Notes for cleaning a pc in the Southwest


Feb 28, 2005
So a couple months ago, I got called out to do an upgrade to a borg I have. I added a cd burner on to the pc. I noticed one of the front fans was not spinning but the leds were on. I didn't think anything of it because the other three fans were running fine.

Today, I get called back to the borg. Appears that the HD finally died. I was asking the owner questions about what happened. Then I noticed what appeared to be a tumbleweed branch stuck in the dead fan. I reached in and pulled out instead a crispy scorpion!


So, as a good measure, I will start carrying arround pci slot covers and making sure that any pc I work on will not have this access available. :eek:
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Dang, you made me work for that acronym!
I'm glad i'm living up north without those buggers :D

Too bad we have a lot of skunks, bears and mooses around here tho :(

I'm glad i'm living up north without those buggers :D

Too bad we have a lot of skunks, bears and mooses around here tho :(

That must suck getting a skunk stunk in your PC. A bear I could live with, just throw some honey into the intact fan, but a skunk? I couldn't live with the smell.
mmmm, toasted scorpion. Much better that bark beetles.
...and yes, I've eaten both.
Yeah the most we get is dust bunnies in Chicago
my snake was lucky she didnt hit any fans!


