Noob TF2 Question


Apr 18, 2007
I feel kind of stupid asking this, but, what the heck. It's not like I have any reputation to defame!

So I got The Orange Box over Christmas when Steam had their big sale. While I'm not a FPS fan, generally, Portal had peaked my interest and at $37 for all those games, you can hardly go wrong. Anyway, I've been playing Half-Life 2 and Portal so I figured that I had better try out TF2 as well. So I open up the game and I have to pick a server. There is no explanation (that I see) as to how I'm supposed to pick one. I've Googled and I opened up the 'manual' via Steam, but there really is no explanation. So I sorted the list by latency, picked one, started playing, and was quickly cussed out for being a 'f**king idiot' and not knowing how to play. Not exactly how I like to spend my limited free time!

A couple questions then, is there a method to picking a server? Are there better servers than others? How is somebody supposed to improve at this game? I'm assuming there is no single player tutorial mode. Are there servers intended for multiplayer FPS neophytes like myself? Or, is it a sort of trial by fire, get in there, take your lumps and improve or quit?

Thanks for the help!
Just play the solider class, they are probably the easiest class to start with. You get a rocket launcher...and you kill people with it. Watch the map tutorials after joining a server, it explains what your objective(s) is in that map.
Haha just ignore what everybody else says in the game, or even on the internet in general. Everyone was new to it at some point, but if they get into the game they can easily forget that fact. Just find a low latency server and practice until you get better!
Hehe.....Your not the idiot bro.....they are......take it with a grain of salt and move on to another server, there are HUNDREDS to choose from. You just happened to find one with some dickheads.

Think of it this way.....EVERYONE starts out a NEWB.

Some advice though.....Some classes are a bit more trickier to play than others, such as the Spy and Engineer. Those classes take a bit of pre-thinking and above all, knowing the map layout, which will only happen the more you play.

TF2 is a very EXTREME badass game. Do NOT give up on it because of a few assholes, or then YOU will become the idiot for quiting.

I play about 90% as the Heavy, regardless of knowing how to play other classes and been playing since its release, I STILL prefer to play the Heavy.

I have no set server I play on. I just look for a server who's player base is above 15 and try to join. Personally though, if I were to choose a server, Id have to choose Jiggly's Fun House (i think thats how its spelled). Ive yet to have a bad time there. Every now and then though, even on that server, you get some dickhead who thinks they are ALL THAT and then some. Its a game. Have fun....after all, thats what you paid for to begin with, right?

I play at night (usually) under the name [H]Saw. Put me in your friends and look me up sometime. If you see me online, just click the name to join game and it will save you having to hunt me down in a server. :)
Cool, that's about what I figured. Like I said, I'm normally not a FPS fan, but I actually find TF2 (for the little I've played) a really fun game. I like the retro style of it and it just seems like good stupid fun!

Thanks a lot!
Yea as all above really.

With server selection when you're starting off, try to head for more Public servers, like not the clan run ones. In the UK we have Jolt and multiplay, I'd use the latency/region filter and then sort by name, there will be half a dozen " - TF2 sever-valve maps" types, these are "public" servers (opposed to "[**Ki2**]Killing Grounds clan server-custom maps" for example) .

Here you will find a lot more newer players, more of similar ability. Makes it more even contest, and gives you a chance to learn. Although it does progress your skill to be playing better players, there is no point/fun in getting constantly owned.

Once you find a server you like, add it favourites/history, saves the searching next time.

Also you can familiarise yourself with the map (and classes) in single player mode, create a server, choose your map and run round as a scout (fast) to learn the terrain. Knowing where to go & where enemy are going to come from is invaluable.

Above all, it really is a kick ass game, give it chance, ignore the muppets (better players should be trying to help, not moan) and Have fun :)
Theres also a mute button for when people start getting a little chatty ;)
I feel your pain but I also understand others getting mad at newbs, this game is very VERY frustrating if you're lumped with a load of bad players.

Make sure you watch the tutorial vids at the start of the map, they explain your basic mission, then grab a class as previously mentioned the soldier is the basic attack class who is simple to use, and let rip.

In general I dont get mad at players who can't aim or whatever, it's just those that don't fight along side me, it gets a little tiresome when you're at the front line and noone on your team is there to help you. If you can master walking foward towards the important areas of the map and shooting at enemies you'll do just fine, the better players can worry about the rest.
Thanks for all the help, the game is a ton more fun than I thought it would be! I played for a while today and actually really like the medic class. It's a lot of fun to make a heavy or soldier invulnerable and watch him go to town!
I personally really like the -=Q=- Clan (the symbol's something like that) family of servers. They are routinely full however, so I have them all fav'ed.

I play as [H]RoboticPotPie on there.
My server picking method is usually to pick from ones that can hold less then 8 people and have a high latency (4 digits to be on the safe side)
Thanks for all the help, the game is a ton more fun than I thought it would be! I played for a while today and actually really like the medic class. It's a lot of fun to make a heavy or soldier invulnerable and watch him go to town!

Glad ya stuck with it dude.

Also wanted to mention, since people have been saying to use the Soldier, as its a basic class.....I know this is an old tip to other TF2 players, but thought Id mention it here for you, and simply that is, when ya shoot at someone as the Soldier....try to shoot at their feet or at the wall next to them. Shooting straight at them makes it too easy to step outta the way. Even myself as a Heavy, I can see them coming at me and I can still move out of their way.

TF2 is the most fun I have had online in so many years. Its basic enough anyone can become decent pretty quickly yet has a lot of little things that take time and skill to be good at. And its funny.

Your fine, I hate people who stomp on the new players. Play whatever class you think sounds most fun and learn it, while your playing and watching what is going on you will pick up the basics of the other classes and can start moving around. After a couple of games if you have about 30 brain cells you should be able to pick it up :)

As to servers I always sort by ping and then pick one that has players on it. You of course want the one with the lowest ping and around 16 - 24 players depending on map and your size prefrence.

Enjoy it, its a great game!