NVIDIA GT200 : GeForce 9900 GTX & 9900 GT In Q3

Mar 4, 2008

No it is not some April Fool jokes. VR-Zone has learned that there will be two high end parts from Nvidia to replace the current GeForce 9800 GX2 and 9800 GTX in Q3. These two parts are GeForce 9900 GTX and GeForce 9900 GT based on the new GT200 architecture. GeForce 9800 GX2 and GTX will have a short lifespan since they will be replaced in a couple of months time. Nvidia has positioned GeForce 9900 GTX to replace 9800 GX2 and this gave a clue that a single GT200 card will actually outperform a dual G92 card. Likewise for GeForce 9900 GT, outperforming and replacing 9800 GTX. CJ revealed to us that Nvidia will have a hard time fitting GT200 onto the PCB since the GPU is gonna be large and very power hungry so we can probably assume it is still 65nm based. The PCB for GT200 will be P651.
Interesting......hope its true, glad I kept the 8800 GTXs for now.
At 65nm, they probably will be, as it sounds like the GPU alone will be huge from the article. I'm going to try to hold out for the die-shrink refresh of it, which should be smaller and more power-efficient, though I hope they're quicker this time than they were with G80! Of course, it's all still rumor at this point anyway.
This isn't much of a stretch. It's pretty much a certainty that the GT200 will be out by the end of the year. That said, I think the people are over looking the 9800 GX2 in terms of a single slot GPU solution. It spanks a single 8800 GTX/Ultra for the most part by large margins and its more reasonably priced than a lot of recent high end GPU's. No, its not the latest and greatest technology, but its pretty effective.

Can't wait for Nehalem and GT200 however, they'll both probably be in my next rig.
CJ revealed to us that Nvidia will have a hard time fitting GT200 onto the PCB since the GPU is gonna be large and very power hungry so we can probably assume it is still 65nm based.

This makes me wonder how long it will be before liquid cooling isn't a niche market, its the norm.
"a single GT200 card will actually outperform a dual G92 card. Likewise for GeForce 9900 GT"

well thank god!

seriously, I think AMDs failure to respond to the G80 and G92 has helped Nvidia hide the fact that the GT200 isn't finished emmensely. They've had far more time then usual to work with it and Nvidia (through a little bit of implication and word play) implyed that it would be out for X-mas of 07. They promised us a 12 month release schedual with a die shrink to the higher end models 6 months through. Well, the G92 was a die shrink of the G80, with some minor architectural enhancements. They delayed the 12 month schedual because ATIs R600 was such a failure, but now theres rumors of a 55nm G92 shrink? Sounds like Nvidia still hasn't completly tapped out the GT200 to me.

I think VR-zone is wrong here. the G92b will be out in early Q3 to compete with ATis R700 family. And the earliest we will see the GT200 is Q1 09.

Look to AMD for the next superior graphics chipet.
Well, this news makes me glad I didn't step up to the 9800 GX2, last week. Let's hope this 9900 series is the real thing. I'm also interested to find out what kind of PSU these new cards will require.
"Couple of Months"... That will have dire consequences for those in the Step-Up.. Guess we will need to wait till the last minue to do upgrades..
Other than Crysis, I haven't seen the need to upgrade anyway. I kinda appreciate the recent stagnation. :)
gah, why do they keep doing this to me.. just as I had my heart set on a 9800gtx

what to do?
As with all the other rumors that culminated in a whole lot of nothingness...
...I'll wait to see what REALLY happens.
well we can assume that the cards are coming this year sometime so it shouldn't matter much if it is in the summer or end of the year
So they go to the 9 series with 8 series technology...then they do a refresh of the 9 series with a whole new chip? Color me confused.

If it's just another refresh of G92, AMD better get in there and kick their ass...
The same thing got said a few months after the 8 series launch. that their would be an 8900GTX and GX2 coming in a few months, but then again the source was fuad abazovic, so this already has 1 up on that.

I'm going to throw this into the 'okay, whatever' pile.
According to other sites, the GT200 is going to be based off of an improved G9x core.
God damn it. Why do they keep stringing me along. I guess I'll just wait for May and grab a video card then, so I can stepup to one of these new things when they are released.
Every story i see makes me glad i cancelled my gx2 stepup. Quad SLI scaling sucks. Tri SLI with 9800GTX's is looking like its going to suck compared to just normal SLI. My 8800GTS512 setup is working fine in SLI and i seem to have actually gotten lucky on my 2nd 680i board as it has now gone close to 4 months without burning up. Looks like my next upgrade wont be until early 09 when nehalem comes out. Hopefully by then a REAL next gen video card will be out that gives me a real reason to upgrade.
All I can say is that I hope it is not a refresh of the G9x core. The GT200 better be 2x as fast as the 9800GX2 is now. I am looking for a card that offers at least Quad-SLi GX2 performance in a single card.
Good thing this card is coming out because the current high end cards all suck at running the newest games on max settings..............................................
All I can say is that I hope it is not a refresh of the G9x core. The GT200 better be 2x as fast as the 9800GX2 is now. I am looking for a card that offers at least Quad-SLi GX2 performance in a single card.
My guess is that it will be another G9x refresh with some improvements. But I'd like to see actual specs before questioning the cards.
God damn it. Why do they keep stringing me along. I guess I'll just wait for May and grab a video card then, so I can stepup to one of these new things when they are released.

Hey, just take it in stride. At least this is one Nvidia fan-thread that wasn't started by your buddy Talon Man. :p
I have been here all day... ;)

You guys don't understand...

It's not nVidia fans that he has a problem with.... it's more of a personal attack.. (Against the [H] rules)

I think the issue has been resolved, or it will be real soon... :cool:
Waiting to see how it shakes out.
I have been here all day... ;)

You guys don't understand...

It's not nVidia fans that he has a problem with.... it's more of a personal attack.. (Against the [H] rules)

I think the issue has been resolved, or it will be real soon... :cool:
Waiting to see how it shakes out.

You seem like a good sport TalonMan its all in jest :) People need to follow your example and stop being too damn sensitive on these tech forums.
I'm skeptical if only because of the naming scheme. Why would nvidia go up to 9xxx for an 8xxx refresh, and then stay there for their next big release? Just doesn't add up. The only possible explanation is if they want to preserve 10xxx or Xxxx or whatever is next for an especially significant release. In which case that's the one I'd wait for anyway.
Hey, just take it in stride. At least this is one Nvidia fan-thread that wasn't started by your buddy Talon Man. :p

Thats because this has nothing to do with the GX2!

But seriously, Nvidia's antics lately are getting so confusing. I would just like to know the truth about whether or not we'll be seeing something significantly new, and when it will be. Granted everythings a significant upgrade over my 7800 GTX, but I don't want to buy some video card in April, and they release something significantly faster just after my stepup expires. I miss the old days when we got more notice about new products, and actual specifications before the day you can buy the thing.
It never ends! The 9800GTX isn't even out yet and its already getting old.

ROLF, I know, ain't it funny. This is why people should use caution and patience before purchasing :). I was never going to buy the money-pit that is the 9800 series. I doubt the 9900s will be much better, but we don't know either way just yet. I'll be getting the 9900GTX if it offers 2x 8800Ultra performance. Otherwise, I'll wait for the G100 or whatever, the 10-series dammit :p.
ROLF, I know, ain't it funny. This is why people should use caution and patience before purchasing :). I was never going to buy the money-pit that is the 9800 series. I doubt the 9900s will be much better, but we don't know either way just yet. I'll be getting the 9900GTX if it offers 2x 8800Ultra performance. Otherwise, I'll wait for the G100 or whatever, the 10-series dammit :p.

This is probably the exception. If I had waited for the R600 like so many people were saying back in November 06, then I would've missed out on over one year of solid PC gaming. But I'd definitely advise people to hibernate through the 9800s...
This just in 10800 to be a refresh of the 9900s..news at 11. In other news EVGA will now allow 2 stepups due to more planned refreshes.
So the 9800 GTX is really the 8900 GTX, the 9900 GTX is really the 8950 GTX and now they are going to have a 10800 GTX which is really the 9950 Ultra.
Looks like the 11800 GTX will be the real 9800 GTX that has more pipelines.