NSA Changes Rules to Spy Less on American Citizens


Jul 24, 2011
Big Brother is watching less closely, as the National Security Agency announced the stoppage of a controversial act in their warrantless wiretapping activities. Previously, an American citizen’s text and email communication mentioning foreign people of interest had been marked for collection, under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The NSA has changed their policy to only deal with direct communications from these foreign suspects:

Instead, NSA will limit such collection to internet communications that are sent directly to or from a foreign target.

Critics of Section 702’s information collection have been outspoken as to concerns of the policy restricting a citizen’s 4th Amendment (unreasonable searches and seizures) rights. In this change, the NSA is lessening the chance to collect data from persons having no discernible connections to foreign targets. The Agency furthermore announced most of this “upstream” data collected will be deleted, to quell any further privacy concerns. Changes to policies all stemmed from in-house reviews, making one believe that pressures from such controversial actions were finally too much for Big Brother to deal with.
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Republicans and Democrats do the same thing using PART of an amendment and ignoring the parts they don't like, or using an interpretation that makes no sense to how the founders clearly meant it.

It reads:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
We know the intent of the founding fathers, since they also wrote so much else and the context of it when it came to the search and seizure of American ships and homes by the British, which pissed off the colonists, and so they didn't want to have that BS in their own government if they were going to voluntarily join into this new Union.

So no unreasonable searches and seizures AND no warrant to do so unless you have probable cause. Not "or", "AND".

He knows damn well, just as the Democrats that pretend that the second amendment doesn't give Americans the right to bare military grade weaponry, as was clearly the intent, again, because that's what allowed them to amass and fight their government (the British) and might be needed again to fight the new government if it became tyrannical. They expected the people to rise up and use military grade weapons, same as any soldier in the field, to take on the US government as one of the checks and balances. Kind of like the people did in the Arab spring where they used military grade AK47s to take on dictatorships, and the Venezuelans are feeling pretty stupid for falling into the pinko trap and having participated in gun buybacks and now have no way to stand up to the government that's turned tyrannical in a power grab (oopsie!).

Everyone understands the context and the meaning of the constitution, they just don't want to abide by it, so they do mental gymnastics.

Nothing new.
The NSA will do what ever they want whenever they want and nobody can do anything about it.
Hrm.. wonder what spurred this change...

Given that windows 10 sends them everything we type, they can claim whatever they want.

Oh that data? Yeah, it showed up by itself in our servers, we swear!!
The NSA will do what ever they want whenever they want and nobody can do anything about it.
The NSA isn't all powerful, just another branch of government with people running it... and right now, there is a power struggle between the elected executive and the unelected leaders of the "shadow" government like the NSA.

When they cooperate, then we are screwed, like allowing Hillary time and opportunity and lack of repercussions for cleaning out her personal mail server where she could operate off the books. We have over two thousand separate intelligence agencies in the US, private and public, and you're telling me they didn't know about someone as high profile as her all along, and when they did find out couldn't do a no-knock FBI raid like they would do to a regular person just for sharing MP3s online, when national security is at stake? That's the "you rub my back, I'll rub yours" stuff that should scare us.

Luckily, the current administration is butting heads w/ the intelligence agencies and so we have a bit of balance of power restored. Hopefully things stay this way. *fingers crossed*
The NSA isn't all powerful, just another branch of government with people running it... and right now, there is a power struggle between the elected executive and the unelected leaders of the "shadow" government like the NSA.

When they cooperate, then we are screwed, like allowing Hillary time and opportunity and lack of repercussions for cleaning out her personal mail server where she could operate off the books. We have over two thousand separate intelligence agencies in the US, private and public, and you're telling me they didn't know about someone as high profile as her all along, and when they did find out couldn't do a no-knock FBI raid like they would do to a regular person just for sharing MP3s online, when national security is at stake? That's the "you rub my back, I'll rub yours" stuff that should scare us.

Luckily, the current administration is butting heads w/ the intelligence agencies and so we have a bit of balance of power restored. Hopefully things stay this way. *fingers crossed*
What about the Republicans that use private servers? How do they fit into your scenario you have crafted out of boredom?
do i believe what they say ? No !
could i be wrong and they might actualy do what they say ? No !
now to a more interesting news worthy of HardOCP front page, a hacker named "the dark overlord" hacked into Netflix, got hold of the next season of " orange is the new black", released the 1st episode and threatens to release the whole season (which is due in June i believe) if he doesn't get paid, you can find the news on the Guardian.
do i believe what they say ? No !
could i be wrong and they might actualy do what they say ? No !
now to a more interesting news worthy of HardOCP front page, a hacker named "the dark overlord" hacked into Netflix, got hold of the next season of " orange is the new black", released the 1st episode and threatens to release the whole season (which is due in June i believe) if he doesn't get paid, you can find the news on the Guardian.

Orange is the New Black Hat?
Didn't Edward Snowden reveal "Operation Prism" or some such that the NSA was eavesdropping on literally everything whether some """suspicious""" foreigner was involved or not? Assuming they're not lying I'm inclined to believe the last line of the post. That spying on everyone for no reason is a lot of work and pain in the ass. Or maybe HDD manufacturers are suddenly treating the NSA how pharmaceutical companies treat prisons trying to procure execution drugs? (That last part's a joke.)
They don't even need to collect the data themselves anymore, since the Republicans voted to allow ISP's to monetize your internet privacy. They can just buy the information, like any other bidder. /Next agenda, killing net neutrality.
If you believe a word of this, then there's a good chance you're an American. :D

Where is that laughing Spanish guy when you need him?

But I'm sure I can quote him...

"And then we told them that we won't be spying on them as much anymore, and we will delete what we have on them already..."

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Illegal in the same way that it's illegal for a cop to kick the shit out of some poor black person just because?

Yep, probably illegal in exactly the same way.
With all due respect, I think Bees could have done more research before posting. Too many unknowns.
In this change, the NSA is lessening the chance to collect data from persons having no discernible connections to foreign targets. The Agency furthermore announced most of this "upstream" data collected will be deleted, to quell any further privacy concerns.
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