Normal idle and load temps on FX-53.


Jul 23, 2004
My idle temp is 52C
Load reaches to 63C

Is this normal?

I'm worried because its not summer yet in So Cal and its reaching its danger limit (i heard 70C is bad)..
It's about 19C so it's like about 20-25C in my room right now. I might have applied the thermal paste incorrect so i'm thinking of doing it again. But my main question is, i would like to install watercooling on it but i have absolutely no experience. I wouldn't mind having somebody do it for me but i have no idea who. (If you live in Los Angeles, got lots of experience installing watercool and would like to make money, let me know). But if i have to do it myself what do i need, how much money am i spending, and how do you do it? Sorry that im a noob in this subject but thanks for looking into this and replying anyway.
I dont know if your temps are normal or not, but being me, I would want real low temps.

Did you build your computer yourself? If so... then you've already got the mind for building a water cooling setup. Some of the ideas behind it are the same... you have to research all of the parts you want, get the best you need for what you are going to spend and so on.

I would think it should be a pretty fun project. I am looking into water cooling and all of that now myself. It was a lot to look at at first, but after letting it sink in its really pretty easy.

You could go with a pre-designed system or pick out individual pieces. I would suggest building a watercooling setup though.

Hope this helps you some :D
You did something wrong. Or you have absolutely no air flow in your case :p. What thermal paste did you use? Did you remove the thermal pad on the heatsink first? How much thermal paste did you put on? Check your mounting and try again, those temps are way too high, especially if you aren't overclocked :cool:
Mr. K6 said:
You did something wrong. Or you have absolutely no air flow in your case :p. What thermal paste did you use? Did you remove the thermal pad on the heatsink first? How much thermal paste did you put on? Check your mounting and try again, those temps are way too high, especially if you aren't overclocked :cool:

Im using Arctic 5 silver, but i guess i applied the thermal paste wrong. Instead of putting a dab in the middle, i spread a thin layer of the thermal paste from corner to corner. I reapplied the thermal paste just now. Hopefully i did it right this time. I cleaned the processor and the heatsink with 91% isopropyl alcohol, then applied the thermal paste with the size of a rice right in the the middle. Then dropped the heatsink right directly and turned the heatsink clockwise and counter 1 degree or so. As of now, running exactly for 10 minutes, Asus probe is registering that i'm idling at 45C with a case temp of 26C.
Ahhh, ASUS board. Check the BIOS or update it; unless I'm mistaken their temp sensors are always off :confused:
38c idle and 41c load on water cooling (low flow) but the board temp sensor you have may be off. These temps were taken from probs i made for my waterblock