Now that BFBC2 is out which is better MW2 or BFBC2

Which is Better?

  • BFBC2

    Votes: 305 92.1%
  • Modern Warfare 2

    Votes: 26 7.9%

  • Total voters
I much prefer BC2.

The funny thing is, I'm actually far better at MW2... my K/D ratio in BC2 is horrid, overall I'm sitting on a KDR of about 0.75 for BC2, and that's only thanks to a couple of games where I did really well and bumped up the ratio, usually its more like 0.6-0.7. However in COD my KDR is usually 1 or more, I'm generally unhappy in COD if I get less than 1 and am often more like 1.5. (Note: This is just in public servers, I'm not into clans and crap).

Despite that I still prefer BC2.

K/D ratio isn't important in BC2, it's a team game and you have to take the kills for the team. Especially as a Medic.

I'm the same, my K/D ratio is around 0.80 but improving the more I play

MW2 my kills were around 15k and deaths around 11, so I was much better at MW2. I think this also has something to do with the play style, MW2 is a twitch shooter (reflexes) and BC2 is slower and more tactical. I tend to be rubbish when I have to think!

I have to say I enjoyed MW2 a lot more than BC2 so far, between all the EA servers issues, crashes, Punkbuster init issues, disconnects and glitches BC2 really hasn't taken off for me. BC2 is an epic fail in terms of service so far.

In fact I go as far as to say that EA / DICE are even making Activision / IW look professional. My God!
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EA is doing a good job keeping us in the loop with what's going on unlike Robert Bowling's complete lack of regard for PC gamers.
EA is doing a good job keeping us in the loop with what's going on unlike Robert Bowling's complete lack of regard for PC gamers.

True, but both seem to think Twitter is a good way to communicate. God I can't stand Twitter ;(
K/D ratio isn't important in BC2, it's a team game and you have to take the kills for the team. Especially as a Medic.

I'm the same, my K/D ratio is around 0.80 but improving the more I play

MW2 my kills were around 15k and deaths around 11, so I was much better at MW2. I think this also has something to do with the play style, MW2 is a twitch shooter (reflexes) and BC2 is slower and more tactical. I tend to be rubbish when I have to think!

This stuff's right. I wish more people would realise that your own personal little stats matter sod all. Nobody's going to be impressed with your KDR if you got it by sitting at the back of the map plinking away with your M24.

Although I am wondering if it's reported wrong. From the first time I played until yesterday morning mine showed as 2.9, and then I played one map where I only just about broke even and now I'm down to 1.9. Must be something going on there, because I'm far too incredible to have such a lowly KDR.
I definitely prefer BC2 when I'm able to actually log on and play. I think once the server and PB issues are fixed it will be easily one of the best games released 2010. My only complaint is that the assault rifles feel a little week. I'm only rank 3 so there's still lots to unlock but I noticed that most assault people use the 40mm attachment to get kills.
Personally I feel that both were great, and both a letdown.

BFBC2 gets my vote cuz I love the gameplay so much... but shit its buggy, I mean I still feel like I am oporating the BF Vietnam server browser...

MW2 pisses me off cuz hackers run rampet, no map pack yet... limited game time... I hate going in and out of servers all day... back and forth.
I like certain aspects of both
I'll echo this one. I like the pace of the action in MW2, BC2 feels sluggish in comparison. On the other hand, I love that you can blow buildings up in BC2. I also like that I can essentially select/decide what I want to unlock in MW2
I think BFBC2 is better, but im to used to MW2's button layout and physics that its actually screwing me up.
I spent a good portion of my weekend playing BC2, I haven't had this much fun in an online shooter since UT2k4
K/D ratio isn't important in BC2, it's a team game and you have to take the kills for the team.

In COD4 and W@W my KD ratio was 1.5 and 1.6, but with this game I am also at 0.80. I charge constantly to plant the charge or defend, but I am not too worried. Like Spicey said I take the kills for the team.

Other than having a laggy server browser I never really had connection issues until yesterday with PB. After they fixed the issue I played just fine. I was just a tad laggy at the beginning, but after they did the first server patch last Friday @ 4pm PST I was completely lag free. Much better experience than COD in that regards and with lower frames. I have this game on high with 4AA and 8AF and it's B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L
BFBC2 gets my vote after a full weekend of playing, its just glorious.

Is there any way to see my BC2 stats online?
lol MW2 got raped in the poll, as it should have.

I've never played BFBC2 and I can tell you it has to be better than MW2. MW2 is the single most disappointing sequel I have ever played. Talk about a boring "shooter".

Thats the problem with this poll, people are voting that haven't even played both.
opinions are subjective and based on individual needs & preferences. there's no way to separate this.

my 2 cents:

modern warfare 2 by far. (1) waayyy cooler weapons (2) i like the maps of mw2 better (3) better story line. finally the move on from wwII! (4) excellent gameplay (5) looks awesome. my humble e6600 & 4770 512 MB averages 80 FPS (rare, brief dips to 40+) at 1680 x 1050, 2x AA, textures high, everything else turned on. so i don't need to hurt my wallet to enjoy such a great game.

i perfectly understand the anger some people here feel. especially those who spend so much to have the latest & greatest rigs. dedicated servers are a most for people with such rigs. for me they would have been nice too. but i'm a casual gamer and IW network works fine. doesn't crash or stutter (after 10 minutes of googling & troubleshooting - not bad). works great. i forgive IW because (1) I still have COD4 for dedicated servers so they compensate themselves (2) ACTIVISION cheated them and did not give them their dues for making such great games (3) I'm a loyal fan (but not a foolish one I hope :D) I understand why they did what they did and for me it wasn't a big loss. For others it was a big loss and I understand that. Sadly, the hard working, dedicated enthusiasts who shell out $250 for a GPU are maybe less than 1% of the gaming population (the elite if you wish to say). from a business perspective, the other 99% may not even be aware of a big difference. it's a shame these enthusiasts have to be pulled down because common folk like me but that's how it is. but all in all, i'm a loyal IW fan and one slip isn't enough to make me forget how many hours of my vibrant youth i wasted on playing COD4 all the beautiful women that missed out because i was too busy playing this game ROFL. i look forward to whatever new games Vince Z & crew come out with. yes i know as fans we're supposed to push the developers so they don't get complacent but there's a balance too.

I played BFBC2 at a family member's house. very demanding for rigs but doesn't produce graphics that are much better. or maybe i'm a city slicker who just loves urban settings & maps. it is unfair to say that IW merely ported a console to PC. they did, as with their previous games, optimize this decently. my humble rig can play ($62 gpu).

MW2 feels fresh and modern. BFBC2 feels like any other game. to be fair, i only played BFBC2 briefly. the only 3 games i play are mw1, mw2, wings of prey. the rest i have my xbox 360 :)
My only complaint is that the assault rifles feel a little week. I'm only rank 3 so there's still lots to unlock but I noticed that most assault people use the 40mm attachment to get kills.

That's cause they are. I'm Rank 22 and have every class maxed out except Medic which I'm one gun away from. Shotguns + 12g slug + Magnum Ammo decimates everything in short-med range engagements, one shot one kill with perfect precision. For sustained fire, the XM8 LMG is disgustingly good, think of the XM8 for the assault class except now with a 100round drum, more stopping power, and almost zero recoil with marksman spec.

I think they made the assault rifles the way they are because of the 40mm attachment. It's the only equalizing factor that ARs have going for them but a damn good one. Excellent for taking out campers and nuking people in defensive positions/cover. The best first spec for Assault is the explosive pouch so you can rock 4-40mm grenades and 2 hand grenades. Most people will be anti-40mm cause of the stigma it gets for being a noob weapon but the splash radius is small in this game; you pretty much need a direct hit to kill anyone with it.

I wish I knew what they were thinking when they made the smoke launcher farts provide more cover than this thing.
I managed to get a 3 hour session going last night with a full squad of friends (had to use Ventrilo because the in-game voice chat is horribly broken). It was a lot more fun than I expected, and reminded me why the Battlefield series was always so fun.
I have never played BFBC2... but I am interested, once the price goes down and some patches come out... If I don't play with a mic will it be I be at a disavantage? If I don't like Left for Dead (because I don't have a mic....), am I likely to like this game? Or will that not matter?

The distructable environments and nice array of vehicles are enticing to me.
I have never played BFBC2... but I am interested, once the price goes down and some patches come out... If I don't play with a mic will it be I be at a disavantage? If I don't like Left for Dead (because I don't have a mic....), am I likely to like this game? Or will that not matter?

The distructable environments and nice array of vehicles are enticing to me.

Depends on the game mode as far as the mic is concerned. If you're a squad/deathmatch kind of guy, no need, if you want to play squad rush and some of the more team oriented modes, I would probably reccomend it but you won't NEED one. The gameplay is more team oriented than alot of online shooters.

Compared to MW2, there are some maps that will end up having you play twitch style, there are some larger maps that, if you don't work with your team and think things out, you will fail.

This is more similar to TF2 than L4D (if we are using valve games as a barometer), so liking L4D is not a pre-requisite at all.
That's cause they are. I'm Rank 22 and have every class maxed out except Medic which I'm one gun away from. Shotguns + 12g slug + Magnum Ammo decimates everything in short-med range engagements, one shot one kill with perfect precision. For sustained fire, the XM8 LMG is disgustingly good, think of the XM8 for the assault class except now with a 100round drum, more stopping power, and almost zero recoil with marksman spec.

I think they made the assault rifles the way they are because of the 40mm attachment. It's the only equalizing factor that ARs have going for them but a damn good one. Excellent for taking out campers and nuking people in defensive positions/cover. The best first spec for Assault is the explosive pouch so you can rock 4-40mm grenades and 2 hand grenades. Most people will be anti-40mm cause of the stigma it gets for being a noob weapon but the splash radius is small in this game; you pretty much need a direct hit to kill anyone with it.

I wish I knew what they were thinking when they made the smoke launcher farts provide more cover than this thing.

Not to mention the shotgun attachment. It's not as versatile as the UGL, I find myself using that mostly to take out people peeking through windows or manning MGs, but if you get a smart run around the back of the enemy point and drop an ammo crate you can hold off pretty much their entire team by switching back and forth between the rifle and shotgun attachment.

Incredibly satisfying zigzagging through knackered buildings, crouching in a corner and slipping another 40mm shell in and then POOFing some poor bastard in the face as he runs around looking for you. A few dozen times.
Not to mention the shotgun attachment. It's not as versatile as the UGL, I find myself using that mostly to take out people peeking through windows or manning MGs, but if you get a smart run around the back of the enemy point and drop an ammo crate you can hold off pretty much their entire team by switching back and forth between the rifle and shotgun attachment.

Incredibly satisfying zigzagging through knackered buildings, crouching in a corner and slipping another 40mm shell in and then POOFing some poor bastard in the face as he runs around looking for you. A few dozen times.

I wish I could afford to use the shotty attachment cause I love them for most games but, like you said, you give up way too much versatility when using anything other than the 40mm. At that point you may as well use a Medic with extra ammo pouch. 600 rounds should last you a long time and firing from cover with a med pack healing you gives you some good staying power. An Assault class w/o 40mm is just a gimped Medic. Not to mention the Medic is pretty much the only class that's suited to using the Tracer Dart since he doesn't run out of ammo in 3 seconds.

I'd opt for the shotty attachment if hand grenades were any good in this game. Why can't we cook the damn thing and why does it float lazily in the air like a Frisbee?

I know they can fix the damn smoke launcher too cause I've seen what the smoke screen does on the vehicle attachment and that thing obscures well but ultimately useless on the tank for the most part cause nobody's fooling anyone by popping a smoke screen and then rolling out at 5mph.
Most people will be anti-40mm cause of the stigma it gets for being a noob weapon but the splash radius is small in this game; you pretty much need a direct hit to kill anyone with it.
And most people still use is that way, unfortunately. I think there should be an "arm" range like most games have, which prevents the nade from going off unless it's traveled at least 20 feet or something. It prevents dumb shit like getting noobtubed to end a close range pistol or knife fight, which obviously should kill both of you, but magically doesn't. Go figure.
And most people still use is that way, unfortunately. I think there should be an "arm" range like most games have, which prevents the nade from going off unless it's traveled at least 20 feet or something. It prevents dumb shit like getting noobtubed to end a close range pistol or knife fight, which obviously should kill both of you, but magically doesn't. Go figure.

There is one. It won't explode if you hit something within 10 feet or so. Still seems to kill people with a direct hit, though.
There is one. It won't explode if you hit something within 10 feet or so. Still seems to kill people with a direct hit, though.

Ive been doing a lot of 40mm kills and yeah direct hits instantly kill people without an explosion.

Its bugged though, sometimes it wouldn't register even if I shot the ground and instantly switched to bullets.
Created a poll as soon as the game is released and expected the hype and the "new game feel" not to completely over-shadow MW2?

Stupid poll.
Created a poll as soon as the game is released and expected the hype and the "new game feel" not to completely over-shadow MW2?

Stupid poll.

Make another in a month i guarantee BC2 still beats MW2.
Ive been doing a lot of 40mm kills and yeah direct hits instantly kill people without an explosion.

Its bugged though, sometimes it wouldn't register even if I shot the ground and instantly switched to bullets.

I have had the exact same problem. It almost looked like it hit the ground and disappeared.
it looks like 40mm's have a engagement range now, in the beta they did not. it was retarded.
maybe if MW2 gets a map pack they votes will change, but the freshness of BC2 is going to create some bias here. we'll all get pretty fucking fed up with snipers soon enough
maybe if MW2 gets a map pack they votes will change, but the freshness of BC2 is going to create some bias here. we'll all get pretty fucking fed up with snipers soon enough

Agreed, I actually like both games for different reasons. I think it's largely going to depend on who puts out more content, more often and I'll probably binge on whatever game is more fresh. It hasn't even been a week and I'm sick of some of the BFBC2 maps already. The Rush flip-flop format is fine but do we really need to switch sides and play the same map on Conquest? I find myself leaving a lot of the times during the second round of Conquest.
I haven't had any issues with to many snipers. But perhaps it's because I don't just run around in plain site...
Agreed, I actually like both games for different reasons. I think it's largely going to depend on who puts out more content, more often and I'll probably binge on whatever game is more fresh.

same here, i'll flop back and forth between the two. both games are great IMO. right now BC2 is my crack.

The Rush flip-flop format is fine but do we really need to switch sides and play the same map on Conquest? I find myself leaving a lot of the times during the second round of Conquest.

i agree 100%. play a round, switch sides, ok now the radio chatter is in russian. awesome. it would be nice to just play one round then move along to the next map. also, i need me some Arica Harbor in conquest mode.
maybe if MW2 gets a map pack they votes will change, but the freshness of BC2 is going to create some bias here. we'll all get pretty fucking fed up with snipers soon enough

Supposedly there is a map pack coming out for MW2 soon, but it feels like the game shipped with like what? 4 maps?

The distructable environments and nice array of vehicles are enticing to me.

Not going to lie; this is my absolute fave part of this game. That and the sniping isn't quite as hard as it is in MW2.

Other than having a laggy server browser I never really had connection issues until yesterday with PB.

The server browser makes me want to punch a baby; it's absolutely horrible. And that's not even counting the lag. I have a friend running 3 servers and I stupidly didn't mark them when I had all 3 up on the search. It took me until a slow time this morning to get all 3 of them on favorites, and that includes narrowing down the options. They also don't have a way to put in an IP (that I've found) so I can't just go directly to them.
Not going to lie; this is my absolute fave part of this game. That and the sniping isn't quite as hard as it is in MW2.

Are you kidding? You hold shift in MW2 and the only limitation when it comes to sniping is your reflexes. You are guaranteed not to miss if you put the crosshair over the person.

You're fucking with us.
Supposedly there is a map pack coming out for MW2 soon, but it feels like the game shipped with like what? 4 maps?

16 maps and i think just about all of them are good.

That and the sniping isn't quite as hard as it is in MW2.

i'm assuming you're speaking of the cramped quarters of MW2 maps, which makes sniping a bit tricky. I'm a terrible sniper in MW2. only way i can get by is with an ACOG scope. Jellylesg is right - it's point and click assuming you have the reflexes for sniping on smaller maps.
Are you kidding? You hold shift in MW2 and the only limitation when it comes to sniping is your reflexes. You are guaranteed not to miss if you put the crosshair over the person.

You're fucking with us.

I actually agree with him. I feel the whole bullet drop thing is over-exaggerated. It only requires a slight adjustment and one that most people will learn to compensate for by playing a bit.

The biggest reasons why sniping in MW2 is hard is due to the gun sway and the map size. Most areas in that game are just too small to stay scoped in and the sway is enough to throw off your aim if it's bobbing at an awkward angle at that exact moment and trying to scope at the last moment is going to get you killed due to the much faster target acquisition and accuracy of every other gun.

On the other hand, BFBC2 has much bigger maps, no sway, and not everyone is trying to kill you. In MW2, anything that moves or looks suspicious gets shot up; in BFBC2 people are busy doing other stuff whether it's manning stationary artillery to counter armor, trying to shoot down air support, fixing up tanks, picking up fallen allies, etc. There are just so many more opportunities to get off good shots in BFBC2 whereas in MW2 you're pretty much forced to do quick-scopes against decent players.
People played the BETA so the "freshness" is kinda bull. Even just by playing BETA I knew the game was miles ahead of MW2.
People played the BETA so the "freshness" is kinda bull. Even just by playing BETA I knew the game was miles ahead of MW2.

No kidding. I have a few friends who threw a wobbly when they got the beta because they couldn't add each other on the buddy list and because the server browser wouldn't let them filter by ping yet.

Forgot what the point of this was, just spent about four minutes trying to remember what I was going to say and re-writing it a half-dozen times. Fuck's sake.
Sniping in BC2 is WAY harder than in MW2. Do I have to take into account bullet travel time or is it hit scan like the Rail Gun in Quake 2?