NVIDIA Forceware 180: Big Bang II?


Apr 19, 2002

NVIDIA will launch a new version of its ForceWare graphics drivers in September, and its unusual name is causing some ripples. GPUCafe claims to have information on what the new update will include, and if they're right, it will be quite an update indeed.

The new release, properly called ForceWare release 180, is being referred to in NVIDIA documentation as "Big Bang 2." This name evokes an earlier driver launch, Big Bang, which first allowed multi-GPU support on the GeForce 6000 series. The name implies that this driver release will be similarly huge, and the declared feature list is pretty compelling. GPUCafe says ForceWare release 180 will bring the following features:

* Multimonitor support for SLI
* Display Port support
* OpenGL 3.0
* Hardware video transcoding
* GPU PhysX support
* Performance optimizations​

The performance optimizations are a continuing process, and a matter of routine. Support for the new standards is a good thing, and HTPC users will like the transcoding support. DisplayPort may now begin to appear on NVIDIA cards. The big news, however, is the PhysX and multimonitor announcements.​
Sounds good. I'll wait an announcement of course, but would be really nice!
If the multimonitor support is true, I will hold of on selling my 22 inch Samsung. I just got a 32 inch (see sig) and was getting ready to pop the 22 on e-bay. Now I'll keep it and if the MM suport works, Ill mounting it sideways next to the 32 inch. It is exactly the same width as the 32 is high so its a perfect fit for doc viewing or IMs while Im gaming. Hell, I can see me using this to have WMP going over Crysis ;)

Good enough to make the GTX 280 a good deal with the 4870X2 this close to launch?

We shall see.
I'm a little skeptical of that list. It seems more like someone's wish list of what they want then what is actually likely...