now i see why people hate ubisoft


[H]F Junkie
Dec 30, 2001
finally bought farcry 3 because i love the series. well i cant play the damn game cause i cant connect to Uplay what a piece of crap software. was playing earlier logged of for a few cause i needed to restart my computer and log back in and cant connect.

now i get disconnected saying my uplay account has been accessed form another location. i just bought the damn game.
finally bought farcry 3 because i love the series. well i cant play the damn game cause i cant connect to Uplay what a piece of crap software. was playing earlier logged of for a few cause i needed to restart my computer and log back in and cant connect.

now i get disconnected saying my uplay account has been accessed form another location. i just bought the damn game.

Two of my friends have been having issues with Assassin's Creed III.

One can't get past the naval mission because of an odd glitch-- the whole game red screens (Nvidia R304 drivers) or yellow screens (Nvidia R310 Beta drivers). Card isn't overheating, but card peaks to around 70 to 80C during multiplayer, yet only around 60 to 70C in Civilization 5. His system is practically new. All drivers and virus definitions up to date. Myself and my friend haven't found a way to fix it. Only multiplayer works for some odd reason. A Ubisoft employee on their forums doesn't know how to fix it either and suggested my friend go contact Ubisoft support. Like they can do anything?

The second friend took him two days to get the game up and running. He didn't get through Steam, but the game had issues installing itself on his computer. Every other game installs fine except this. He has the disk space, meets the system requirements, but the game refuses to install. Took him two days to actually get it installed and I'm not sure what he did to fix it.

Other players have had issues with a save game corruption and deletion which I hope got fixed by now.
Hell, I've had the same issue with Origin (Need for Speed) and my problem has been in their queue for 3 weeks.
this is proabbly my last ubisoft game ever. even if farcry 4 comes out.
Sorry you all are having issues. I've had nary an issue with Ubisoft games of any genre or their Uplay software.
this is proabbly my last ubisoft game ever. even if farcry 4 comes out.

Used my download code the last week of November, still have not received the game. This is probably the last ubisoft game i will ever obtain legally. I sincerely hope piracy drives those fucking cocksmoking incompetent shitheads to bankruptcy. 3 weeks later they're still doing fucking research. So while they dilly dally around with their fucking research I'm not entitled to my legitimate purchase and I have to wait instead of mailing me a physical copy of the game or something as an alternative? GO FUCK YOURSELVES UBISOFT.


What I have found is that there was an issue with how the order connected to the Digital River download servers and it is not fully complete. This is why it did not offer a download or activation key for the purchase. The problem has been escalated and they think that they have found the issue and it should be repaired soon. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Ubisoft Support
I only gift ubisoft games to people I don't like. However I reserve GFWL gifts for acts of vengeance.
I have not had any issues but imo no game or platform is perfect. Plenty of people have had issues with steam and origin

Posted from App for Android
I'm using offline mode on UPlay all the time, no issues. MP sucks anyway. No, "offline mode" isn't another term for cracked copy. :p
I've been avoiding all of their titles, having sold my Never Settle Bundle as well as another copy of far Cry 3.

The only game I'm looking forward to is Mirror's Edge 2, only because the original was so well done. That's my last straw with Ubisoft
I'm using offline mode on UPlay all the time, no issues. MP sucks anyway. No, "offline mode" isn't another term for cracked copy. :p


My internet was down the other day and I had no probs running Uplay & FC3 in offline mode.
finally bought farcry 3 because i love the series. well i cant play the damn game cause i cant connect to Uplay what a piece of crap software.

This can happen with any online DRM scheme. We can thank Steam for setting this standard.
I wonder what the people who constantly rag on Ubisoft or Origin or DRM etc aren't telling us about what they are trying to do with these games...simply buying it and having these issues sounds fishy...I wonder what the full story's easy to call out Ubisoft and get a one sided story
10 post so 9.5 of you are pirates and the ubi hates pirates ROFL

yea they spend more time on drm than on game development
crashes because you might be (by them are) a pirate.
Uh yeah, no. I paid for a legit copy and bc they use digital river for their game delivery service I got the random fuck you. So, when there are several million copies sold, the vast majority will have no issues. The stink is that there are still a ton of people that are plagued by random issues bc of the way they deliver content which is largely due to the stupid store or drm. I would think that the cracked copies probably work BETTER than the legit copies bc it REMOVES the drm btw.
Uh yeah, no. I paid for a legit copy and bc they use digital river for their game delivery service I got the random fuck you. So, when there are several million copies sold, the vast majority will have no issues. The stink is that there are still a ton of people that are plagued by random issues bc of the way they deliver content which is largely due to the stupid store or drm. I would think that the cracked copies probably work BETTER than the legit copies bc it REMOVES the drm btw.

um...but you already admitted in another thread that you did in fact pirate AC3 while waiting for Digital River to authorize your purchase
Never had any trouble with any ubi game. Both fc3 and all the ac games are working a1 on my setup. In fact i never really had any trouble at all. The only trouble i get is when i install mods on games lol
This can happen with any online DRM scheme. We can thank Steam for setting this standard.

Eh........ didn't MMOs do this before Steam came out? Like UO or Everquest? True, steam is bigger in terms of users... but still. At least steam has an offline mode. I'm not sure on how Uplay works but that doesn't seem to.

I'm actually on the Steam bandwagon now though I resisted it until..... earlier this year? maybe last year? Iunno, I just know I was much later in the game when it basically can't be helped anymore.
um...but you already admitted in another thread that you did in fact pirate AC3 while waiting for Digital River to authorize your purchase

What I have found is that there was an issue with how the order connected to the Digital River download servers and it is not fully complete. This is why it did not offer a download or activation key for the purchase. The problem has been escalated and they think that they have found the issue and it should be repaired soon. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Ubisoft Support

Here is the email from digital river. No key. Just a proof of PURCHASE that gives me jack shit when I try to get the game on uplay.

Thank you for ordering from UBIShop on November 30, 2012. The following email is a summary of your order. Please use this as your proof of purchase. If you paid by credit card, please look for on your credit card billing statement.

Note: If your order contains download products, you can complete the download by looking up your order using the information and link below. When the order summary appears, click on the Download link next to the product name. If your order contains physical products, you will receive a separate email notification when your products have shipped.

Note: If you order is a PC Download Pre Order, you will receive an additional email on the product's release date which will give you directions for finding your serial key and download link for your Pre Ordered product.

If you have any questions about the shipment of your product or Ubisoft's return policy, please click here to visit Ubishop's Help Page.

To look up your order, please visit:

Please note: This email message was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message.

UBIShop Customer Service
Your Order and Billing Information:
Order Number: 11633826344
Order Date: November 30, 2012
I wonder what the people who constantly rag on Ubisoft or Origin or DRM etc aren't telling us about what they are trying to do with these games...simply buying it and having these issues sounds fishy...I wonder what the full story's easy to call out Ubisoft and get a one sided story

The fuck are you braying about donkey? Many of us used a legit AMD Never Settle promo code and didn't get a fucking download link from UBI/UBISoft/Uplay/DigitalRiver/whatever the fuck they wanna call themselves.

Instead of giving us another promo code to get the game or mailing us a physical copy to make good on an error that is certainly not our fault, we have to wait for them to finish doing their thing? LOL The fuck kinda policy is this?!

Never again will I give any source of revenue to UBI, I will play their games but I will not pay for them.
Never again will I give any source of revenue to UBI, I will play their games but I will not pay for them.

so you're admitting to you want people to believe that you pick and choose which games to pirate or only pirate games after you've been screwed over after legitamately buying the game?...c'mon...sounds like you're just looking for an excuse to rationalize your pirating
No wonder why 95% of us are pirates according to Ubisoft, you buy the game, and have to pirate it just so you can actually play it.
so you're admitting to you want people to believe that you pick and choose which games to pirate or only pirate games after you've been screwed over after legitamately buying the game?...c'mon...sounds like you're just looking for an excuse to rationalize your pirating

More like we can't play the games otherwise.

The point that you are choosing to ignore is that people who have a legitimate right to play the game can't. This is entirely ubisofts fault, not ours. So please re-direct towards people who actually didn't pay or have a promo code. if you like, I can repost my emails for your reading pleasure.
This can happen with any online DRM scheme. We can thank Steam for setting this standard.

I can play the majority of my Steam games offline. It's up to the developer if they want to have it online only. I'm all for giving Valve/Steam shit for its early years, but the problems are few and far between now. If they really do this pay2win shop I'm going to retract every nice statement I have ever said about them. Ubisoft deserves to be thrown in a bottomless pit and never be seen again. The way they hassle their legitimate customers is sad, and they have done nothing but continually insult and depress their loyal followers of their franchise games.
I wonder what the people who constantly rag on Ubisoft or Origin or DRM etc aren't telling us about what they are trying to do with these games...simply buying it and having these issues sounds fishy...I wonder what the full story's easy to call out Ubisoft and get a one sided story

Ive never ragged in ubisoft till now. Bought the game on steam. Downloaded it. Played for an hour. Had sexy timewith the wife. Came back to play an hour later. Cant connect to u play. Fire up gw2 for a bit then tried again it connected. Played about 10 mins then it disconnects me telling me that my newly created account of two hours has logged in at a different location.

Say screw it sexy time with the wife again. The. Come back and olay for 2hours no problem we will see how today goes when I put my kids down for a nap
The problem with ubisoft's DRM is that it's crappy to begin with, if you are going to implement a DRM, make sure it works to begin with. Another important thing is that ubisoft needs to distribute their games themself if they want to get into this whole DRM and online store thing. They instead us Digital River to distribute their games, depending on someone else to distribute the game online is a recipe for disaster. Add to the fact that Digital River itself is a retarded distribution method, its not surprising that many people are facing issues.
The problem with ubisoft's DRM is that it's crappy to begin with, if you are going to implement a DRM, make sure it works to begin with. Another important thing is that ubisoft needs to distribute their games themself if they want to get into this whole DRM and online store thing. They instead us Digital River to distribute their games, depending on someone else to distribute the game online is a recipe for disaster. Add to the fact that Digital River itself is a retarded distribution method, its not surprising that many people are facing issues.

Hey now! DigitalRiver is used by "great" distribution services like GFWL and Xboxlive...:D
I think online PC support just isn't all that great no matter who it is. Ubisoft's problem is that their DRM is arguably the worst of the bunch.
I'd dare say Origin's support might be worse, though. Since EA forced people to create so many different accounts over the years (Bioware, EA, Origin, NFS, etc.) - your EA account can get fubar'd pretty easily. Want to reach someone? Their chat lines are pretty much always at least an hour long and their phone support is worthless.
I'd dare say Origin's support might be worse

What about steam? Probably about the biggest distribution service, seem to have plenty of money but no chat, no phone, nothing. Just some message board you have to sign up to with a whole new account and leave a message that they can take up to a week to reply to. :p
Says a lot when you buy a title for full price and the only way to actually enjoy your purchase is to download an illegal copy.
so you're admitting to you want people to believe that you pick and choose which games to pirate or only pirate games after you've been screwed over after legitamately buying the game?...c'mon...sounds like you're just looking for an excuse to rationalize your pirating


Customer pays for game.
Publisher accepts payment but withholds game.
Customer obtains game anyway.

I don't see what the customer has done wrong in this situation. There can be no argument that the publisher has lost a sale or suffered damages by the customer obtaining a pirated version of the game, especially since the publisher has withheld the game after payment was received. Three weeks is not an acceptable delay, particularly because the product isn't even a physical object and is not subject to available stock or shipping/packaging times.

Not sure why you would pick this instance to try and make your point, polonyc2.
What about steam? Probably about the biggest distribution service, seem to have plenty of money but no chat, no phone, nothing. Just some message board you have to sign up to with a whole new account and leave a message that they can take up to a week to reply to. :p

That sucks. I've actually been lucky enough to never have any Steam issues, but that's lousy if true. All the issues I've ever had with Steam games have just been with the actual games themselves, not the Steam component.
That sucks. I've actually been lucky enough to never have any Steam issues, but that's lousy if true. All the issues I've ever had with Steam games have just been with the actual games themselves, not the Steam component.

Here you go. The entirety of Steam support! You have to click the FAQ link to see all the contact option... (no e-mail address even...)