Nvidia 310.64 are out...

Please mark 'Beta' or 'WHQL' in the title...
well its pretty irrelevant when it comes to Nvidia drivers. if you want to sit around and wait on the couple of drivers they release a year that are actually WHQL then you must not be playing many current games anyway.
well its pretty irrelevant when it comes to Nvidia drivers. if you want to sit around and wait on the couple of drivers they release a year that are actually WHQL then you must not be playing many current games anyway.

And the counter is that there aren't many 'current' games worth playing...

Yet WHQL remains relevant as long as you're not playing a game that's 'broken'. I'd gladly put on a 'Beta' if it fixed something I needed. I only asked that the distinction be made in the title.
well its pretty irrelevant when it comes to Nvidia drivers. if you want to sit around and wait on the couple of drivers they release a year that are actually WHQL then you must not be playing many current games anyway.

WHQL is still relevant for those people that run F@H or cuda dependent apps, since nvidia some how always finds a way to break cuda support in beta drivers for a lot of programs and especially F@H.
I will definitely have to try these out in Skyrim now that I just finally started a new game for the DLC. The flurry of performance boosting driver releases the past few weeks has been like a little christmas.
I haven't seen a whole lot of actual real-world performance increases in these titles, personally (using the latest betas). But I haven't had any problems with them, either.

I think they mostly just added compatibility fixes for SLI and 3D profiles.
AC3 seems a little more up and down with these. I'm definitely seeing greater FPS fluctuations with Afterburner.
I am on stock WHQL drivers from October on my new GTX-680 4GB. Which drivers should I try out ? Mainly playing PS2 and BF3.
So should I try these out over the stock drivers from October ? They working ok ?
GeForce GTX 680:

◦Up to 38% in Far Cry 3
◦Up to 26% in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
◦Up to 16% in Battlefield 3
◦Up to 18% in Assassin's Creed III
◦Up to 9% in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
◦Up to 6% in Medal of Honor: Warfighter
◦Up to 6% in StarCraft II
◦Up to 6% in Dragon Age II
◦Up to 6% in Batman: Arkham City
◦Up to 5% in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat

H needs to do another benchmark now, lol.
Actually, I think those performance gains are since the start of the 310 series, not since the last beta.

This one supposedly does the Far Cry 3 stuff.