NV owns ATI (but we dont know that, do we?)

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LanPirate1 said:
check this out, I nearly shit a brick when I saw pics. I mean, its like a long lost twin brother or something.


I suspected all along, but now I know for sure

are you talking about because they are the same mlength and have similar mounting holes that means ATI and NV are the same company??? a bit of nv-!!!!!!ism, eh?
They use an NV5 on the sucker! Ok, hands
down they are the same company man. I mean they got the same bolt
pattern now. Wow, no wonder it took so long to make this card. nVidia
didn't want to just kill off ATI after they bought them. They wanted
to make it look like they are badly organised and can't put out a good
product. I'll tell ya what... they did a damn good job as nobody and I
mean NOBODY is going crossfire because they all have 7800 series cards
now running SLI. Only reason the ATI name still exists is for the
[H]ard|core fan boys like you and me who don't want to go to the dark
side. We'll its official: BUYING AN ATI R520 CARD IS LIKE GOING TO THE
Aahhh.....I figured it out! He means "owns" as in "is the owner of the company ATi", and is referring to the similarities between the cards. Aahhh....so confusing to all of us [H]ard|OCP-ians here... :p

[EDIT] Damn, he got in before me and explained it. Now I don't seem half as smart. :mad:
Lan Pirate1 your an idiot just go away now please. Spare us the agony of another one of your threads. Just go away you stupid stupid little boy.
finalgt said:
Hmm. Needs less Star Wars.
Christ yes. The "explanation". The sig. The shocking amount of stupidity in starting things that really have no point. Oh...
In before lock :)

Honestly, you are a fucking moron. Look at the other 1000 flamebait threads in this subforum before you post another.
Skin said:
In before lock :)

Honestly, you are a fucking moron. Look at the other 1000 flamebait threads in this subforum before you post another.
you should read the OP carefully before jumping to conclusions
Its funny that most people that are mad at me have 7800's in their box, why are you mad?
Why is that?
Woohoo! Made it! lol

Yes, well thats an old picture. My first reaction was that it looked like an X800XT more than the new card (but thats probably just me). And yes they do use NV heatsink/fan combo, but that was the reviewers, not the company, because they didn't have anything else to use. You can't make that sort of inference out of that. And WOW! It uses PCI-E! OMG th3y must b da same cus 1ts 7ik3 t3h 5ame 51ze! wo0t!

Oh, and you don't know anything.
well donno if they plan to keep that pattern but if they do i can see it really helping out in the aftermarket cooling department. would be nice to have a single cooler for both ati and nvidia. obviously they would need high end coolers and then some for the lower end but im sure eventually it would work out nicely. but since they say they may have a different layout for the final product i wouldnt be suprised if they changed it.
Skin said:
In before lock :)

Honestly, you are a fucking moron. Look at the other 1000 flamebait threads in this subforum before you post another.

Lolz same same, just want to get in before this thread get lock.
thank you from the deepest part of my heart.. THANK YOU for posting up yet another mindless thread trying to say that X is better than X. I mean its SO original.. I never even knew that Nvidia and Ati were competitors.. but I have now been enlightened and might be able to get a full 8 hours of sleep in my once restless nights of wondering about this subject.

Somebody please lock this thread.. or better yet, lets all go sniff paint! either way, we get stupider for participating.
maybe I was ranting more than theorizing. I am suggesting that perhaps these 2 big guys are closer than we thought. Geeze, if I was to say AMD was joining with ATI, what would happen next? Is it so bad to suspect that they (the man) are selling us the same apples out of two different carts, one cart is green and one is red? That way they get all the buyers. Names are very strong, they influence buying for generations. My father always bought Oldsmobiles, and his father, so maybe I should buy one. Is it the best? Maybe not, but word of mouth plays a big role for the averave shmo's buying decision. Seriously, look at NV calling their P4's chipset NF4. Why? The name of course.
Lestang said:
Lan Pirate1 your an idiot just go away now please. Spare us the agony of another one of your threads. Just go away you stupid stupid little boy.
" Well said"
:D :D
LanPirate1 after reading more of this pointless thread I have come to the conculssion that you are a class A jack ass, now go away please!!!!

PS: jerk off
lee63 said:
LanPirate1 after reading more of this pointless thread I have come to the conculssion that you are a class A jack ass, now go away please!!!!

lee63 has 2 X BFG 7800 GTX OC, wow thats funny how he would be mad, isn't it?
LanPirate1 said:
lee63 has 2 X BFG 7800 GTX OC, wow thats funny how he would be mad, isn't it?
Im not mad at all, I just dont see the point of this thread it does NOTHING for this forum at all. so go post your crap somewhere else
LanPirate1 said:
maybe I was ranting more than theorizing. I am suggesting that perhaps these 2 big guys are closer than we thought. Geeze, if I was to say AMD was joining with ATI, what would happen next? Is it so bad to suspect that they (the man) are selling us the same apples out of two different carts, one cart is green and one is red? That way they get all the buyers. Names are very strong, they influence buying for generations. My father always bought Oldsmobiles, and his father, so maybe I should buy one. Is it the best? Maybe not, but word of mouth plays a big role for the averave shmo's buying decision. Seriously, look at NV calling their P4's chipset NF4. Why? The name of course.

what does the nforce4 have anything to do with it? If nvidia makes it, they should name it so it reflect's them. And that isn't the "P4's" chipset, it is on AMD mobos as well.

You seem to think that if two components from two different companies work together in one computer, that means they are conspiring against us. That's plain BS.

Now, no more of this apples business. "The Man" is a silly concept, go watch school of rock if you want someone to believe you. ATI and NVIDIA have to make two cards separately that fit in the same slot. Wouldn't it make sense for them to rely on the tried and true video card layout, a rectangular shaped PCB? Just cause there is only one basic technology used to create these things doesn't mean the two companies are talking to each other.
YOU ARE ALL WRONG!!! This design was made by bitboyz over 3 years ago!! It is JUST NOW, coming to market!! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!

You know what? I am sorry for this post everyone, truly sorry. I was just re-directing the angst of a young university student for some friday fun. I'll go back to my late 30's, overweight, male pattern baldness existence. See you in the 3dmark score threads!
LanPirate1 said:
You know what? I am sorry for this post everyone, truly sorry. I was just re-directing the angst of a young university student for some friday fun. I'll go back to my late 30's, overweight, male pattern baldness existence. See you in the 3dmark score threads!

you confuse and frighten us.
there's this wonderful thing called lurking, you should, you know, look into it.
it helps sometimes when you need to regain your bearings after a flailing
bout of asshattery.

but mostly +1.
If you'd read the other threads, you'd have known why this thread was dumber than a box of rocks.


1. Quit being stupid
2. Go away

Pick one or both.
QwertyJuan said:
YOU ARE ALL WRONG!!! This design was made by bitboyz over 3 years ago!! It is JUST NOW, coming to market!! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!

Oy Oy!
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