Nvidia G92 GPU Launch Brought Forward

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Citing unnamed sources, DigiTimes says that NVIDIA is moving the G92 launch date up to October 29th to go head to head with AMD's new Radeon HD 2950PRO.

In addition to G92, Nvidia will also launch the G98 GPU to replace the GeForce 8600 series, however the launch date has not yet been set, added the sources.
Hopefully this will result in a price drop in the current 8800 GTX cards by the time I am ready to buy one.
at best we will see a price reduction for the 8800gts 320 and maybe the 640 as they are phased out.
Any indication if this is on par with a 8800GTX or even a step up?

I got an EVGA 8800GTX, and if they are not releasing a high end card, I wonder if it would be worth to "Step-Up" to a 8800GT because of newer technology.
Any indication if this is on par with a 8800GTX or even a step up?

I got an EVGA 8800GTX, and if they are not releasing a high end card, I wonder if it would be worth to "Step-Up" to a 8800GT because of newer technology.

I'm pretty sure that "stepping-up" to a GT in reality would actually be a slight step down. From what I understand the GT falls in between the GTS and GTX.
I think the GT falls under the GTS, from the "released" specs and everything else that's out there. This isn't a step up if you have a GTX, probably goes the same for the GTS. These are midrange offerings. Even the 2950Pro still looses to the XT version when you crank up any AA or resolution. It's got the power of the XT, just a smaller bus-width which keeps it below 1280x1024 even though it's got faster clock-speeds. Then again compared to the GTS' 320-bit, the arch. isn't impressive at all, but that's besides the point.

So if you're waiting for the big-dawg of cards, slit your wrists like everyone else who's going "emo", or keep waiting.
So if you're waiting for the big-dawg of cards, slit your wrists like everyone else who's going "emo", or keep waiting.

No way. I got tired of waiting for the "next big thing" while the rest of my setup was getting older by the day!

I am really enjoying my 8800GTX, which let's me play racing sims across my 3 displays.

I just could not figure out from all the specs where this thing (8800GT) was going to rank. Thanks for the clarification.
This could get interesting if nVidia decides to match ATi's offering at price, because from what I have seen, the 2950pro spanks the 8800GT all the time, and even the GTS some of the time. Plus nVidia seems to be having cooling issues with their single slot solution on the 8800GT, so we may see it morph into a dual slot solution by the time it is released. November will be interesting.
Man the 8800gtx had a good if you consider how fast hardware paces in the computer industry.
Man the 8800gtx had a good if you consider how fast hardware paces in the computer industry.

Yeah,especially in price,those things just won't drop!:( Guess that's what happens when the competition falls behind.
G92 won't replace anything

No one knows how much lowering the bandwidth will do anything to the performance on the RV670

And yes I'm very very excited for all of these releases, especially to see how ATI gives the R600 a jump with their increadibly smaller process
Why is the first thing people discuss pricing? If you can't afford something, save! If you can, who cares! Yes prices will go down on older gear, always does.

What everyone should discuss first is: how about those drivers, are they ready? Will we have to fight with them to get them to work? How about stability, noise control (i.e. NONE), thermal management?

With the aggregate mess that is forceware drivers, ntune, the new control panel, bad performance in popular games, the last thing we should care about is the inevitable "what's next" marketing strategy.

The current batch of software coming out of nVidia is craptastic, nowhere near as robust as just a year ago...ever since the GeForce 8 debuted.

I like new hardware as much as all of you, but I'm more interested in getting the stuff we have working properly.
So the G92 will replace the 8800ultra/gtx ?

No ones totally sure, but I think the consensus is that this is a mainstream part, not high end, but rumors indicate that it'll be close to the 8800 gts in performance and maybe replace it, but cost less.

This is mostly speculation though, decent leaks seem scarce on this one
I haven't been watching the card market much lately...

Is this an all-new GPU architecture, or is this just an upgrade to the current GPU?

nVidia's product nomenclature has gotten confusing over the last few years...
At least we don't have to wait too terribly long to get concrete answers seeing as the launch is less than three weeks off.
wow... 18 months over seas and I miss everything? When did this happen? I had an ati card a few years ago and AMD did not own them then?
I'm not sure how feel about this as I have had my eVGA GTS for over 10 months now,and now have a eVGA ULTRA.

Something is telling me I wil regret this weeks purchase come the early Spring...
I'm not sure how feel about this as I have had my eVGA GTS for over 10 months now,and now have a eVGA ULTRA.

Something is telling me I wil regret this weeks purchase come the early Spring...

and then the next fall, then the next spring, then the next fall, then the next spring, then the next fall, then the next spring, then the next fall.
for some reason i cant edit my posts, but my point was that there's always shit around the corner. But I think you know this manny because ive seen you around here a lonnggg time. Been around the block a few times.