Nvidia 3d vision


Jun 23, 2003
Really curious about this and I was hoping to hear some peoples experiences. Also reviews are only up for its release. I can not find reviews for games nowadays. Is it worth the experince?
Thank you
I tried Nvidia Nvision (the shutter glasses version) and here are my impressions.

Tried it on both a 22 inch Samsung 120hz monitor and an Acer 23.5 inch 120hz monitor and as far as that goes the effect didn't feel lessoned by the lower resolution at all. Performance wise it does cut your frame rate in half since it renders double the amount of poly's rather than just to one screen (one render for each eye) so make sure you have a beefy computer with a nice GPU.

I tried about 10 different games with it and there were times it was excellent and really did add to the game play. In BFBC2 it was probably the best of any game since it fully supports 3D , it helped me judge distance a bit better of my shots with the M95 sniper rifle. It also helped when driving the helicopter as it provided me a better idea of how far off the ground I was and how close I was zipping by other PCs and vehicles.

In some games it was shitty and lame , Starcraft 2 was probably one of the worst. The downside of this technology is that if the game doesn't properly support the depth aspect it creates a sense of "double vision" and really can hurt after a while. SC2 had all kinds of issues (which may or may not have been fixed at this point) and it made focusing on the game near impossible for me.

I also watched some 3D movie clips using the Nvidia 3D player and those were pretty cool , they have since patched the video card drivers to fully support 3D Blu Ray's which is nice but considering there are only 3 out not really a huge deal.

The single biggest downside for me is probably when using a PC monitor at least having to use a TN panel (only kind offered for 120hz) with color shift , gamma shift and off angle viewing all being off its a bit of a distraction coming from a nice ips panel. If someone would make a 1920x1200 3D ips panel I would be all over that. Otherwise you can buy a recent model 3D LCD/Plasma but thats quite expensive.

I would suggest if you plan to buy this kit that you make sure you buy it somewhere you can return it otherwise you might find this to be a huge waste of money.

This is quoted from a responsive I gave in a previous thread , to update there are now about 7 3D Blu Rays which is still a very tiny fraction of what it should have been. There is also an official thread on Nvision.
Pretty much agree with Godmachine but to take it even a step further, 3D Vision Surround can be truly a different universe. Call of Duty Black Ops seems to b working now with 3D Surround and using the BlackOps Aspect Ratio Fix. Running it at 4800x900, for some reason I can't access my native resolution of 5760x1080. Right now I've getting about an average of 37 FPS, and the game overall buttery smooth, no AA and AF like 2/3 of the way up. At any rate even without AA edges in the game seem to very smooth, few jaggies that I've noticed. At any rate it's just fun and beautiful looking.

I know people think all of these AAA title games suffer from consolitis however PCs have a few tricks up their sleeves these days that do put them well above consoles. While I know that BlackOps also supports 3D on consoles, it wouldn't have been this well done I don't think if it hand not been developed also for consoles, it just looks like Treyarch put some effort into 3D here, the game I think looks amazing and is just flat out a blast to play. This is in Campaign mode, I imagine that most online gamers wouldn't want all the overhead for online play however, so it wouldn't be the way that most people would play the game most of them time anyway but it is just cool.

I would like to try 3D on a console to compare.
I've got the Asus 3D kit and I love it. I don't use it with every game, but it does work with most (at least it gives some 3D effect). Some of the better games I've played are Tomb Raider and Trine. I hear Batman :AA is supposed to be really good, too.

I think 3D is better for gaming than movies.
Well I pulled the trigger and bought the 3d. It comes next week. Is it possible to hook this 3d thing up too the monitor and hook the ps3 up too the monitor and get those too work together.
I'd love to invest in 3D but I just can't give up my lovely wfp2707 for some TN film trash. If only the selection of 120Hz monitors wasn't so pitiful... so I'm hoping for 120/240Hz 24" OLED monitors to start showing up sooner than expected :)
I won't bother with this type of technology until they release monitors with no bezels.
Is it possible to hook this 3d thing up too the monitor and hook the ps3 up too the monitor and get those too work together.

No it only works with Nvidia video cards exclusively. The glasses only work with a PC setup as well (meaning if you bought a 3D TV you would have to use the glasses provided with the 3D TV as all active shutter 3D glasses are tuned differently for different sets). The PS3 will only work on a 3D TV as well since the 120hz monitor you bought will require a Dual Link DVI cable to even send out the proper signal.

Well don't forget to post what you think about it. Honestly I think you'll come to the same conclusion most of the rest of us have.
I've been playing with 3D Vision since it came out and 3 Monitor 3D vision since that came out. I don't use it all the time but when I do, I love it. Some games work amazing, other games not so much. If you're fine with turning it off and on some times (you can have shortcuts that do that), it's worth it.

When it works well, it's truly an amazing experience. My favorite would have to be World of Warcraft...if you play WoW, it's absolutely worth buying. First person shooters are the genre with the most hit and miss because if they're not made for it, the crosshairs are kind of messed up. Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a game that got it right. With all that foliage and destruction in that game, it's great.

The nvidia official forum is a pretty good place for info about it.
So 3d vision is amazing. Only issue so far is black ops patched and now my crosshairs flickers. Anyone know a fix for this?
So 3d vision is amazing. Only issue so far is black ops patched and now my crosshairs flickers. Anyone know a fix for this?

I've noticed this as well, I've not had time to play with it but the first thing I would try is changing the sight in the nVidia control panel.
This is quoted from a responsive I gave in a previous thread , to update there are now about 7 3D Blu Rays which is still a very tiny fraction of what it should have been. There is also an official thread on Nvision.

Does it really have to render double the amount and affect the performance as such? I don't know how similar these 3D vision glasses, but my dad bought me a pair of the shutter type glasses like 10 years ago, and all it did was every frame shift your perspective slightly to the left and right, it wasn't actually rendering 2 images at once...

The old ones gave me headaches after a while, because even though they worked very well, the max FPS they could go was 60fps so you were effectively seeing only 30fps out of each eye. It was similar to having an old CRT at only 60Hz.
The old ones gave me headaches after a while, because even though they worked very well, the max FPS they could go was 60fps so you were effectively seeing only 30fps out of each eye. It was similar to having an old CRT at only 60Hz.

I guess it could work any number of ways but some are more effective than others. I would imagine that rendering two frames per scene simultaneously is better than the method you described and while it does bother some I've have no physical issues with my setup.

As for the performance hit rendering two simultaneous frames, it's not that big of a deal for faster cards and multi-GPU setups can even handle 3D Surround though it can be tough, in effect triple head 1920x1080 in 3D is pushing just slightly more pixels triple head 3x 2560x1600 2D and there are plenty of games that run smoothing with mult-GPU setups at that resolution.
Also one thing i want to point out is that I dont feel anything is jumping off the screen or closer to me. I feel depth and speration between stuff but in no games do I really see a barrell of a gun pointed right at me or anything. Is this common?
Also one thing i want to point out is that I dont feel anything is jumping off the screen or closer to me. I feel depth and speration between stuff but in no games do I really see a barrell of a gun pointed right at me or anything. Is this common?

I know that in Batman AA for instance I do feel like that bats are flying towards me, there's definately a sensation of something headed for me.
Does it really have to render double the amount and affect the performance as such? I don't know how similar these 3D vision glasses, but my dad bought me a pair of the shutter type glasses like 10 years ago, and all it did was every frame shift your perspective slightly to the left and right, it wasn't actually rendering 2 images at once...

The old ones gave me headaches after a while, because even though they worked very well, the max FPS they could go was 60fps so you were effectively seeing only 30fps out of each eye. It was similar to having an old CRT at only 60Hz.

It renders 2 frames , one for each eye so its double the amount of work compared to a regular 2D monitor but this is only because its the active shutter method thus the requirement of a 120hz monitor (each eye = 1 frame at 60hz) however you could get away with a lower refresh rate but the increased flicker would be extremely distracting. The polarized glasses method is different and to your brain its less effective and provides a similar effect but without the major performance hit and not nearly the same amount of "depth".

The performance hit is major for active shutter glasses so a beefy video card is a must and I wouldn't even consider anything less than a GTX 460 (or even better SLI). They advertise you can do it with a GTX 280 but you would be pretty unhappy with the results. If you wanna see a seriously huge performance hit try doing 3 120hz monitors , you are forced to use SLI to even get playable 30 fps frame rates at 1920x1080.

Edit : As a side note my biggest gripe was being forced to use TN panels (since thats it for PC monitors that support 120hz) however there are 3D DLP projectors that are not extremely expensive that work quite well. One I'm considering is : http://www.optomausa.com/Product_de...egory=Game+Time&product_id=479&itemno=EPGT720 , huge screen and the benefit of DLP to handle fast motion without breaking a sweat plus no TN panel issues to deal with. It might be the best option besides a true 120hz 1080p Projector (which start around $6000+) since this one can be had for http://www.amazon.com/Optoma-GT700-Projector-Great-PlayStation/dp/B003B43FEA $657.88 with free shipping.
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I can get much better than 30 FPS in most 3D compatible games with my setup, in a few like Batman AA I can get the max of 60 FPS with high settings.

Mitsubishi is about to release a 120z IPS panel though it's very exspensive for a 1080P 23" at about $1400 but I'm hoping other companies will follow suit and drive the price down and hopefully sometime next year we'll see something under $1K.
I can get much better than 30 FPS in most 3D compatible games with my setup, in a few like Batman AA I can get the max of 60 FPS with high settings.

Mitsubishi is about to release a 120z IPS panel though it's very exspensive for a 1080P 23" at about $1400 but I'm hoping other companies will follow suit and drive the price down and hopefully sometime next year we'll see something under $1K.

Its not a real 120hz panel its a 120hz interpolated. Its like a TV , so its a fake effect not a real 120 frames refreshed every second.
Its not a real 120hz panel its a 120hz interpolated. Its like a TV , so its a fake effect not a real 120 frames refreshed every second.

I still can't believe that, the price tag makes no sense for just crappy 120Hz interpolation. I'm holding out hope it's true 120Hz (though I doubt it).

I'm hearing we should be getting some 120Hz IPS panels at work for 3D testing, hopefully soon. Though I do have to admit even the 120Hz TN panels are pretty nice, noticeably smoother even with basic stuff like watching the mouse cursor move around the screen.
I've got a 3D Vision Kit on order, after upgrading to a new desktop.

I'm using an Acer H5360 DLP projector for the 360, and watching films - so as I bought it already - and it's 3D ready, looking forward to trying the technology.

I've read the detailed article on Toms hardware about building a polarized dual projector set-up for 3D using the cheap polarized glasses - and if the 3D gives good depth and results, I think will go ahead and build that style set-up for home. More then anything, I'm a gadget nerd so home 3D cinema sounds pretty awesome.
I still can't believe that, the price tag makes no sense for just crappy 120Hz interpolation. I'm holding out hope it's true 120Hz (though I doubt it).

I'm hearing we should be getting some 120Hz IPS panels at work for 3D testing, hopefully soon. Though I do have to admit even the 120Hz TN panels are pretty nice, noticeably smoother even with basic stuff like watching the mouse cursor move around the screen.

Believe it dude , already confirmed in the display sub forum. Its just a small TV for the most part.

Not sure why there aren't any 120hz IPS panels out , people are willing and ready to spend the money.
I've got a 3D Vision Kit on order, after upgrading to a new desktop.

I'm using an Acer H5360 DLP projector for the 360, and watching films - so as I bought it already - and it's 3D ready, looking forward to trying the technology.

I've read the detailed article on Toms hardware about building a polarized dual projector set-up for 3D using the cheap polarized glasses - and if the 3D gives good depth and results, I think will go ahead and build that style set-up for home. More then anything, I'm a gadget nerd so home 3D cinema sounds pretty awesome.

Please let me know how it goes! I just setup this projector in my rec room last week and have really been itching to buy the nvidia glasses.
Please let me know how it goes! I just setup this projector in my rec room last week and have really been itching to buy the nvidia glasses.

I would say go for it. Just buy them somewhere you can return them in case 3D isn't for you. With a projector the screen size helps a lot with immersion.
This is quoted from a responsive I gave in a previous thread , to update there are now about 7 3D Blu Rays which is still a very tiny fraction of what it should have been. There is also an official thread on Nvision.

Starcraft 2 3D hasn't been released yet, it's supposed to be a content patch. They allowed people to Demo it at Blizzcon, and from what I heard it's really great. Supposedly it's going to launch with full anti-aliasing support.
Starcraft 2 actually did get its 3D vision patch, in October I believe. It's in the ingame settings menu at the bottom. It really isn't very good, the lighting is all screwed up.
I think it is the worst Idea in the history of gaming/marketing.

I will say though the REAL 120hz lcd monitors are badass.

But wearing funky glasses to have 3D is FTL.

When they make real 3d with no glasses needed I would snag it up in a heartbeat
I'd love to invest in 3D but I just can't give up my lovely wfp2707 for some TN film trash. If only the selection of 120Hz monitors wasn't so pitiful... so I'm hoping for 120/240Hz 24" OLED monitors to start showing up sooner than expected :)

Same here, this or IPS. It is the main thing holding me back.

I played some Starcraft 2 in 3D at Blizzcon. While it is something I would never use for multiplayer, I could definitely see myself using it for single player. It was actually really cool, looked like a bunch of little Warhammer figures running around. :)
I don´t understand why people get so upset about glasses. But then I have worn regular glasses since I was 20 so I am used to it I suppose :)

anyway why is XP not supported? Or is it but just not officially? I got my XL2410T and nvidia 3D vision today. On the box it says windows 7 needed and in fine print Vista 32/64 would also work? But why isn´t XP compatible like it used to be with nvidias stereo3d drivers?

I don´t want to install my Vista 64 bit op system since it is a resource hog compared to XP. How much better/worse is Windows Seven?
I can't comment on why XP isn't supported, but I really like Windows 7 (running 64-bit at home).

I've been a huge commenter of the 'Eh, XP is fine' but once I got used to working with Windows 7 in the office, I found it much faster and more convenient then XP. So, I highly recommend making the switch.

Hope you enjoy the 3D Vision.

I've just bought a 92" inch projection screen to use with 3D Vision, and extra glasses for watching 3D Blu Ray.

Looking forward to it getting here... now I just need somewhere to sit (I just moved and have no furniture for this space!).
92" must be nice :)

Have you done any performance comparisons between XP and 7?
I will post up a few pictures when everything arrives, I've just painted the ceiling mount white (was silver) and found a white 10 M extension cord to attach the 3 PIN head too. It's going to be quite ridiculous, as I'm living in a 360 sqft studio apartment (just returned to Canada/West Coast after living in Europe) but I measured it all out - it will fit and make for a very large screen!

(I'm really happy with having a projector, it's much more for dedicated time gaming/watching a movie then an LCD or Plasma - but I really appreciate the somewhat stealth installation in a mixed use room with a ceiling mount and pull down screen, where before I had a 50' LG plasma that dominated the entire living room)

Also, generally on the Nvidia 3D vision experience as I missed the question earlier (I think I posted my thoughts in another 3D vision thead):

3D Vision, is an excellent experience. Perhaps less of a pop-out effect coming of the screen, and more depth into the screen (this is really more about how media is mastered though then the technology).

I'm very satisfied, I also think that a projector is perhaps the best way to experience 3D vision - 3D and large just go hand and hand. I've heard people comment on a monitor that it creates a diorama effect, and the same is true on the projector in a sense but I quite like it. I suppose the mind relates to it all differently.

Great experience, my dad (who's 67) playing GTA 4 in 3D, he really liked it - flying helicopters was great - perhaps not so much when I would spray a police car and launch over a cop as he goes flying over the hood into the camera. Still great!

Also set him up playing Flight Simulator X / RealX graphics - he was really into it! Wants one, but bulked when I added up the costs (Computer, projector, screen/cables, 3D kit) which probably runs a little over $2,000 including the desktop. If I had to buy all of this to make 3D work - I'd never do it. But, as really everything is duel purpose except the 3D kit and a spare pair of glasses came to about 300 together with shipping (ahh, Canada where shipping sucks) I'm really happy.

On critcisms:
  • Wish drivers were slightly better, having to sometimes reset PJ or switch 3D on and off as one HDMI is monitor, one HDMI is to the projector
  • Glasses, two pairs is 'OK' but still costs for enough if I wanted my freinds over to watch a 3D flick
  • More 3D vision ready games, I'm glad for general support but want to see more improved profiles
  • Want more pop-out, this can be a lot of tweaking with depth/convergence - but a bit of pop out can really make the expeirence, I know it's the media/game not 3D Vision but still would like to see this used more

Still - overall I'm really happy with it and technology, not without is quirks, still feel like an early adopter - but it definitely adds that wow factors (which I haven't had from a gadget for sometime).

I plan on buying a Fufi W3 3D camera, just figure I need some furniture first.
Pretty much agree with Godmachine but to take it even a step further, 3D Vision Surround can be truly a different universe. Call of Duty Black Ops seems to b working now with 3D Surround and using the BlackOps Aspect Ratio Fix. Running it at 4800x900, for some reason I can't access my native resolution of 5760x1080. Right now I've getting about an average of 37 FPS, and the game overall buttery smooth, no AA and AF like 2/3 of the way up. At any rate even without AA edges in the game seem to very smooth, few jaggies that I've noticed. At any rate it's just fun and beautiful looking.

I know people think all of these AAA title games suffer from consolitis however PCs have a few tricks up their sleeves these days that do put them well above consoles. While I know that BlackOps also supports 3D on consoles, it wouldn't have been this well done I don't think if it hand not been developed also for consoles, it just looks like Treyarch put some effort into 3D here, the game I think looks amazing and is just flat out a blast to play. This is in Campaign mode, I imagine that most online gamers wouldn't want all the overhead for online play however, so it wouldn't be the way that most people would play the game most of them time anyway but it is just cool.

I would like to try 3D on a console to compare.
I had the same problem, set your desktop to 5760x1080. It works for me without bezel management on.
I tried about 10 different games with it and there were times it was excellent and really did add to the game play. In BFBC2 it was probably the best of any game since it fully supports 3D , it helped me judge distance a bit better of my shots with the M95 sniper rifle. It also helped when driving the helicopter as it provided me a better idea of how far off the ground I was and how close I was zipping by other PCs and vehicles.

Back when i still had 3D stereo, games do look better, almost like there was a diorama in front of you. Great for 3rd person (ie Soul Reaver Series), but aside from Painkiller, it was horrible for FPS (I can't aim!). How the heck are you able to aim? People close one eye when aiming down a real gun for a reason:confused: And you were sniping???

What does the crosshair look like now? Back then, if you aim at the enemy, either the gun gets doublevisioned or the enemy does, so fine aiming was impossible. There was a virtual crosshair but it just stops at the nearest polygon, not necessarily what you're aiming at (e.g. Grass, smoke, leaves, your gun?, etc.)
Long time but it worked quite well in Half Life 2 I want to remember. But in a lot of the old time fps games the crosshair was a 2D element and thus broken. 3D for me is for immersion if I was a competitive gamer I would probably not use it. Even if I could get 120 hertz for each eye. Just got my XL2410T and 3d vision but need to get 7 obviously. Is it safe to go 64-bit version or will my old games suffer and work better with the 32-bit? I suppose digging out the old XP drivers won´t work?

btw this dual link DVI cable it´s just a standard not a special one? Any DVI to DVI cable work?
Is there any way to trick games not officially supported to run in stereo3d mode? I want to remember being able to run virtual pool 3 in 3D before but may be misstaken?