Northbridge Temps


Limp Gawd
Mar 1, 2004
My system specs are in sig. Normally my system is in my arctic cold basement, with an ambient temp of like 45 degrees farenheight. I have my cpu oc'd to whats in sig as well. My cpu tems r fine in my basement like 25c idle/ 35c load. And my northbridge runs like same as my cpu. However, when I bring my system over to my friends house for a mini-lan it's a lot hotter. And I have to set the cpu back to stock. Anyways, the northbridge gets up to like almost 40c under load there. My question is how hot can the northbridge be. Will 40c damage my mobo. Cause I can replace the dinky asus northbride passive cooler if I want too. Thnx in advance.
KoZLop said:
40c is fine. :)
If it goes higher then 60c i would worry
Thnx I was just wonderin. So it's kind of the same way as cpu's it's fine until it gets into the high 50's and 60's.