*not sure if it's hot or not* Netgear SC101 NAS $64.99 +ship

Just to point it out, this isn't a terrible deal, but Woot had this + 2 x 250 drives included for $70 a few weeks back...
Fry's and outpost have these new occasionally for $29.99.
Worst piece of crap I ever used. The driver is horrible and the unit is super slow. I lost 160 gigs of data due to the proprietary file system.
I'm still not prepared to say that the device is worth it, but you can format the drives as NTFS. You lose SAN functionality, but the speed improves a little and the drives can be run in a PC.
:rolleyes: This unit is a huge PITA. There's no way to hard-code an IP for it and all of the drives / partitions use the same MAC so you can't even do a DHCP reservation for each of them. No embedded web server. Proprietary file system when used as intended, with a driver required on each PC that will access. Formatted as NTFS requires a "SAN head" PC to share out the drives for other PCs - might as well just put the drives inside that PC instead. Not to mention that mine just hangs at "allocating space for drive x" for days when I try to create a drive, and I have never been able to telnet into the root IP as the discussion forums indicate I should be able to do to try to reset the drives back to default configuration and start over. I got mine for free with a Netgear managed switch promotion and I still feel ripped off. Anyone who thinks this is a hot deal can have mine for $60 shipped. Never used - as in I have put drives in it and put it on my network but have never been able to actually use it to write a single file to the drives it contains. I'm pretty confident it could be made to work somehow (perhaps different drives?) but I'm rapidly losing patience with it and having read the stories I'm not sure I trust it with my data. You've been warned...
IMHO an "old" pc (1-2ghz p3/p4/athlon xp) + 2 drives would be a better investment.

You should be able to pick up a desktop pc that is p3/p4'ish with 128-256 ram for about the same price as this nas. Just more work to put together.
I bought one from BB about 6 months ago on sale for about the same price. I took it home, did a little research on it, and I could not find anybody anywhere that had anything nice to say about this thing.

I promptly took it back unopened. I am so glad I did.

I finally went with a Hammer Storage Myshare 1TB that I am very happy with. It was only about $400 delivered from Newegg.
