nVidia 1080 new GPU


DC Moderator and [H]ard DCOTM x6
Staff member
Jun 15, 2005
I've been reading the reviews here at the [H]ardForum about the incredibly fast new GPU.

Who is planning to purchase the new 1080 or 1070 for DC'ing?
I want to but part of me is hesitant, I wish we knew more about the Titan/1080ti or when it should be coming.
I would buy a 1080. It I'm sure it's sold out few seconds after online. My main source is a distribution company starting with Ama and end with zon.co.jp, not sure if the best source for this launch. But the PPD/Watt looks awesome based on the published FAHbench figures I saw somewhere ...

Geeky, this urgent need to be early adaptor. actually waiting for water cooled 1080Ti would be smarter.
There are some good reviews and editorial opinions here at the forum, along with some really huge discussion threads to accompany the main articles. The devices will go on sale on May 27, 2016, IIRC.
not right away that's for sure

might be in the market for a cast off 980
I have a little over a G set aside to buy a pair of 1080s. I will be waiting a couple of weeks after the release though, Time for more money and the high demand plus prices to drop. Yeah I know they might be on back order by then, but I'll take my chances.

This is purchase, while it will fold as much as it can, is more driven by pushing my 60" 4K gaming console :D. I'll consolidate my higher end maxwell cards in my 3x1080P rig, and I'll figgure out what to do with 2 spare 960s
I will most likely be getting two of them for an SLI rig as soon as the water hybrid ones are released.
Does anyone know if F@H will even run on these new cards yet? Have any of the reviewers tried yet?
Well, if you can believe those numbers, it looks good for the 1080. Not to mention you can save on electricity.
I'm tempted to get one but only after I see some FAH performance numbers to make sure it works. No point in overpaying right away only to find out it won't work.
EVGA EU has also started displaying pictures of the 1080 Ti Hybrid, no frequencies communicated for now on
I wonder if Corsair is going to offer that cooler separately.

Three of my 980 Ti's cards are EVGA's Hybrid liquid cooled cards. I love them. They're extremely quite and considerably cooler than the all air cooler 980 Ti's I have.
My guess is that it would only be a matter of time before they release a HG10 model that supports a 1080. You would have to add a compatible AIO cooler yourself. They already have models for most 700 and 900 series cards. it is not as pretty or as AIO as the one on my SEAHAWK 980ti, but under the fancy trim, it is essentially the same. Not surprising as Corsair makes both coolers.
If Corsair makes a HG model for the 1080 I'll pick one up for sure to go with my FE card that arrives Wednesday.
Yes, not too impressive, his card gets 1:49-1:51 TPF on 11423 when my 980 Ti Hybrid @ 1461 gets 1:52-1:53. It's in line with expectations though (an un-OCed 1080 would be at similar performance level than an overclocked 980Ti).

But the good news: works with core 0x21 directly ...
Well, it's a "maxwell 3" design with higher clocks :)
Yes, not too impressive, his card gets 1:49-1:51 TPF on 11423 when my 980 Ti Hybrid @ 1461 gets 1:52-1:53. It's in line with expectations though (an un-OCed 1080 would be at similar performance level than an overclocked 980Ti).

Well, it's a "maxwell 3" design with higher clocks :)

Kinda what I was thinking. If I could OC to the clocks of the 1080 I could get those PPD numbers with my 980Ti. I was hoping for an improvement in IPC as well. The manufacturing process allowed for the clock increase and power decrease. Maybe the next version at 16nm will really improve performance.
you mean the next generation at 14 nm FinFET ? Yes, that's what I think also. Though, still curious to see what GP100 will be able to do, could be a good replacement for 2 of my cards.
No, there was more than 1 generation of cards from NV and AMD at 28nm. I was thinking that might happen again at 16nm. Kind of like Intel's Tick-Tock. That probably more depends on what TSMC can do.
I have had 2x EVGA GTX 1080 (founder) folding since the beginning of this month. Each puts out about 500k PPD, which is about the same as 2x 970s, except they use less power than one 970 - about 110w VS 130w. At the moment anyway,

2x 970 + 2x 1080 = 1.5M PPD / 500w (total)

BTW These are in two 2P12C xeon workstations, each drawing about 600w (The CPUs are running BOINC, the extra 50k FAH PPD wasn't worth it...)

Edit: The Founder's edition cooling design is pretty pathetic, it's fan caps at about 3000RPM and even forced to 100% has trouble keeping it below 80c. If it starts creeping past 90 I'll have to deal with it.
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Everyone else I've seen with 1080s are getting ~700k PPD. Something is holding your cards back I think. I know when I am running F@H on my CPUs it hurts my GPUs performance in F@H. So Bionic might be preventing your 1080s from reaching their full potential. Try leaving the CPU "idle" for a week and see if they improve.
Yeah I know, the GPU meter only fills 80-85% which is a little painful... But with stock clocks and the reduced load they are running uncomfortably warm. Don't want to push it until I figure out the thermals.

Part of the issue is the Dell T7500 motherboard design, it was made for standard height cards and the PCI-e spacing is super tight. The case is super awesome build quality and airflow but I wish they'd spaced the 16x every other. There were also some driver issues which lead to glitches at first but I think I've got it reasonably stable.

Probs just leave it for now, 10 days with this setup exceeds my previous 12 years of folding combined.