noob CSS/HTML website question


May 3, 2008
okay i just uploaded all of my pages, images, css files, and all that jazz to my domain. When i go to the home page (index.html) everything comes up fine, but when i go to any other page on my website it looks as if the CSS file is not there. No frames no background nothing.

The home page is using one css file and everything else is using another css file.

Im stumped.

Any ideas?
After another hour of staring at this screen i finally figgured it out. It was a sneaky little syntax error i had in the html file.

I am open to suggestions on the website still if anyone has any input.
Well, the header image code is missing completely (it isn't CSS, its an IMG tag). Also, for the headers you are using H1 on the home page but H2 on the other pages which explains why they aren't similarly styled.

IMG code that is on home page but not the others, inside the header DIV:

<img width="550" height="325" alt="" src="Fisher land surveying.jpg"/>
I would also make a footer div for that bottom image, the "Copyright ....." image. Just so it stays at the bottom of the page rather than kind of hanging out half way up for those of us that use high resolutions.