Not happy with my fluid XP+, Alternatives


Limp Gawd
Jun 29, 2004
I built my first wc pc in august of this year. About 1 month after my fluid xp starts sedimenting and depositing white sedimate covering my nice clear tygon. Luckly the sedimate rubs off the tygon but it will re-deposit after a while. Im unhappy with this fluid xp crap! I should have listened to people in the forum who said it was crap! Plus my temps are not to great im sure because of the problem im having with it. Im looking at coolants now that i know i can set up a leak proof loop.
Here are the solutions im looking at:
Watter Wetter

my question is does anyone have experience with all 3 of these and which one they like better. Also... I dont like the fact that watter wetter is red... personally i like green. Are the coolant mixtures UV reactive?
also i forgot to add... I heard that watter wetter was non-conductive... read it somewhere in this forum... is this true? I would think that it was very conductive. Also how often will i have to replace the liquid in the loop
i need to step in here because to me it sounds like you have things slightly confused. First of all, WATER is non-conductive... well... to get techincal, PURE water is non conductive. Also, the coolants you mentioned are note generally used for water cooling. WATER is used for water cooling, and the additives do a few things. One important thing is that they prevent corrosion, and some of them kill crawlies (algae etc).
Water Wetter comes highly recommended, although i'd recommend the zerex over it. WW smells like ass and has a pink tinge to it (although the pink tinge goes away). Antifreeze also works well. Anywyas, my point is that you don't use straight waterwetter or zerex OR hydrx (i'm not sure if you know this, from the way you word your post it looks like you're looking to run a complete loop of said coolants... which isn't what people generally do). Most people use a 1:10 (1 additive for 10 parts water) mix.

Also, another thing to consider is that perhaps the FluidXP isn't what is causing the deposits. Something else in your loop may be. Some radiators (heatercores most often) have deposits inside from the constructino process. Many people flush the radiators/heatercores very well before even THINKING about putting their loop together. Just throwing a few ideas your way before you decide to disassemble... disassembly is a pain in the ass :p
if you are open to different colors, i use Royal Purple Ice with a 50/50 mixture with dihstilled water... it works great and has a very nice purple color.
diredesire said:
i need to step in here because to me it sounds like you have things slightly confused. First of all, WATER is non-conductive... well... to get techincal, PURE water is non conductive. Also, the coolants you mentioned are note generally used for water cooling. WATER is used for water cooling, and the additives do a few things. One important thing is that they prevent corrosion, and some of them kill crawlies (algae etc).
Water Wetter comes highly recommended, although i'd recommend the zerex over it. WW smells like ass and has a pink tinge to it (although the pink tinge goes away). Antifreeze also works well. Anywyas, my point is that you don't use straight waterwetter or zerex OR hydrx (i'm not sure if you know this, from the way you word your post it looks like you're looking to run a complete loop of said coolants... which isn't what people generally do). Most people use a 1:10 (1 additive for 10 parts water) mix.

Also, another thing to consider is that perhaps the FluidXP isn't what is causing the deposits. Something else in your loop may be. Some radiators (heatercores most often) have deposits inside from the constructino process. Many people flush the radiators/heatercores very well before even THINKING about putting their loop together. Just throwing a few ideas your way before you decide to disassemble... disassembly is a pain in the ass :p

Yeah I know its a mix ratio. I wouldnt dare run strait zerex, that would restrict flow! I didnt know however that I was supose to flush the radiator before putting loop together!!! oops!! I wonder if that is what caused it? I still kind of think it is from the fluid xp+ b/c it was clear for the first week or so. Anyways thanks for the input :D