Note 5.... 4k display?


[H]F Junkie
Aug 17, 2000

Wow... just wow. This display (if the S6 is any indication) will be absolutely amazing. Samsung is really pushing the bar here. Your "average" consumer is looking for 3 things in a phone (IMO)... looks, camera, display. Samsung is nailing all three of these departments. I am guessing the next year is going to be a VERY profitable year for Samsung.

Naysayers on profitability? Read....

And people complained about how 2k screens were bad for battery life
I really don't get it. Samsung... Work on making larger AMOLED displays affordable so we can it use on our computers, laptops, and TV's. We don't need that kind of ppi on a phone.
I really don't get it. Samsung... Work on making larger AMOLED displays affordable so we can it use on our computers, laptops, and TV's. We don't need that kind of ppi on a phone.

That I can agree with... you imagine a 15.6" laptop with a 4k AMOLED screen? Wow...
John Carmack at GDC hinted that Samsung and Oculus are going to make a big push with VR with the next phone release towards the end of the year so that would make it the Note 5. Even S6's incredible 2560x1440 @ 577ppi has pixelation with VR.
I really don't get it. Samsung... Work on making larger AMOLED displays affordable so we can it use on our computers, laptops, and TV's. We don't need that kind of ppi on a phone.

It is really quite simple. Samsung needs people continuing to buy shit they don't "need" other than it being new and sounding amazing.
I really don't get it. Samsung... Work on making larger AMOLED displays affordable so we can it use on our computers, laptops, and TV's. We don't need that kind of ppi on a phone.

What makes you think they aren't?
All rumors currently points to the Winter 2015 release of the long awaited consumer Oculus Rift at $200. Unless the rumors truly just mean the Gear VR, I don't know why I would buy the Gear VR over the true Oculus Rift at the same $200.

Palmer Lackey seems to have confirmed that you could order one in November.
Burn in lawsuits. The same reason why they won't have software keys on any of their amoled devices any time soon.

None if this suggests they aren't trying to improve the technology to go big screen.
seeing how a Titan X struggles with 4k... I'd love to see how choppy android is on it with a sub 5W SOC!

Does a titan x struggle to run windows desktop at 4k? Because that's pretty much all that the gpu on that phone will do. No games will be running at 4k and most aren't even 1080p. Video can run at 4k on these types of devices just fine.
I would find it really hard to believe that Samsung wouldn't want people to play games or other things that requires some better graphics on the Note 5.
They might get 4K screen on it... but this will require some serious battery. I guess, the time where phones used to be thin, are now disappearing. You can't power almost 6" of 4K, and strong CPU/GPU with something like 2,8k mAh - doubt that even 4000 mAh would be enough

Either Sammy is developing some new battery tech (which would be great), or it will be thicker than current model.... or say hello to 10k mAh powerbank :)
Well see I guess. I had my Note 2 which I liked, saw the Note 3 and kept watching the teaser reviews on Youtube... bought the Note 3. Same thing happened with the Note 4, LOL.

For me, the difference in DISPAY from note 2 to note 3 was more noticeable than note 3 to note 4. I'd say we are definely at the point of diminishing returns here. The note 4 is noticeably brighter outdoors though and the color reproduction is more accurate, so it's not all just about ppi...

It will be interesting to see what compelling reasons Samsung has for me to upgrade for the 3rd year in a row... I almost didn't pull the trigger on the note 4 because I liked the note 3 so much.
really? that low? I figured it would be a bit higher than that.

I was referring to games and OS "animations" EG touchwiz card stack or 3d page rotate,

Hehe that was actually for tablets :eek: phone stuff (not including games) run even lower. Same with the OS layer.

These GPU's couldn't play many games even at 1080 with any type of textures. They have shit for ROP's.
Meh. Don't get the fascination with VR headsets. Especially given how bad they are for your eyes.

Think of the day you and your friends can all go into a VR "world" together and play a game side by side? This IS the future. :)