Not sure what to do here...

  • Thread starter Deleted member 88227
  • Start date

Deleted member 88227

Basically I bought an item and paid for the item back on July 3rd. It was via an eCheck (They suck I know) and I was fine with waiting till the funds cleared before the seller shipped the item as was he. On the 9th funds were cleared and he shipped on the 10th. Around the 18th I messaged the seller asking if he had any tracking information on it since I have yet to receive the items. He told me he did not and to contact him a few days later and he'll see what he can do. Few days pass and still no package. I then asked which address did he ship it too and he said he shipped it to the P.O. Box on my paypal account, then quickly followed up with realizing that I sent him a home address in the PMs when I paid for the item. I no longer have the P.O. Box and thus never updated my Paypal's default address. I contacted the P.O. that day (on the 24th) to see if they would happen to have it. They informed me that in that case, the package would have been returned to the sender. I notified the seller and he said he would ship it to the correct address once he got it. Few more days pass and I asked if he received the package and still now. Few more days pass and I follow up on it (August now) and he says he has not seen the package and that the tracking said it was "Notice delivered" ... I then asked him for the tracking number since he told me last month he did not get tracking on it(this was last night). He PMed me today saying he was mistaken that it was for a different shipment and to get back with him after I check with the post office Monday.

Little concerned on what I should do if the post office doesn't have the package when I go check Monday.

Snipped PMs between the seller and myself added back.

Skillz said:
Well give me a combo deal for the AM3 motherboard and that RAM, shipped to 39564.

07-03-2012, 05:23 PM
The seller said:
I can do $90 for both of them shipped...let me know

Skillz said:
How well does that board overclock? I got an 1050T that I plan to do some folding on for Team 33, want to get some descent overclocks out of it so I can get more PPD.

07-03-2012, 05:35 PM
The seller said:
On my 965BE I was rock solid stable at 4.1ghz. That was with a noctua nh-u12p dual fan push-pull setup...I'm not much of an overclocker, so I didn't really try to go much past that. If you've got a good black edition, you could probably hit 4.3-4.5 easily. As I'm sure you're aware, the ROG motherboards are pretty much as good as it gets when it comes to OCing.

I'm not at all aware as to how the hex-core CPU's overclock, so I can't speak to that..

You do have to keep in mind that older chips (prior to 32nm die shrink) didn't overclock EVEN CLOSE to the numbers that we get today.

Skillz said:
Alright, I will paypal you the money. What's your paypal?

07-03-2012, 05:39 PM
The seller said:
my paypal is <paypal addy>

I wont be able to get them shipped today...or tomorrow (being the 4th and all), so they'll go out on thursday.

Skillz said:
Money has been sent, you can wait until it clears before sending it.

Also ship it to:
LeRoy Blanchard
<my street address>
<city, state zip>

Instead of the P.O. Box.

Thanks again.
07-03-2012, 05:51 PM
The seller said:
Your eCheck has a hold on it until july 9th...just to let you know...I'm cool with that, but you'll have to wait until it clears before I ship.

We had a few more PMs sent back and forth as he had some other items that I needed to complete my build, but I didn't have the funds at the time so I passed on them.

07-09-2012, 10:17 PM
The seller said:
Your payment just cleared my paypal a few minutes ago...I'll get your stuff out tomorrow

Skillz said:
Did you get it sent out the other day?

07-12-2012, 10:25 PM
The seller said:

Skillz said:

Did they happen to give you an estimate on when the package would be delivered? It's been raining here almost everyday in the afternoon and I'd like to know when I can expect the package so it's not sitting outside on my small "porch" that's level with the ground.

07-18-2012, 03:39 PM
The seller said:
unfortunately my paralegal did not get a trackng #..but it was shipped when i told you it was shipped....good ol' USPS. If you don't have it by the end of the week, let me know...

I'm sincerely sorry for the delay.

Skillz said:
Hey, just letting you know I still have no received the items I got from you

07-24-2012, 11:18 AM
The seller said:
That' quite odd, since they were shipped around 12 days ago. The usps is know to be slow at times. Please let me know if you haven't received the items by Friday, and I'll try to get time the bottom of this. I'm taking the CA State BAR Exam today through Thursday, so I'll be quite busy until then.

Skillz said:
What address did you send it to?

07-24-2012, 11:34 AM
The seller said:
The one listed on your paypal account:

<my name>
po box <number>
<city, state zip>
United States

07-24-2012, 11:36 AM
The seller said:
Shit I just realized in the deluge of PM's that I got from all my products that I was selling, that you wanted me to send it to a different address.

Is there a way for you to get it from the PO box?

Skillz said:
That's why. I asked you to send it to

LeRoy Blanchard
<my address>

The package will probably get sent back to you as I no longer have that P.O. Box, I will have to update my Paypal because apparently it's still defaulting to that address. Hopefully whoever owns that P.O, Box wont try to keep it.

07-24-2012, 11:38 AM
The seller said:
Is there a way you can get to the PO box and see if the package is still sitting there...or if it was returned to sender?

Skillz said:
I called them. They said they sent it back.

07-24-2012, 11:44 AM
The seller said:
Yeah, I just spoke to someone that knows about PO box shit, and they said if you cancelled it without leaving a forwarding address or by nonpayment, they'll send it back to me...If you left a forwarding address, they'll send it to said address.

Don't soon as I receive it, I'll get it out to the other address

Skillz said:
Did it get returned to you yet?

07-28-2012, 07:52 PM
The seller said:
Not yet...i'll let you know as soon as I do.

Skillz said:
Still nothing?

Today, 12:49 AM (8/4/2012)
The seller said:
Still nothing...

The tracking number said it was delivered to your former PO box on july 24th (last tuesday), and that there was a "Notice delivered". I'm not sure what that means.

The tracking number gives no indication as to when it may have been sent back to me. My be you can contact your post office and find out exactly when and how they sent the package back to me.

I'll let you know immediately if I hear anything on my end.

Key points;
I only have the time for the PMs I received from him to give an idea of the time frame involved. I think I can get the time stamp from my PMs I sent to him as long as they are still in my sent box. I have not checked.

He claims that his paralegal did not get tracking information on the package, but now he's claiming that the tracking is saying "it was delivered to your former PO box on july 24th (last tuesday), and that there was a "Notice delivered". I'm not sure what that means."

I still have plenty of time to file a dispute since it hasn't been 45 days yet; but I am a bit concerned. Should I be?
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"The tracking number said it was delivered to your former PO box on july 24th (last tuesday), and that there was a "Notice delivered". you should ask for this Tracking number so you have another card to play when you visit the post office. if you get the run around about the tracking number from seller then...(this part is strange, para ships with out # then a number appears with "Notice delivered")
Call him or her out on the tracking number - why wasn't this divulged from the begining. The seller should have had tracking anyways, maybe insurance on it as well if it was over a certain amount. Anything over $100 I generally get insurance just for the purposes of covering myself - not the buyer, they get immediate refund if the post office breaks it or loses it.

Get the supposed tracking number from the seller and verify it, then call the post office to see if they are able to locate said package.

Based on the info above, you guys both screwed up. eCheck's suck.. definitely update your Paypal address, because in order for sellers to be covered, we have to ship to your verified address. Tracking is a requirement - if that wasn't supplied, then it's his word against yours and the buyer always wins in that scenario.

It's been a month since your initial exchange offer, so at this point the excitement of getting the parts has been completely deflated and set on fire.. definitely one of the horror stories none of us want to have happen. Keep in communication with the seller, but unless a post-office miracle happens and the goods are there, you're probably better off getting the money back and letting the seller deal with the missing package.

Sellers have to take responsibility on the shipping side - not have someone else shipping out packages without tracking info. You did specify a different shipping address and had an eCheck fail, but that should have called more attention to making sure the package was shipped out correctly.

Good luck, definitely don't want to take sides without hearing both opinions, but I'm basing what I said on the info provided.
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If seller has tracking showing he sent the item to the verified paypal address then you will lose a dispute unless possibly you can prove it was returned to him. I won't use PayPal anymore but I would never send to a non verified address. It's just asking to get taken to the cleaners by PayPal.

Get that tracking number. It's the key to this. If it really shows it was sent back then it'll also show when it was returned to the seller. Everything else is really just drama and fluff.
Just a word of caution...

I'm not sure about the rules here at [H], but I have received an infraction on one of the other forums for publicly posting copies of Private Messages, as they are, by definition, private conversations between you and another person. Same situation, a problem with a transaction where a member clearly did not send what he stated that he had, but as far as the mods were concerned, my public posting of the private messages was against their rules.

Might want to check into this. If it is a problem, then you can simply paraphrase what the messages said without actually posting the messages.

Good luck and hope you guys get this all sorted out.
Just a word of caution...

I'm not sure about the rules here at [H], but I have received an infraction on one of the other forums for publicly posting copies of Private Messages, as they are, by definition, private conversations between you and another person. Same situation, a problem with a transaction where a member clearly did not send what he stated that he had, but as far as the mods were concerned, my public posting of the private messages was against their rules.

Might want to check into this. If it is a problem, then you can simply paraphrase what the messages said without actually posting the messages.

Good luck and hope you guys get this all sorted out.

Thanks. Can anyone confirm if it's against the rules to post private message conversations even though I edited out the name?

Also the seller just told me that he was mistaken with the tracking number and that it was for a different package.

I had both addresses in my paypal, usually for bigger packages I have it shipped to my home address, anything relatively small I wouldn't mind it shipped to the P.O.; but I no longer have the P.O. box. I have since changed the default address to my home address now. :eek:
Updated the first post with information regarding the situation without the PMs being posted. It doesn't seem like I could get in trouble with posting the private messages as I removed any sensitive information from it (names, addresses, etc...) but to be sure I snipped it out.
Thanks. Can anyone confirm if it's against the rules to post private message conversations even though I edited out the name?

Also the seller just told me that he was mistaken with the tracking number and that it was for a different package.

I had both addresses in my paypal, usually for bigger packages I have it shipped to my home address, anything relatively small I wouldn't mind it shipped to the P.O.; but I no longer have the P.O. box. I have since changed the default address to my home address now. :eek:

I'm sure it's fine to quote the seller/buyers message. Just that you cannot throw there name out there, same rules with personal info/address.

EDIT: You beat me to it ;)
Actually, without the names you should be alright. In retrospect, I probably got confused with your including your name, and thought you had identified the other fella. Sorry to have prompted you to go through all that effort, but in reality, the actual PMs without identification, or just the context of the PMs still gets your message across.
You can get delivery notification without a tracking number via usps, just saying. Have you considered that, the P.O. Box might have been rented by someone else and they got your package? I am playing devils advocate here but as a seller I would ship to your paypal verified address as well - simply saying oh ship it here is suspect as a buyer. I am not saying you were scamming anyone but that is how people get scammed via paypal. You should update your verified address asap to start, then go to the post office and tell them the shipper has delivery confirmation to the po box and you would like to know who it was delivered to and how to contact them.
It's cool. I'm not going to do anything until Monday after I visit the Post Office, but I started the thread now because I don't know what my options are if the package isn't there. I want it to be there, so I can go ahead and get my x6 rig up and running asap; but part of me isn't getting my hopes up as I doubt it will be there. In which case, what do I do then? Wait to see what the seller does is what I intend to do, but I'm not sure what he will do.

I do realize it's partially my fault for still having my old P.O. box assigned to my paypal, however I haven't had the P.O. box for quite sometime now and never thought about it. I always post/send my address in a PM to the seller after I make the payment letting them know payment is sent, this is where to send it.
You can get delivery notification without a tracking number via usps, just saying. Have you considered that, the P.O. Box might have been rented by someone else and they got your package? I am playing devils advocate here but as a seller I would ship to your paypal verified address as well - simply saying oh ship it here is suspect as a buyer. I am not saying you were scamming anyone but that is how people get scammed via paypal. You should update your verified address asap to start, then go to the post office and tell them the shipper has delivery confirmation to the po box and you would like to know who it was delivered to and how to contact them.

Like I thought I said.

Both addresses were in my Paypal.
I removed the P.O. Box from my paypal already.
Seller admitted that he was looking at the wrong tracking information for a different shipment.
Thanks. Can anyone confirm if it's against the rules to post private message conversations even though I edited out the name?

Also the seller just told me that he was mistaken with the tracking number and that it was for a different package.

I had both addresses in my paypal, usually for bigger packages I have it shipped to my home address, anything relatively small I wouldn't mind it shipped to the P.O.; but I no longer have the P.O. box. I have since changed the default address to my home address now. :eek:

No personal info, short of that it's perfectly fine to post relevant PM's here.
Like I thought I said.

Both addresses were in my Paypal.
I removed the P.O. Box from my paypal already.
Seller admitted that he was looking at the wrong tracking information for a different shipment.

ah that was not really clear - you said your p.o. was in your paypal and you sent a pm asking him to ship to another addy. def seems kind of shady though if he suddeny has tracking info..GL.
Whatever address was on the payment is where the item gets sent. If you wanted to change the address then you should have reissued the payment.

It's the tracking number that is important here. If he doesn't have it then you'll win a dispute. If he has it and it shows it was returned then you'll win a dispute. If he has it and it shows delivered to the address on the payment then you'll lose the dispute. Regardless start the dispute and get that tracking number.
I'm not jumping to conclusions and starting a dispute just yet. I've got 45 days and its only been like 35, so I got a good week left.
More suspicion....

Skillz said:
Also what is the tracking number? I thought you said you didn't get tracking on it, how are you tracking it now?

Yesterday, 02:44 AM
The Seller said:
damn it, you're right....

I was looking at the tracking number from another one of my sales....shit.

Well...I guess go to the PO on monday and see if you can find out anything.

Skillz said:
I intend to. Hopefully by some chance it's still there.

Today, 02:41 AM
The Seller said:
I really hope so too...if not, let's wait a week to see if it comes back to me.

Why would he want to wait another week?
I'm not jumping to conclusions and starting a dispute just yet. I've got 45 days and its only been like 35, so I got a good week left.

You only hurt yourself by waiting. If the item shows or your money is refunded you can simply close it with no harm done.

Open the dispute. Seriously.
Yeah open the dispute. Even if the issue is resolved while you have a dispute open you can easily inform paypal that the issue was resolved. How ever if you wait a week like he is suggesting then you lose all chance of disputing the transaction and, well, you will be SOL.

Open a dispute to cover your but. Also, I am not sure where the pms are coming from but add to the dispute that you have private messages between you and the seller which poses suspicion of the seller.
so first it was delivered to your old PO box

Originally Posted by The seller
The tracking number said it was delivered to your former PO box on july 24th (last tuesday), and that there was a "Notice delivered". I'm not sure what that means.

and then he was looking at the wrong tracking.....

Originally Posted by The Seller
damn it, you're right....
I was looking at the tracking number from another one of my sales....shit.

Well...I guess go to the PO on monday and see if you can find out anything.

and now its wait another week?
Originally Posted by The Seller
I really hope so too...if not, let's wait a week to see if it comes back to me.

if it were me, I would file the dispute thinks your being jerked around....
Is there any chance it was delivered to the PO Box and the person who has it now just kept it? The post office will tell you the check names, but I still get the mail of a person who lived here a few years ago all of the time. This is why you should always insist on (and be willing to pay for) tracking.
I opened a dispute. Really hate to have to go this route, but I don't have what I purchased and I don't know what else to do. If he wanted to save the ~$1 on tracking, I would have gladly given him an extra dollar to get tracking on the package just so I know where it is. I'd much rather get what I wanted instead of having to find another motherboard/ram combo for my x6.
Is there any chance it was delivered to the PO Box and the person who has it now just kept it? The post office will tell you the check names, but I still get the mail of a person who lived here a few years ago all of the time. This is why you should always insist on (and be willing to pay for) tracking.

I did ask that question when I was at the P.O. Didn't really get a clear answer however, so I asked him if anyone was currently renting that box now and he said he had no way of knowing.

What he told me was to call 1-800-ASK-USPS to see if maybe they could track down where the package has ended up. However after calling them I needed the "return" address on the package and don't have it so they didn't start an investigation/claim with it. Waiting for the seller to give me that information and/or for him to call them on his own. Assuming he is still willing to work with me, even though I already started the claim. :\
I did ask that question when I was at the P.O. Didn't really get a clear answer however, so I asked him if anyone was currently renting that box now and he said he had no way of knowing.

What he told me was to call 1-800-ASK-USPS to see if maybe they could track down where the package has ended up. However after calling them I needed the "return" address on the package and don't have it so they didn't start an investigation/claim with it. Waiting for the seller to give me that information and/or for him to call them on his own. Assuming he is still willing to work with me, even though I already started the claim. :\

The purpose of the dispute is to promote communication which is what it seems to be doing. If the seller can't produce a tracking number though then there really isn't anything else to discuss. When escalated to a claim he will lose.
Well this is what has come of the dispute. Got a PM from him tonight while I was at work.

08-06-2012, 05:27 PM
Skillz said:
I filed a dispute with Paypal, simply because I do not have the item(s) I bought from you. Really hate to do this, but I'm running out of time. If the package shows up, I'll gladly cancel it.

However, I was told while I was at the P.O. today to call 1-800-ASK-USPS to see if they could track where the package might be. I needed the address you put on the "return" address before they would open a claim with it.

So either you can call them and get it rolling or give me the return address you put on the package and I will.

8/8/2012 (Yesterday,) 07:04 PM
the seller said:
The tracking number for your package is <tracking number>. As you will see by examining the tracking history, the package was delivered to you PO and notices were left. However, the notices went unclaimed. The package was returned and was processed by USPS in Memphis, TN on 8/7/2011 for return to me. As soon as I receive the package I will send it to any address you provide.The return address is: <his name, return address, city/state/zip> Thanks

Not sure why this is becoming so difficult. What should I do now. The package, according to the tracking number is on it's way back to him.

Also the tracking information is all over the place. My location is 39564 (Ocean Springs, MS) yet one of the status' says it was "Missent" on the 16th, then went back to Sorting twice and then changed to an "Out for Delivery" when it should have stayed at the P.O., but it went "Out for Delivery" in Vancleave, MS 39565.

I just want the motherboard and RAM. :(
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That has his name ^^ so time to ninja edit. I am 8 hours late noticing this. LOL the mods are sleeping :D

If you start the dispute now and you get screwed, you are covered. If it ends up showing up then you just cancel the dispute and say the package was delivered. It doesn't hurt his paypal or rep. Its ok to do. If I was the seller in that situation I would assume the buyer would do that as you are about to exceed the window for coverage.
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If he wanted to save the ~$1 on tracking, I would have gladly given him an extra dollar to get tracking on the package just so I know where it is. I'd much rather...

I've had this happen to me also and it drives me nuts!!! It utterly baffles me that a seller would not use DC just to save a few pennies - of course they don't tell you they did not use delivery confirmation/tracking until ** AFTER ** they ship your stuff and it's too late to offer to pay for it yourself.

MORAL: whoever pays for the shipping -- ALWAYS GET/INSIST ON DELIVERY CONFIRMATION AS PART OF THE DEAL (or sig. confirmation if expensive items)
Hell, if you use USPS and print a shipping label online, Delivery Confirmation is FREE. There is no excuse for not having tracking. Even if you have to go to the post office it's only like $0.70.
Well apparently he does have tracking/delivery confirmation on it. Read the whole thread please.

Why he said he didn't and I had to go through the trouble of starting a paypal dispute is beyond me however.
At this point I'd just tell him you want your money back as soon as he gets it back from USPS. If absolutely still want the item I would still get a refund, then repay and put in a stipulation that he is to ship it with tracking and that he sends you the tracking information within 24 hours of him shipping it.

Either way leave that claim open until you have your cash or your items.
If he has that tracking number saying it was delivered to your PayPal PO box address then you'll lose the dispute in all likelyhood. Everything else is just he said/she said.

Have you actually seen the tracking number?
After a month it's quite ridiculous. A few years back I bought a board from someone on a forums and he sent it Parcel Post when Priority was maybe $1 extra. Instead of 2-5 days tracked, it took a month to get to me with no tracking. I don't get it either.

At this point, I would request a refund and when/if he gets the items back, you can re-purchase them. You did the right thing with opening a dispute. If you waited longer, it would be at his discretion and not Paypal.
The Seller said:
Today, I received your package back from USPS. To date, I am out the original $14.24 shipping charge plus the $14.24 for the return and now must pay an additional charge for shipment to your new address for a total of $42.72 in shipping fees. So, the shipping will amount to almost 50% of the total price. To make matters worse, I note that you are still pressing your PayPal claim. Now this is how this will go. First, you will drop your claim and after I hace notice, I will eat the excess shipping and send you you package. Other than that, I am more than willing to fight this matter with PalPal with you being charged for the shipping before you get your refund.

This is what he sent me today.
This is what he sent me today.

If you've actually seen this tracking information then I gotta say he's right. This is your screw up. I'd offer to pay half of his shipping costs at minimum but do NOT close that dispute until you either have your item or money.
If you've actually seen this tracking information then I gotta say he's right. This is your screw up. I'd offer to pay half of his shipping costs at minimum but do NOT close that dispute until you either have your item or money.

It wasn't really the buyer's fault that the seller sent it to the wrong address. The seller fucked up there. Buyer should have changed his default verified address on PayPal (for everyone's protection) but the seller outright admitted he accidentally sent it to the wrong place.

I would still offer to pay some of the shipping as the buyer, though. And of course, don't do this conditional "close the claim and then I'll do it" BS.
Well im going to tell him that im not closing the paypal dispute until I receive the working package. After which I will paypal him $25 to cover over half the shipping. Sound fair?

Oh and I have seen the tracking. He gave me the number after I opened a dispute.
This is the PM I am going to send him.

Well I am glad to hear that the package did arrive somewhere so it's not lost. I apologize that you have had to spend so much on shipping it all across the country; However I will not be closing the Paypal dispute until after I have received the package. I have not escalated the process, I only opened it because I was nearing the 45 day limit. Nothing personal. What I will do is Paypal you an additional $25 to cover the shipping costs should you chose to send it back to my home address. I do not want to send more money until after I have received the package, but you have my word. I believe I've been nothing but patient and cooperative during this transaction and I am in no way out to screw or lie to you. Just please give me the tracking number as soon as you send it, so I can watch for it.

My address is:
<my address>

Thanks again