NTFS compression affect recoverability of a file?


Jan 24, 2006
I've had to do quite a bit of file recovery in the time I've worked with computers. The thing is though, I've never encountered any files that had any NTFS compression applied to them. Recently I decided to use NTFS file compression on unimportant files that are replaceable but that poses the question, does NTFS file compression make the recovery of files from a partially corrupted drive more difficult? If you have a compressed word document or text file, will it be more difficult to recover any usable amount of data compared the uncompressed file?
NTFS compression occurs at the NTFS driver level, its just another file attribute.

The only effects I've seen are that with some poorly written backup programs, backups and resotre restores run slower. As far as recoverability, the only reason you would have less recoverable data in a damaged storage solution is that more data is written to less disk space. If a particular spot on the drive goes bad, and compression is storing twice as much data in that spot, you lose twice the data. Other than that, no real difference.

If you have proper backups, that's of zero concern anyway.