Now that the shiny newness is gone how is Aion?

Oct 14, 2004
I was thinking of buying a copy of the game and trying it out but I wanted to wait until the game had been out for a while and then get peoples opinion. Is it worth playing?
I regret buying it. The most beautifully boring grind ever. :/

Heck, WoW bores the heck out of me now too (in spite of my still raiding with my guild), but DA:O is the remedy to that boredom....
Yep, lovely to look at but sooo boring its unreal. Shame really.

As mentioned above, play DA:O - it will keep you occupied for much longer than Aion, it really is a fantastic game.
Yeah the game was good until you hit the mid 40's... that was when the grinding became unbearable. Horrible grind near the end. Boring as hell too, I don't suggest anyone to get this game. Miragent's is pretty much the only end game Elyos go for as the Abyss points are almost unrealizable for certain items and with the amount of people on to kill only..
I quit at 26. Hellish grind and everything I read says it gets magnitudes worse. If there wasn't a 24 hour lockout on instances maybe I would have stuck with it a bit longer.
Yeah the game was good until you hit the mid 40's... that was when the grinding became unbearable. Horrible grind near the end. Boring as hell too, I don't suggest anyone to get this game. Miragent's is pretty much the only end game Elyos go for as the Abyss points are almost unrealizable for certain items and with the amount of people on to kill only..

What is "the end" of this anyway?
What is "the end" of this anyway?

To be honest, this game has really no real "endgame" implemented, everything can be done when you are pretty much around the 40's the mid 40's. Dark Poeta is really the only thing I can think of at 50.
I went on a seige with a huge group and my client kept crashing. 3 hours straight trying to get into the fort but it kept crashing. I canceled my account the next day.
that issue is now fixed.

they recently banned over 25,000 accounts for RMT, BOT, and Spam.

i didnt plan on renewing after my first paid month, but the game is fun to play. yes the grind borning, but while i play a lot, i mix up what im doing.

right now ill start off with doing steel rake, then log off for a bit, play some quake, get back on do some quest, through in a fort raid or grind on some guards to be bait for pvp.

only grip is things take way to long with very little reward. as in here is this repeatable x30 you get a cool hat at 30/30 and you can turn the quest in 3 times per run of steel rake, but doing so makes the instance take an hr longer, as you need to pull mobs that you can skip. on top of the fact that boss drop very little, i mean a white mana stone off the end boss? thats it. i mean im all for making Unique items Unique but not droping anything that the group can roll on is ludacris!

42 Templar - all quest
38 Glad - mostly grind (and yes grinding to this high is boaring!!!! but im RICH BISH)
The game is beautiful, but the grind is horrific.
I thought the game wasn't any different than WoW...
Graphics are better, but there aren't nearly as many quests/instances...
I quit Wow cause I thought it was boring after reaching cap lvl.
I quit Aion cause I thought it was boring after reaching mid 20s.
I don't know. I enjoy it. It is grindy, but I also do not want to be level 50 overnight like WoW. Certainly is nothing like EQ grind.
I quit Aion after about 1 month. I had a 23 level character and a 28 level character.

Besides grinding the death penalties are way to large for me. And costs for traveling too.

So you might say "fine then don't die"

There are a lot of quests and instances that need to be done to level. If you are not in
a good legion (guild) you have to pug and then you get into some bad groups and
you die a lot.

It's too bad because there were a lot of things I liked about Aion.
It's a good game, although NCSOFT should've divided the level cap into stages. The issues I have seen were the level caps and requirements for the instances and campaign quests.It was impossible to back track to lower level instances to help guild mates for specific campaigns. If you fell too far behind the level curve for your server or guild. You were pretty much SoL and would have to PUG it out.

I just recently saw the Aion "Vision" Trailer. Unforutunately I read that the content shown in the trailer are not part of any particular patch or expansion and are just a peek into the way the developers want to go. So basically its a plea of "Please dont leave us! We promise this game will get cooler!" It looked impressive but most of the improvements did not seem to address any of the basic game mechanics brought up in this thread which worries me.
got to 25, .. here's how i see it:

nothing to do
quests are boring and like WoW
flying interface is stupid
zones are ugly.. except the starting zone, that was awesome graphics. all you see later are dirt and deserts. sick of it
picking weed SUCKS but if you don't do it, you can't complete quests
I like the idea of sitting = drinking/eating though... no need food.
nothing to do, no instances or anything, groups can be in different channel, that's kinda stupid idea too. might as well have instances.
characters are not that good looking, their stances are disturbing.
you can't see what you customized..
and the list goes on...

there're some positive but not enough to keep me playing...
got to 25, .. here's how i see it:

nothing to do At 43 to 50, correct
quests are boring and like WoW I tend to agree, but WoW quests were fast and easy
flying interface is stupid Flying for Melee is stupid
zones are ugly.. except the starting zone, that was awesome graphics. all you see later are dirt and deserts. sick of it Environment still looks nice, but would like a bit of change
picking weed SUCKS but if you don't do it, you can't complete quests Not true, you don't need to gather or required to do any gathering quests if you don't want to.
I like the idea of sitting = drinking/eating though... no need food. I like this too, there is a cheap way of regaining hp doing this
nothing to do, no instances or anything, groups can be in different channel, that's kinda stupid idea too. might as well have instances. Instances only in starter zone, once you reach Eltnen it's not longer channels. Save for Theobomos (Elyos side) which has 2 instances due to low level areas.
characters are not that good looking, their stances are disturbing. I disagree, characters looked pretty good, I liked how my gladiator looked like
you can't see what you customized.. Customize what?
and the list goes on...

there're some positive but not enough to keep me playing... I also quit after 2nd month, game was boring end game

Bolded responses ;)
Didn't like it, Just got bored fast. I made it to 25? Don't remember i played with friends who i played during Burning Crusade (We played together from Kara to 6/6 Sunwell Pre.30, So i trusted them a bit). I kinda wish i didn't.

O well my fault for thinking i can go back to playing like i did during my wow days, damm work/hobbies.
It has entertained my girlfriend and I. I think the trick is to try not to "win the game" in a short period of time. There is a grind, it does take a long time to level in later levels (getting to 25 is easy, though, don't know what some of these people have played). Play with friends, do crafting, do raids, both PvP/PvE. Don't worry just about leveling, because it will be a slow ride if you do. The game is beautiful, and hopefully they add/fix more things for the western audience for endgame.
I am still an avid WoW Junkie and have been for 3 years. for some reason i dont get bored of the game. As for Aion its a boring game but the Graphics are awesome :) wouldnt buy it in my opinion
I quit at 26. Hellish grind and everything I read says it gets magnitudes worse. If there wasn't a 24 hour lockout on instances maybe I would have stuck with it a bit longer.

Hmm, the grind didn't really start until late 30's. The instances after Training Grounds had much shorter lockouts, that you could finish them then restart almost straight afterwards.
(getting to 25 is easy, though, don't know what some of these people have played).

People these days see any lapse in their quest grinding as a big no no. Only solution is to make games like WoW where there's over 15000 quests. 15000 quests to kill 10 mobs each, or 150000 mobs, not much difference :) Though I guess questing takes a slight edge off of it, just like listening to music, or watching a movie in the background :p
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lvl 43 sorc for reference...its not a bad game..there is fun to be had but it comes from being in good groups who know what they're doing just like any other mmo.

the biggest gripe is there just isn't that much to do, ergo, the grind. its a 'filler' game until the blockbuster mmo's come out next year.

the real question that needs to be asked, is if those of us who have played it had to do it all over again, would you buy answer is no I wouldn't. I will try to get this character to 50 tho and then shelve it for a newer mmo. star trek and/or star wars and see how those are.
I knew just from the beta I wouldn't like it. Say what you will about WoW, but it has some magnet that just pulls you back, not many games have that effect. I really wish another super awesome MMO would come out so I can start over with that whole "newbieness" that comes with first playing a game. I think leveling my mage in WoW was some of the most fun I ever had in that game, even though it's nothing but raid raid raid on 3 characters now lol.
I got my glad to level 30, and than bought into wow again and I got a rogue/warlock to level 10 and stopped playing :(

if I could do it over again, I wouldn't have purchased either
At level 45 about 2 months ago (1 month into release) my gladiator felt the grind, at endgame the game was a mess and sucked. I quit after 2nd month.
As someone who has a level 50 character and has experienced the game more than those who played to 20-30 and quit, this game is definitely worth a buy. The game is balanced for 50. As a chanter, I can win a duel against any class, because I know how to play my class well. Sure it has a grind factor about it...welcome to MMO's guys! Sure the end-game content is sparse, but it's still new. Remember when the only end-game content in WoW was UBRS and MC? Buy it. I love it.

As with any new MMO that is still working on ironing out the kinks (ALL MMO's do this, its an unfortunate practice, but certainly not exclusive to Aion), the key is to find a group of people you enjoy chatting with and playing with. In all honesty, a person's MMO expiriecne is defined by the community and the people you choose to interact with. If you get in with a good bunch, you will love it. If you are a loner who doesn't try to find friends and have fun, MMO is not for you, go play a single player game.
What killed the game for me is the awesome (insert sarcasm here) mono, non-positional sound effects I get when playing Aion on Windows 7. You can be on top of a monster or half a mile away and it still sounds exactly the same and you have no idea what direction the sound came from. Every sound in the game is like that and I can tell you for certain that it gets real annoying, real fast. To me, this is just unacceptable in a modern game. Oh sure, the game works fine in XP. I guess if I was Chinese and running Aion on my hacked copy of XP on my Pentium 4 screamer of a computer, with my $2 Sony knock-off headphones, I'd be happy as could be. I guess NCSoft is just catering to their large Chinese player base for this game.

Well, that's great, but no excuse or finger pointing or blaming Microsoft will excuse this epic fail of an oversight on NCSoft's part. Oh and an awesome side effect of this is that the bass output must be somewhere near +30db because the bass effects in the game just about explode my head when they fire off out of my subwoofer. No other game does this. (Maybe it helps those $2 headphones sound better).

FAIL. (account cancelled)
Strange, never had that issue myself with Win7 and Aion. Although I'd be interested in sources of others experiencing the same.
Yep, I played this game through CB, and OB (if you can call it that). The game was looking awesome.

But the more I kept playing and seeing how NCSoft responded to issues, it just kept feeling like more of a cash grab to me.

30-40% of their playerbase can't even siege battle because of the cryengine.dll crash, and NCsoft really hasn't done anything about it. There's really no "meat" to the game. Yea there's siege battles, but if you can't do it... then all there is to do is kill shit in the Abyss or craft. The game is heavily Kinah dependent, that Kinah buyers have a huge advantage. And judging by the response and how they are not really doing anything to bots or gold sellers... again cash grab.

Very frustrating for me, I was looking forward to this game, and it was beautiful and was hoping for some fresh air in this MMO.

Not so much. :(
This thread makes me smile. Where did the droves of people who said this was the second coming go? I remember being flamed for saying it was another Korean grindfest. If you bought it expecting it anything else, you were blind. Oh well. :D
My buddy's girlfriend lives with him and while he is busy at work, I see her playing AION all day on steam.

It's pretty funny and makes me feel that she is neglected haha. But he has totally turned her into a gaming Otaku because his main interests are all gaming.
As someone who has a level 50 character and has experienced the game more than those who played to 20-30 and quit, this game is definitely worth a buy. The game is balanced for 50. As a chanter, I can win a duel against any class, because I know how to play my class well. Sure it has a grind factor about it...welcome to MMO's guys! Sure the end-game content is sparse, but it's still new. Remember when the only end-game content in WoW was UBRS and MC? Buy it. I love it.

As with any new MMO that is still working on ironing out the kinks (ALL MMO's do this, its an unfortunate practice, but certainly not exclusive to Aion), the key is to find a group of people you enjoy chatting with and playing with. In all honesty, a person's MMO expiriecne is defined by the community and the people you choose to interact with. If you get in with a good bunch, you will love it. If you are a loner who doesn't try to find friends and have fun, MMO is not for you, go play a single player game.

That's all well and good, but Aion was a pure cash grab-and-run deal, with no company support or effort behind it to actually improve the game or communicate well with the playerbase. AOC, WAR, etc. went this way, but they actually improved and quickly while letting the community know of their plans and making sure to address complaints both with patches and posts as well as through their website regularly. Aion reeks of "gimme your money, I've got candy... hang on, it's in the trunk.... (SCREEEEEEEEECHHHH as the tires hit the road and you're left in the dust)" :p .
This thread makes me smile. Where did the droves of people who said this was the second coming go? I remember being flamed for saying it was another Korean grindfest. If you bought it expecting it anything else, you were blind. Oh well. :D


same here..

I got flamed while I was saying this is game is all about grind and boring after lv 30.

no one believe me, and instead they turn it to a flame bait..

I was just saying my experience in Korean beta, no one believe it..

but guess what now? it makes me laugh hard now... :p
Yep, I played this game through CB, and OB (if you can call it that). The game was looking awesome.

But the more I kept playing and seeing how NCSoft responded to issues, it just kept feeling like more of a cash grab to me.

30-40% of their playerbase can't even siege battle because of the cryengine.dll crash, and NCsoft really hasn't done anything about it. There's really no "meat" to the game. Yea there's siege battles, but if you can't do it... then all there is to do is kill shit in the Abyss or craft. The game is heavily Kinah dependent, that Kinah buyers have a huge advantage. And judging by the response and how they are not really doing anything to bots or gold sellers... again cash grab.

Very frustrating for me, I was looking forward to this game, and it was beautiful and was hoping for some fresh air in this MMO.

Not so much. :(

I guess you havn't been around the last month. Everywhere there was bots before they are now gone.I have also not noticed as many fort crashes lately. I am currently 44 almost 45 Glad and love the game. I'm glad its taking me longer to lvl. It makes me appreciate the game more than hitting max lvl in 1 month. Kinah is so easy to come by in Aion you just have to know what your doing. I have not bought kinah and am already sitting at 8mil. All you have to do is find out what sells on the AH.
Still stuck at Lvl 47, haven't played much for the past couple weeks. Was looking forward to PvPing but it's mostly ganking (outnumbering or outnumbered) and fortress fights. After going to my first fort fight and seeing everyone beat on a door with little to no opposition brought back a lot of not-so-fond memories of WAR. First thought that went through my head was "oh god not this shit again". Haven't been back to the Abyss since.

Rifting can be pretty darn fun if it weren't for the fact that 90% of the people you kill are bots. The whole 'skull' system puts an end to the fun eventually though since you'll have the entire server on you thanks to the dumb skull over your head. I'm beginning to think the whole "world pvp" concept doesn't really work out in MMOs these days. It's far too much time and work spent looking for a decent fight.

The loot drops in this game are absurdly low and pretty much sums up the entire PvE experience. Those that complained about easy epics in other games will love the drop rates in this game. Personally, I already hate PvE and only do it to fill in some gear gaps but this might actually be the most time consuming way to get gear in this game.

The only thing I hate more than PvE grinding is money grinding and this game has it in spades. You need money for EVERYTHING in this game. Usually people who don't care about PvE and crafting can just go out and PvP and largely escape the money grind. Unfortunately, PvP is balanced around consumables and you'll find yourself burning through them at an alarming rate.

Anyways, that's my experience with the game. Help me, Bioware; you're my only hope.
As someone who has a level 50 character and has experienced the game more than those who played to 20-30 and quit, this game is definitely worth a buy. The game is balanced for 50. As a chanter, I can win a duel against any class, because I know how to play my class well. Sure it has a grind factor about it...welcome to MMO's guys! Sure the end-game content is sparse, but it's still new. Remember when the only end-game content in WoW was UBRS and MC? Buy it. I love it.

As with any new MMO that is still working on ironing out the kinks (ALL MMO's do this, its an unfortunate practice, but certainly not exclusive to Aion), the key is to find a group of people you enjoy chatting with and playing with. In all honesty, a person's MMO expiriecne is defined by the community and the people you choose to interact with. If you get in with a good bunch, you will love it. If you are a loner who doesn't try to find friends and have fun, MMO is not for you, go play a single player game.

I was 50, and I was also in guild FiRe when it was #1 in all of US/UK. Now they must have merged with another guild, Fortune I believe. I haven't been checking back in a while. Many FiRe members including myself have quit since, end game was really boring.