Nvidia Contorl panel Quality setting's


Limp Gawd
Nov 29, 2006
Hey you know how in nvidia control panel you can set the textrue filtering quality.. it is on quality by defalt but what if I put it to "High Quality" ?

Will I get more fps in game's? and how much more fps.. I am trying to push out every little bit in COD4 with the rig in my sig.. but I still want it to look good.. I really don't see much of a difference from the 2 setting's.. anyone know how much more fps you will get by setting in on any of the 4 settings.. and will it take away alot of eye candy..
for more fps set it to high performance. or use the individual settings on the other page to tweak it. there is prob not a huge difference in performance between settings. btwn quality and high quality maybe a couple percent. btwn hq and hp maybe 10%.
High Quality just disables trilinear and anisotropic filtering optimizations. There's no real reason to set it to High Quality on an 8800, I don't think, unless you're insanely critical of your aniso quality.

Just leave it on Quality. Messing around with it isn't going to net you much.
yeah there was not drop in fps at all... and when i put it on the lowest setting I couldnt tell a gain in fps.. best is just leave it stock..