North Korea Makes Mobile Phone Users 'War Criminals'


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
As if things in North Korea aren’t bad enough, now if you are fortunate enough to own a cell phone, you aren’t allowed to use it during the 100- day mourning period for deceased dictator Kim Jong-il. If you do, you are considered a war criminal and go straight to the salt mines…..or whatever they have there. :D

The regime has been weakened by years of economic mismanagement and stagnation and there are apparently fears in Pyongyang that the death of Kim could trigger public unrest.
They are to be sent to the dilithium mining colony on Rura Penthe where they will serve the rest of their life sentence
I was blown away when I found out laura ling spent a couple months in a north korean prison.

Those douchebags are crazy, of course so are reporters who play that close to the borders of hostile nations. Still, that chick has balls.
The cell phones North Korean's get are probably from South Korea. South Korean's actually put mobile phones on balloons and float them over to N Korea so that the people up their can see what they're missing. The cell phones give them access to the outside world.

By making it a war crime to use a cell phone means that this must be working.
You think that''s bad, just wait till you see what Obama does if/when he loses the election.
You guys ever heard of NDAA? Get ready, you can be classified as a terrorist in the good old US of A. It's another thing that Barry signed into law. The other one is revocation of citizenship, and I can't remember the name, signed right after NDAA. (National Defense Authorization Act) Also, give us all your guns, terrorists can not own guns.

And there is no legal recourse, you just disappear.
You think that''s bad, just wait till you see what Obama does if/when he loses the election.

The Republicans have yet to field a viable candidate and the more debates that they have, the worse they make themselves look. I'm not thrilled by the idea of four more years of Obama, but even Bush could probably beat Romney or Gingrich...
You think that''s bad, just wait till you see what Obama does if/when he loses the election.

It's not Obama that you have to worry about, it's his fanatic followers. Everyone on msnbc, their heads will spontaneously explode. Hordes of deluded s will be rioting in the streets and/or throwing themselves off cliffs. The oceans will rise and the rivers will turn to blood, the glaciers will all melt, and all the fish in seas will die. Least that's what I heard on NPR :)

The upshot here is, if we get Gingrich in office, we all have WW3 to look forward to. So, at least we have that going for us!

Oh yeah, this thread was about N Korea. Um, yeah...guess it could be worse .
You guys ever heard of NDAA? Get ready, you can be classified as a terrorist in the good old US of A. It's another thing that Barry signed into law. The other one is revocation of citizenship, and I can't remember the name, signed right after NDAA. (National Defense Authorization Act) Also, give us all your guns, terrorists can not own guns.

And there is no legal recourse, you just disappear.
Then I'll just come back as an immigrant and live the easy life! :p (I've actually semi-jokingly contemplated this for several years considering how hard it's been to get the help and benefits (and how much I've been screwed out of) I'm entitled to as a disabled US citizen (on noes I used the "E" word!). They'd probably roll out the red carpet for me if I returned as an immigrant...Hell, they might even make me President! :p ).
North Korea is amazing. It's like a modern day history lesson. A country that secluded itself from most of the world, is a brutal dictatorship, and is heavily militarized. It essentially keeps its population in prison, forced to worship some guy. It's like 10 times worse than Iraq ever was. We go into Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon probably Iran, yet here is North Korea a legitimately evil place that universally everyone would probably be in favor of getting rid of.

I read stories of North Korea building multistory structures as well as houses and stuff just outside the DMZ, but instead of actually making them livable, would basically leave the inside entirely empty. They were essentially nothing but shells used by North Korea to make it look like they're living happily. Someone is assigned to turn on and off the lights as well as the large speaker system that blasts North Korean propaganda to South Korea. It's pretty ridiculous. Here's the link

So much can be learned from North Korea. And we're sitting here thinking about attacking Iran? North Korea is 10x worse and everyone knows it.
I wouldn't doubt this coming from North Korea. That place is an enigma.

Just look at the satellite images of Pyongyang, North Korea on Google maps.

Ever play Sim City and just put shit at completely random spots? Yeah, it's kinda like that.
So much can be learned from North Korea. And we're sitting here thinking about attacking Iran? North Korea is 10x worse and everyone knows it.

North Korea has a massive Army waiting to crush the South, and possibly Nuclear Weapons...making them very dangerous to attack. They also have no easy way to put a stranglehold on the world energy supply like Iran does. So, no one cares.
The cell phones North Korean's get are probably from South Korea. South Korean's actually put mobile phones on balloons and float them over to N Korea so that the people up their can see what they're missing. The cell phones give them access to the outside world.

By making it a war crime to use a cell phone means that this must be working.

I find the whole assertion illogical. Cell phone operate off of tranceving "cells". The range of a cell is only a few miles and then if you are moving you are handing off to the next cell.
Making cell technology work requires a massive infrastructure. You have to have a cell tower every few miles. This technology is commercial and always funded by subscriptions bases service. Governments have little use of it. I don't see any conceivable reason for north Korea to have a cell phone infrastructure in place considering that harsh regime. That communist country is so poor they can barely feed their population much less spend money a cell phone infrastructure. And they are not about to let private enterprise accomplish anything there.
North Korea is amazing. It's like a modern day history lesson. A country that secluded itself from most of the world, is a brutal dictatorship, and is heavily militarized. It essentially keeps its population in prison, forced to worship some guy. It's like 10 times worse than Iraq ever was. We go into Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon probably Iran, yet here is North Korea a legitimately evil place that universally everyone would probably be in favor of getting rid of.
I read stories of North Korea building multistory structures as well as houses and stuff just outside the DMZ, but instead of actually making them livable, would basically leave the inside entirely empty. They were essentially nothing but shells used by North Korea to make it look like they're living happily. Someone is assigned to turn on and off the lights as well as the large speaker system that blasts North Korean propaganda to South Korea. It's pretty ridiculous. Here's the link
So much can be learned from North Korea. And we're sitting here thinking about attacking Iran? North Korea is 10x worse and everyone knows it.

The men behind 911 were not North Korean communists.
I'm glad agree with Ronald Reagan in the assertion that communist regimes are "Evil Empires" but bankrupt North Korea is little threat compared to a world wide (anti-west) radical Islamic movement.
The reasons the United States is in Iraq and the rest was to squash the radical brand of Islamic terrorism.
I agree with many that it is a fools errand the way they are going about it. The only way to defeat is to wipe out all Muslims since the terrorists are carrying out the "holy war" that Mohammad instructs them to from the Koran.
In that respect they are being faithful and obedient Muslims.
The efforts in the middle east is to "Terra-form" Islamic countries in to free democratic societies. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. Muslims will always live under a theocratic state because that is what their religion dedicates. You will notice that the "reforms" in Muslim states like are in favor of a more radical form of an Islamic theocracy not more democratic reforms.
Salt mines is pretty close. they have, last i checked, 17 operating concentration or "reeducation" camps.

Its hard to support a military that large, and feed your people, when they are trained from birth that the party (run by gods) will provide.
Saw this over on and this post from Paul Zhaurov basically sums it up :

You guys clearly don't understand how things work in socialist countries. My family comes from the former USSR. It's not so simple to stage a revolution. The people do not weep for "Dear leader" because "Dear leader" was a great man. They weep because if they don't, the secret police will take them away and they will never be seen again. Did you know that, based on security camera footage, anyone caught not crying when "Dear leaders" body was on display, was actively identified, tracked down, and taken away and sent either to a concentration (labor) camp or put to death?

Now you know why people cry. The whole thing is a sham, and gullible idiots around the world who don't understand that there are other, far worse situations to live in than a somewhat corrupt democracy, think that the people like their system of government. No. Nobody likes it. Just like in the USSR, very few people actually supported the damn system. It is, and was all based on fear. Nobody organizes a revolution, because the government ruthlessly stamps it out and brutalizes not only YOU, but your entire FAMILY, if you so much as entertain any notion of dissent. My Father was almost taken by the KGB once, because some dude ratted him out and made things up about him. During Stalins times it was WAY WORSE. Read about how Stalin treated General Zhukov, arguably the general who single handily orchestrated the decisive victories for the USSR against Hitler's forces on the Eastern front. Stalin had him slandered, his men who FOUGHT IN THE WAR, under his command, captured and tortured, friends and family threatened, by the secret police in order to force them to sign statements against Zhukov. He did all this because he was paranoid. Stalin had his first two heads of KGB killed by various means. Stalin sent millions of people to their deaths. He killed anyone intelligent enough or learned enough to understand what he was doing, and in the process also made the war against Germany extremely harsh and brutal. Hitler's blitzkrieg could have been halted if Russia actually prepared in advance, as many INTELLIGENT people at the time pointed out. What did those people get? A trip to Siberia. Many engineers and scientists who developed very advanced weapons at the time, that could have rivaled Nazi German sophistication, were put to death, or sent to Siberia. In the end, Russia was totally unprepared for what any sane person KNEW was inevitable. It got to the point that, even as Hitlers mechanized army rolled through Russia, people who survived and raced ahead to warn of what was coming, were labeled liars and in some cases put to death. It's a bloody miracle Russia survived, and speaks volumes of the people and the land; not of Stalin. They survived despite him.

And North Korea is worse. Way way worse. N. Korean people exist under conditions right out of Stalinist Russia. You just don't see any of it, due to censorship. I find it absurd how fat, lazy, uneducated Americans who preach from on high about their western morals, understand nothing of history and the conditions other people exist under, talk smack about our great nation and make any sort of pretense of treating N. Korea as a civilized country. We should be frothing at the mouth to go over their and topple that regime, not sitting here complaining about first world countries. We should be happy to spread democracy, not bending over backward to dictators who create hell on earth for their people. God knows, my family came here to escape it, and here we see our own home brew socialist movement, with plenty of idiots to back it up.

North Korean government is a prison. Kim Jong ill was not the leader, he was only the puppet. He was a slave of the system. Behind Kim Jong Ill stood many generals, advisers, and politicians who held great power. When he died, his son was basically put on the throne by these people. Note that he will only be called "dear leaders dear son" only as long as he touts the party line. If he attempts dissent, he will step on the toes of the party, and they will take him out. Of course it will be made to look like an accident. "Dear leaders son was unfortunately lost to us when he experienced acute food poisoning this morning."

That's how it works. In the end, all signs point to Stalin having been poisoned by the third head of KGB Lavrenty Beria , who apparently figured that, based on what happened to his two predecessors, it was pretty easy to extrapolate his own fate.

You think I am making this up, or this is all out of a hollywood movie? Nope. Not even hollywood comes up with conspiracy and intrigue like this, because westerners are unaccustomed to thinking about things this way. That's why you should say thank you, for living in a modern western country where having a phone that can go on the internet anywhere, is seen as no big deal and accessible to anyone that really wants it. Here, you don't get sent to concentration camps for pulling out your phone. Here, you don't starve to death, or have to blindly follow the state like a sheep; any dissent being stamped out cruelly.

Note and draw conclusions from what goes on in other countries. See through the propaganda, and understand that people in these places are whipped, and conditioned, just as YOU are. The difference, is that those people are whipped into submission of the state, while you are whipped and conditioned into thinking through the lens of your western views. You were raised with these ideals, and can't imagine other people behaving differently. You think everyone is a freedom loving person, but in truth, when you understand human history, you learn that most of human existence since the beginning of mankind has been the weak being controlled and afraid of those that are cunning enough to take power for themselves. Stalin was a very smart man. Not in the sense that he knew how to be a magnanimous leader, and create a paradise on earth, but in the sense that he understood people. He understood how to manipulate them, create provocations, conspiracies, and intrigue out of literally thin air, and use it to his advantage, and how to keep power. He was paranoid. And any dictator in the world, usually has a party behind him. And that party is basically these snakes, who manipulate people first subtly, then bluntly to achieve power and to keep it.

This is why western nations need to get their shit together and send a loud and clear message to the world, so that all can see, like the light from heaven, like a beacon, what freedom and prosperity are like. For that to happen, we need to stop electing goddamn socialists, stop destroying our own industries and rights with marxist, statist economic and social legislation. Free Market, free people, unleash the potential of free people and create a paradise on earth. That is how you bring about world peace and change, by making people SEE the alternative to their miserable existence, and encouraging them to attain it for themselves. In the end, it's up to the North Koreans to storm the capital, round up their oppressors, and lob off their heads. No freedom is ever regained except when the corrupt judges and leaders are stoned to death.
North Korea has a massive Army waiting to crush the South, and possibly Nuclear Weapons...making them very dangerous to attack. They also have no easy way to put a stranglehold on the world energy supply like Iran does. So, no one cares.
massive yes but horribly outdated. No amount of foot soldiers with 1970s era rifles can even try to stop an advanced airforce and navy. The US would roll them gulf war style.
massive yes but horribly outdated. No amount of foot soldiers with 1970s era rifles can even try to stop an advanced airforce and navy. The US would roll them gulf war style.

Errr, what happened in Vietnam? What is happening now in Iraq or Afghanistan? :rolleyes:


They make their weapons with what they have. I.e., home made bombs. And they are resilient. That's all they need to stop ANY country from winning a war with them.

U.S. did not win the Iraq war. It's only a matter of time before things turn upside down again.
Saw this over on and this post from Paul Zhaurov basically sums it up :

Honestly that's a summation from a guy who hasn't experienced the issues himself but who was a child when he went through all of it and now suffers from a "telephone-game" type of recollection of events.

Oppressed people are oppressed because they let themselves to be oppressed. At the end of the day the "government" are just people like everyone else. The "secret police" isn't some other crop of human beings, they are normal people who work for the government but do not necessarily believe in it.

History has shown that oppressive regimes are powerless when the people stand up and demand change. This has sometimes happened peacefully (i.e. East Germany) and sometimes it takes civil war (i.e. United States or more recently Libya).

Korea has 1M people under arms, those are the ones who can and will have to be part of the regime change. Literally every family has at least one family member in the armed services. Until those families decide that they no longer want to be isolated in the world and do want freedom nothing will change.