG. Whoever has something cheap and gets decent reviews. I can't think of anything specific but someone here will have some ideas I'm sure.
just get the cheapest one you can find, and make sure you dont get it from somewhere like compusa where you'll have to pay a restocking fee to exchange it.
I'm going to stop by best buy tomorrow and see if they have any of the 712N in stock. It's only $380 after MIR and seems like a really good monitor (probably too good, but the cheapest 17" lcd's are around the same price). How is best buy with returns/dead pixels?