NVIDIA 6800GT/AMD64/FreeBSD 5.3


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2004
Ok heres the problem, im tryin to run any x windows manager on my AMD64 system. Apparently there are no drivers out yet. There is a NVIDIA Geforce (Generic) profile to choose but that does me no justice.. Apparently there is no support yet from what I heard but i just would like someone to confirm this or perhaps tell me how they got it working. When i use the standard VGA profile i can only do 640x480 and its horrible.. anybody have any knowledge on this?
The closed source nvidia driver, which is the only one that gives 3D acceleration and which most nvidia card owners use, supports the 6800 GT fine. http://www.nvidia.com/ to download it, look on any forum for help installing it if following the instructions carefully doesn't work.
yeah i know but as i said i have an AMD64, when i try to install it it says "this was designed for i386 and you are using FreeBSD-AMD64'
Pretty much SOL until the drivers come out. 32-bit BSD or 64-bit Linux are the closest you'll be able to do.
The changes in the BSD system make AMD64 != i386, unlike linux, which seems to take either. :(
Actually it may be possible in theory to get this to work.
XFree drivers are compatible across platforms as long as they're for the same CPU type. I've actually used drivers compiled on Linux under Solaris x86 before.
So at least in theory you may be able to use the binary part of the AMD64 Linux driver in BSD. Then there's the matter of the kernel interface. The Linux driver requires one, and I'm not sure if the BSD one does and if so if it's compatible. At any rate, if you dig through the sources included with the Linux and BSD drivers you may be able to figure it out.