Nvidia Gforce GTX 1660 Ti


Oct 22, 2021
G30AB i7-4770k 3.60GHz

Nvidia Gforce GTX 1660 Ti

Recently just had an update on windows and now all the sudden my screen resolution won't go
above 1920x1080. I even tried updating everything again.

My resolution use to be "2560×1440" I believe.... but I no longer have that option..
Make sure the nvidia driver is up to date. Are you on windows 10 or 11?
Windows 10 as of right now. I updated latest driver as of yesterday. I'm not 100% sure what was installed with the windows update.. whatever it was, it messed up my resolution..

I mean I can live with this for now.. I'm just so use to everything being so much smaller on my monitor! lol.
you just need to reinstall the nvidia geforce driver. if you have geforce experience open it and update, or google geforce drivers
you just need to reinstall the nvidia geforce driver. if you have geforce experience open it and update, or google geforce drivers
My only option now it to uninstall and reinstall.. Everything is up to date besides that..
My only option now it to uninstall and reinstall.. Everything is up to date besides that..
Download the latest full driver package from nVidia and install it.

The only time this doesn't work is if you have some sort of funky Laptop video hardware that won't accept OEM drivers, in which case you need to find out who designed it and go Frck their brother.
You can use DDU to uninstall your video drivers and then do a clean reinstall.

You can also if they are available use a driver for your monitor (which is usually more of just an .inf file) to make sure it is identified correctly.