NUTS. Laptop hard drive w/ apaptor won't show up


Jun 24, 2003
I bought a nice nifty 2.5" laptop hard drive for a mod I'm doing, and a adapter to go to the 40-pin IDE. I've got it all set up right. When I boot, the drive shows up as primary slave with the appropriate name. However, when I get into Windows, there's not drive there. I can feel that the platters are spinning and all by the vibrations.

This is probably a really simple issue. Any ideas?
Start > Run > (type) diskmgmt.msc > Rclick unallocated space > Partition and Format
What if it doesn't want to format the drive because its 'open, or in use'? That's not true.

diskmgmt can delete any partition that isnt the system partition, that would kill most any attempt to access the partition