nVidia 100.59 is available


Apr 17, 2003
Go get you some DX9 SLI lovin'. I think. 8800GTS/GTX owners download the damn things and report back. Pretty please? And you 6-7 series owners, NO BITCHING IN THIS THREAD ABOUT LACK OF SLI SUPPORT, DELAYS ETC. Thank you.


Beta driver for NVIDIA SLI™ support for GeForce 8800 GTX/GTS GPUs
This driver supports the following features:
  • Single GPU support
    • DirectX 9 support for GeForce 6/7/8 series GPUs
    • DirectX 10 support for GeForce 8800 GPUs
    • OpenGL support for GeForce 6/7/8 series GPUs
  • NVIDIA SLI support
    • DirectX 9 support for GeForce 8800 GPUs
    • OpenGL support for GeForce 8800 GPUs
DirectX 9 and OpenGL NVIDIA SLI support for GeForce 6 and 7 series GPUs and DirectX 10 NVIDIA SLI support for GeForce 8800 GPUs will be available in a future driver
If you would like to be notified of upcoming drivers for Windows Vista, please subscribe to the newsletter
Please read the release notes for more information on product support, feature limitations, and known compatibility issues
On it like a hungry pack of dogs on a homeless man.....

No SLI here though.
Any differences in performance between these and the 100.54s?
I noticed a small performance increase. Maybe 5 or 10 FPS in Half-Life 2. Also, transparency AA does take as big a hit as it used to. With the 100.54s, my FPS would drop to ~40 with MSAA on in gm_construct (Garry's Mod 9), but now it's ~100. In comparison, I get 180 FPS with supersampling AA in XP.

Performance in Oblivion outdoors is comparable to XP, although in XP, I had a lot of graphics enhancing mods.
I noticed a small performance increase. Maybe 5 or 10 FPS in Half-Life 2. Also, transparency AA does take as big a hit as it used to. With the 100.54s, my FPS would drop to ~40 with MSAA on in gm_construct (Garry's Mod 9), but now it's ~100. In comparison, I get 180 FPS with supersampling AA in XP.

Performance in Oblivion outdoors is comparable to XP, although in XP, I had a lot of graphics enhancing mods.

Nice, downloading now to upgrade from the 100.54's.
2 failed attempts here to install these drivers, monitor goes into "no signal" and then suspends for over 5 min each time. :(
2 failed attempts here to install these drivers, monitor goes into "no signal" and then suspends for over 5 min each time. :(

did you use the device manager/update driver method? Or the self installing executable?
did you use the device manager/update driver method? Or the self installing executable?

I know you're not asking me, but I just did the executable and it worked fine for me.

On a side note, still no software overclocking. I'm glad I flashed my card recently to higher clocks :D!
If you have problems using the self installer, try updating manually via device manager.

Yep, still no overclocking, and I am just too lazy to mess with the old DOS type method. Are there no windows based flash utilities for vid cards? I have a cd from the X800 days that I used to flash BIOS on video cards, wonder if that would work as well....
If you have problems using the self installer, try updating manually via device manager.

Yep, still no overclocking, and I am just too lazy to mess with the old DOS type method. Are there no windows based flash utilities for vid cards? I have a cd from the X800 days that I used to flash BIOS on video cards, wonder if that would work as well....

I'm waiting for it too :(
If you have problems using the self installer, try updating manually via device manager.

Yep, still no overclocking, and I am just too lazy to mess with the old DOS type method. Are there no windows based flash utilities for vid cards? I have a cd from the X800 days that I used to flash BIOS on video cards, wonder if that would work as well....

It took me about 5 minutes per flash total, from the point I had downloaded and extracted nvflash/nbitor to a folder to use. Click to run in administrator mode, allow, read BIOS, save, edit BIOS, save, reboot with a DOS boot CD, flash (about 1 minute), and you're done. If you can do it from Windows, I wouldn't be comfy doing it really on Vista just yet. Let other people be guinea pigs for that kind of risk :eek: :p :D!
These drivers are nice was getting like 35fps in WOW: Burning Crusade (game settings are maxed out) now getting the max of my monitor (60fps vsync) ... still drops around other players, but I think most of that is because of my cpu, did that even in XP. dxdiag still says these are 9Ex drivers.
...I'm running 64bit drivers.
There is a Windows version of nvflash available (has been for a couple of years now). I don't recommend trying it in Vista though, but I've done it in XP a half a million times.

Go to www.guru3d.com and check the latest downloads, there was a new version of nvflash posted that has the DOS and Windows versions in one archive.


Here ya go:


No problems with the drivers, visible performance increase no more chopiness in guildwars with a 8800gts lol :D
i keep getting Display driver stopped working and has recovered

I got that once with one of my failed attempts. 100.54 work good enough for me for now, so I'll stick with those and try the next release.
Everything seems fine to me. I am at work right now, but I got some testing in last night. I will do more when I get home.
yeah i dont get it .. for the whole day .. no errors .. now im getting that display error every minute

also when i leave my pc on .. and i come back to it .. its always shut off
yeah i dont get it .. for the whole day .. no errors .. now im getting that display error every minute

also when i leave my pc on .. and i come back to it .. its always shut off

Probably have some sort of power option setting doing that bud..
Just switch the power settings to never go to sleep mode until they sort the driver out.
i put the power profile to high performance .. with only the monitor going off after an hour ..

and that stupid driver error thing happened no matter what .. tried everything ..

so i basically went back to XP
Are these drivers usable on XP?

Reason I ask: in Burning Crusade, I run 40fps or below way too often!
You should set your Power Scheme to "Home/Office Desk". This setting insures proper use of EIST and C1E for system power control. There is a white paper on this topic (it's where I got this information) but I do not have a link to it any longer. But using this Power Scheme is supposed to make the OS use power more wisely. :rolleyes:
I friggin love the "Windows Vista Incapable" button. I need some case badges made like that :D :D :D

Real smart, suing the company that makes one of the two fastest brands of video cards in the world.....yeah so you sue, they go broke at worst and shut down, or raise the prices on the next gen cards, and who wins? You? Nope....not at all.

Suing over something like this is stupid, ignorant, and downright being a dumbass. Fuck sakes man, get a life.

EDIT: just a general statement to the guys that are suing, not saying the OP of the quote is....
That's funny. If you read some of the posts all you'll find are a bunch of over reacting blubbering vaginas.

One can only imagine what the crybabies look like. Most likely nerd rejects who have nothing better to do with their lives.
One can only imagine what the crybabies look like. Most likely nerd rejects who have nothing better to do with their lives.

Nerd reject: "Buh... buh... but I spent FIVE MINUTES nagging my daddy for the money to buy one! How... how DARE you trivialize time, the one resource that cannot be replenished? You fool, how could you be so ignorant? Bow before my intelligence, ignoramus!"