Number of applications Apple installs


[H] for Life
Nov 16, 2000
I wonder how Apple gets away with it, but there must be a HUGE number of applications running on my Windows 7 x64 install for apple. Bonjour, MD Crash Report Tool, Itunes Helper, iTunes, iPodService, Apple mobile device helper, apple mobile device service, and probably some I haven't seen. Each taking up 2.5 to 77mb in size. Talk about bloatware. Is it similar on OSX or is it just part of the OS at that point?
I'm not certain why you'd install iTunes only to complain about iTunes being bloatware and consuming your memory. If you're unsatisfied with Apple software running on your Windows installation, do not install Apple software.

As for your second question, all of these functions are built-in, yes.
Talk about bloatware. Is it similar on OSX or is it just part of the OS at that point?

Meaningless question; OS X doesn't have background services in the same way Windows does. Further, it's not bloatware; those background services act as a bridge between an iPod or iPhone and the relevant parts of iTunes that manage syncing. It's necessary because Windows doesn't have the same level of app integration that OS X does, and iTunes was written for OS X in the first place.

If you don't need the services, go into msconfig and prevent them from loading. Really not that hard.
^^^ so how come winamp can do it with out all those processes?

most of those services dont show in MSconfig either, that is what i hate about apple software, it installs, even if you tell it not to (apple update anyone?)
^^^ so how come winamp can do it with out all those processes?

Winamp has the luxury of not being cross-platform. It also doesn't really have to worry about syncing your personal information the way iTunes does.
most of those services dont show in MSconfig either, that is what i hate about apple software, it installs, even if you tell it not to
Everything can be disabled in services.msc or msconfig. Disable iTunesHelper and QTTask in the Start-up pane in msconfig. In services.msc, you can disable the Apple Mobile Device service, the Bonjour service and the iPod service. The MD Crash Report tool only runs during syncs. It will not run at any other time.

If I recall, Apple Software Update runs on a Windows scheduled task. You can disable it by deleting the task or by setting the appropriate preference in Apple Software Update.
Why are you complaining about things that take up 2.5mb when everyone here has at least 2GB (I'm being conservative, most have 4+) of RAM? Is your system so weak that itunes brings it to its knees? Or are you just trolling?

It does run better on mac. itunes takes 15mb of ram and ituneshelper takes 1.6mb on my macbook, with the rest of the stuff you've listed not being present in my activity monitor. That being said, if you don't like it, just use something else.
Why are you complaining about things that take up 2.5mb when everyone here has at least 2GB (I'm being conservative, most have 4+) of RAM? Is your system so weak that itunes brings it to its knees? Or are you just trolling?

It does run better on mac. itunes takes 15mb of ram and ituneshelper takes 1.6mb on my macbook, with the rest of the stuff you've listed not being present in my activity monitor. That being said, if you don't like it, just use something else.

That's not the point. Some of us like having control of our system. We don't want random apps running in the background no matter how much space they take up.

I agree though, iTunes on Windows sucks. If you just need a music player, definitely use something else (I just used WMP, did everything I needed). If you use it for your iPod or purchasing music, then I guess you'll either have to live with it or manually disable the processes from running like described above.

On my 10.6.2 MBP, iTunes is currently taking 42MB
I personally like Bonjour so I leave it. As for the rest of those, they can be disabled in msconfig/services.msc just fine and itunes will still work. iTunes is much much much better on OS X. It just isn't that great on Windows. However, if we are being fair, Windows Media Player was pretty much garbage between classic and whatever version comes with Windows 7 imo. If you are on 7 I see no reason not to use WMP on Windows and leave iTunes for OS X. They finally seem to have gotten things right.

As for how they get away with it? I don't know what you even mean by that. Things like java install the java updater. Windows itself runs a bunch of gadget junk in the background on 7 even if you have that disabled etc. It is your PC, you are free to disable or just kill the stuff if you want.
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That's not the point. Some of us like having control of our system. We don't want random apps running in the background no matter how much space they take up.

It's not as if you can't disable them ex post facto. Complaining about system control is a little off-base. What you're really complaining about is installer control.
That's not the point. Some of us like having control of our system. We don't want random apps running in the background no matter how much space they take up.
Don't install iTunes. Problem solved. Alternatively, follow the "guide" I posted above to disable Apple services.
If you don't want to install any of those items, just extract the itunes installer with winrar or something and delete the msi packages you don't want. Simple as that.
Ram is cheap. You can get 2x2gb of laptop ddr for about $100. That's less then then $.03 per mb.
Ram is cheap. You can get 2x2gb of laptop ddr for about $100. That's less then then $.03 per mb.
More code = more problems, especially code that serves no viable purpose to the user. It's not about RAM, it's about the elephant in the living room. Why is this elephant here? I don't need an elephant. It's not helping me do anything. Is it mad? I hope it doesn't smash my TV.
Why are you complaining about things that take up 2.5mb when everyone here has at least 2GB (I'm being conservative, most have 4+) of RAM? Is your system so weak that itunes brings it to its knees? Or are you just trolling?

It does run better on mac. itunes takes 15mb of ram and ituneshelper takes 1.6mb on my macbook, with the rest of the stuff you've listed not being present in my activity monitor. That being said, if you don't like it, just use something else.

Yep I'm certainly trolling :rolleyes:.

I think this is a legitimate question. I've just found that in most recent times that software developers are trying make make things more simple, instead of blanket apps to cover off such micro tasks. Let's not kid our selves here iTunes for Windows isn't a stellar piece of software. Maybe on OSX it's better, but on Windows it's not one of my favorite pieces of software.

As well when some one asks a question, there isn't a need to start off with comments that are nothing but "take it or leave it" or "don't use it, if you think it sucks" or "your computer is too shitty to run iTunes". Honestly I'm not that stupid, i think my question is certainly legitimate, and warrants a constructive answer.

Thanks for those who took the time to answer the question.

I personally like Bonjour so I leave it. As for the rest of those, they can be disabled in msconfig/services.msc just fine and itunes will still work. iTunes is much much much better on OS X. It just isn't that great on Windows. However, if we are being fair, Windows Media Player was pretty much garbage between classic and whatever version comes with Windows 7 imo. If you are on 7 I see no reason not to use WMP on Windows and leave iTunes for OS X. They finally seem to have gotten things right.

As for how they get away with it? I don't know what you even mean by that. Things like java install the java updater. Windows itself runs a bunch of gadget junk in the background on 7 even if you have that disabled etc. It is your PC, you are free to disable or just kill the stuff if you want.

Java doesn't get a pass either, that's some code that needs a sieve. I'm using iTunes for my iPhone. Don't get me wrong I certainly have an affinity for Apple and their products, just not too impressed with a piece of software that seems like quilt work for Windows, and on OSX it's many times better. I'm sure the user base tilts towards Windows users (iPod owners etc).
For me it comes down to me not liking companies thinking they can go ahead and install what they want on my computer with out clarifying it..

how many people had safari automatically installed by apple via their updater?

i dont trust most companies when they pull stunts like that.
The installer should definitely tell you what it is doing.

IE if I have to install quicktime, there's a vague option there to allow it to update for everyone. That doesn't tell you that it's going to install Apple Software Update, and annoy the crap out of me with their "recommended" software. No thanks, I just need quicktime, I don't need safari OR itunes.

The thing about iTunes is that Apple is covering the most general base of the software.
90% of the time, when someone installs iTunes on their PC its because they need to connect their ipod. (and lets face it, if you dont have an ipod, then you dont really need itunes). So the drivers and ipod programs need to be installed. Do / should they need to run 24/7? Probably not, but it cuts down on the chance that someone connects their ipod and its not recognized.

Fact of the matter is, *any* installer / application, Apple or not should definitely tell you what and why it is installing something. And it should at least warn you that if you remove a component, it will break something else. (Every install Adobe CS, then try to get rid of something?)