Nvidia 4500 quadro or that one ati fire gl with 1 gb ram..

Mar 4, 2006
Hello i'm just wondering what is better for like 3d modeling, maya, 3ds max, iclone version 1.0, etc.Which one is better, PNY 4500 quadro or that one ati fire gl with 1 gb of ram. The 4500 only has 512 mb so i think the ati may be better
Welcome to the "joy" that is the new "workstation" market.
They both suck. Plain and simple.
If the apps use DirectX, which Maya, 3DSMax, and IClone all do, tell nVidia and ATI to shove their 400% markup sideways and get a GeForce or Radeon.
The Quadro 4500 is not worth $1800 and the FireGL V7350 is not worth $1600.
If you need real OpenGL, 3DLabs is still the only real card on market.
I would agree.

I have no idea why ATi ripped out their strongest api from it's pro cards (D3D), but the nvidia at least is still acceptable at D3D in their pro card.

It's like the companies don't think D3D is an important API. Maybe they were thinking the new versions of windows would only support OpenGL or something??? Who knows...
AreEss said:
Welcome to the "joy" that is the new "workstation" market.
They both suck. Plain and simple.
If the apps use DirectX, which Maya, 3DSMax, and IClone all do, tell nVidia and ATI to shove their 400% markup sideways and get a GeForce or Radeon.
The Quadro 4500 is not worth $1800 and the FireGL V7350 is not worth $1600.
If you need real OpenGL, 3DLabs is still the only real card on market.

Hi, which would be a good card for Maya then ? Would an FX1400 get the job done ?
at work im using a FX4500, it was around 1800 bucks, so it aint cheap, but now thinking in retrospective i think we could´ve a 7800GTX 512 MB SLI setup for less than that and get almost the same results, 16AA !!! Ati and nVidia put high prices on those workstation cards, becuase Companies are the ones that buy them, companies CAN spend a little bit of green dough.
There was a thing a while ago where people (including myself) were able to softmod their 6800gts to perform exactly the same as the Quadro 4400 or something like that (whatever the last Quadro card before this newest one was). So it's obvious to see that they just bump up the prices for companies like leSLIe said, even though you can usually use the same generation gaming "brother" and get the same performance (minus the extra memory obviously, so if that's the only thing you need it for, then you're stuck).
Well here's the real kicker. They claim you're paying for 'added support.' I've dealt with their 'added support.'
It's not even a joke. It consists of 'upgrade drivers,' 'reinstall OS,' 'that's normal,' and 'I don't know.' As far as flashing the 7xxx-series, they've gone back to hardware cheats so you can't. In addition, they removed critical functions for gaming so that it's literally impossible to game with a Quadro. Add to this that ForceWare won't touch a Quadro and vice versa, and you've got a grade A screwjob. The 4500 is just a rebadged 7800GT, not even GTX, with the 7900 cooling. The Quadro FX5500 is a 7900 with tweaked memory controller which they charge $2,800 for.

You know what's really sad? The $800 3DLabs REALiZM 500 512MB, their low-end single-slot solution, is more than the equal of a single Quadro 4500 that costs more than twice as much. (And another big 'FUCK YOU, IDIOTS' to Creative right here.)
Actually, the FX4500 IS in the review. It's not listed on the first page, but it's in all of the benchmarks.

It looks like the FX3500 is the clear price/performance winner, but obviously you want the card that performs best in your particular application(s).
The workstation cards cost so much because they have to get them certified this way and that, that's what makes them expensive. Usually you can buy a video card that's extremely similar to it's workstation counter-part, and flash it. Do some research and I'm sure you'll find the 7800GTX 512MB is ALOT like the newer Quadro's.
Leon2ky said:
The workstation cards cost so much because they have to get them certified this way and that, that's what makes them expensive. Usually you can buy a video card that's extremely similar to it's workstation counter-part, and flash it. Do some research and I'm sure you'll find the 7800GTX 512MB is ALOT like the newer Quadro's.

*sigh* I wish people would READ around here. Obviously that's still too much to ask.

Reiterating; you're paying for the "additional support" which is nonexistent. What you get, is in effect a crippled gaming card. The 7800GTX is not like the 4500; the 7800GT IS THE QUADRO 4500. I don't give a damn what nVidia says, it's the same chip with minor PCB differences to prevent flashing.
The 5500, and 5500G are based on the 7900 (G71) Rather than tweak the G70 for 1GB, they just slapped on a pair of G70's at lower clock for the 4500 X2.

Any application which uses DirectX (which is more and more of them, as Microsoft refuses to support and actively cripples OpenGL) will perform better and faster on a GeForce 7900 than a Quadro 5500.

Add to this the cold hard fact that the Quadro 3500 is two generations plus old, and nearly $1000 while a 7900GT can be had for less than half that, and only a fool would buy one. Especially when for $800 you can get a REALiZM 500 which outperforms the 3500 badly, and blows the 7900GT away in OpenGL support and speed. Even business customers are starting to refuse the Quadros, because the markup is utterly unjustifiable.