NV surround question

  • Thread starter Deleted member 108676
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Deleted member 108676

I was wondering if there is an easy way to turn on and off NVsurround so that it'll easily default resolutions and bezel correction between being turned on and off.

Heres my setup for context. I use three monitors for racing on iRacing. I also play things like CSGO and other games that don't need 3 monitors. Plus, with limited desk space I have to move the monitors so I can set up my keyboard and mouse. So basically I want to toggle NVsurround on and off so I can use either 1 or 3 monitors. Hopefully this makes sense.

I saw in the nvsurround program where you can turn on and off the three monitors, but when I turn it back on, will it recall the last settings or do I have to go back through and do bezel correction. I know I could answer this myself, but since I'm racing a lot this week I didn't want to risk having to do it all again and just hoped one of you guys would know.

by OEM +, on Flickr
This has long been a thorn in the side of NV Surround users. Actually enabling and disabling surround isn't that hard except that there are always several applications that you have to close, then reopen - I don't use bezel compensation so that might make it more of a hassle for you.

Honestly, it's such a pain that I just leave surround on all the time. You can set a game to run at a single monitor resolution and it should just run on the center screen.
I agree with double tap. The only thing his solution doesn't account for is if you like to play in windowed fullscreen mode on a single screen. If that's the case, you'll have to manually disable/enable and reconfigure each time.
You don't need to use bezel correction for iRacing as iRacing handles it. You just need to populate the monitor settings in the graphics tab. Also, make sure you have render screens seperately.
If not for your desk real estate I don't see the purpose of turning nsurround on and off myself