nVdia video cards how do you go about running different resolutions on dual displays


[H]F Junkie
Dec 24, 2001
I got a GTX 580 and windows 7. For movies I want the opton to run DVI or VGA simultaneously as HDMI. I use HDMI to get access to HD audio. However I have a 720p LCDTV and like all LCD TVs their native resolution is NOT 720p. It´s 1366x768.

For 3D movies I instead need to run DVI for my 120 hertz monitor. That I run at 1080p so there I may be fine. As long as I can run 120 hertz on one monitor and 60 on the other that is? I don´t want to gamble and accidently fry my LCD TV sending a 120 hz signal through it.
In the Nvidia Control Panel, the Display Resolution Tab allows you to set the refresh rate for each monitor.
In the Nvidia Control Panel, the Display Resolution Tab allows you to set the refresh rate for each monitor.

This, plus I am pretty sure the tv won't accept the signal if it is not right, shouldn't fry it.

I switch between my computer monitor and a 720p tv as well and find it annoying that the latest version of Nvidia Control Panel always defaults to 720p and I have to change the resolution to 1368x768 each time, not a big deal but kind of lame in my opinion.
Each monitor has its own independent settings. There should be no risk.