NVIDIA NV50 Canned??


Jan 11, 2002
The Inquirer: Nvidia's NV50 canned

Yeah, yeah, I know it's that asshat Fuad who wrote the story but I believe he has industry contacts that none of us have so you can't totally dismiss the story. I don't understand why NV48 and NV50 would be canned, doesn't seem to make much sense. I wonder if NV47 will get the axe next?

I hope this is all BS. :(
coz said:
The Inquirer: Nvidia's NV50 canned

Yeah, yeah, I know it's that asshat Fuad who wrote the story but I believe he has industry contacts that none of us have so you can't totally dismiss the story. I don't understand why NV48 and NV50 would be canned, doesn't seem to make much sense. I wonder if NV47 will get the axe next?

I hope this is all BS. :(

why do you hope its BS? If they are canning NV50 it means they are coming out with something better instead.
tranCendenZ said:
why do you hope its BS? If they are canning NV50 it means they are coming out with something better instead.
How do you know the replacement will be better/faster? They may have canned NV50 because they weren't happy with the die size or perhaps they think they can make do with adding a quad or two to NV40 and still be fastest thanks to SLi? Plus, it takes time to develop a replacement for a canned project so that means further delays before getting our hands on new stuff. NV50 was due for a Fall 2005 release, this may push back the next-gen NV part to 2006?

I just don't want to see NV get complacent because of SLi. Having the fastest single-card solution is the most important thing IMO.
coz said:
How do you know the replacement will be better/faster? They may have canned NV50 because they weren't happy with the die size or perhaps they think they can make do with adding a quad or two to NV40 and still be fastest thanks to SLi? Plus, it takes time to develop a replacement for a canned project so that means further delays before getting our hands on new stuff. NV50 was due for a Fall 2005 release, this may push back the next-gen NV part to 2006?

I just don't want to see NV get complacent because of SLi. Having the fastest single-card solution is the most important thing IMO.

Or, maybe because NV48 was canned they wanted to release NV50 sooner so they changed the design?
tranCendenZ said:
Or, maybe because NV48 was canned they wanted to release NV50 sooner so they changed the design?
They wouldn't have to release NV50 sooner because NV47 is still supposed to be due for release in Spring '05 (unless it gets canned too!). That should be a 110nm NV40 with an extra quad or two. Maybe NV thought that they didn't need NV50 because the technology in NV40 is already pretty future-proof and therefore they just needed more speed (NV47)?

I'd certainly like to see some information regarding the status of NV48 and NV50 from other sources. It seems all the hardware news sites out there are quite happy to just report what Fuad says over at the Inq and not try to investigate the story for themselves. :(
yeah this kinda shocked me when I read it...I'm guessing they are putting new features on the shelf for the next year in order to really get performance up up to par...they'll probably hold off the nv50 till longhorn and just work on getting more quads and better sli performance...cuz as it stands right now, they already have more features than they can possibly use...
the canning can be for a variety of factors such as.

nv55 is more advanced and way ahead of schedule that nv50.

i do not think nvidia is going to rely on sli for performance gains.. rather its something use to sell more chips. so i really doubt you have to worry about them saying.. o well.. just buy 2 chips. not going to happen. esp since the majority of your revenue is made on the low end and mid end. the high end is just for braggin rights and a trickle down effect on sales.

i personally think that they have something special up their sleeves. why else can the nv48. i think nvidia could squeeze 20mhz out of their line if they tried.. but whats the point when they match or beat ati? its going to be hell on ati once the 6200 line hits retail.... ive read review where its blowing the x300 out of the water.

all nvidia needs to do is just get the 6200 in agp form out and a pci-e 6800 vanilla out to server all parts of the market.

but yea.... its going to be interesting.

one can only hope.. 24 pipes.. 550 mhz core, 16 vertex shaders and pixel shader w/ 512 megs of ram using hidden surface removal via the gigapixel/3dfx tech w/ the option of dual sli and maybe they make a cheap 35 dollar co-processor cards that you plug in regular pci slots to act as special co processors for the graphics card. granted they would have limited banddwidth but still.. imagine 2 SLI pci-e cards and say 4 pci sub co processor cards.

ahhhh yes.. my dream.

I posted this in the other thread about this same topic, so i figured i would stick it in here too. :)

Don't be too sad. When a graphics company scraps a chip's development, it's because they are looking to leap-frog to their next chip.

This is a move made because nvidia thinks the NV48 and NV50's features and performance wouldn't be enough to insure the top spot against ATI. This most likely means they will focus all of their attention on the NV60 (or whatever is next in line), because they think its features and performance will give them the definitive victory.

The main thing this should tell us, is that the NV48 and NV50 didn't bring a big-time performance improvment beyond the current generation. So, IF this rumor is true (big IF), it is actually a good thing. It means they will be pushing the performance even higher on their next product line. We will see in time how it all shakes out of course.
Let me get this straight...if this is true, and if Nvidia had stuck to its past naming convention,
then they have scrapped development on a 6900 and 7800 chip and are just going ahead and
developing the 8800?
i hope they dont do the 3dfx approach of putting more gpus on the card, the 6800 is power hungry enough as it is
I kinda think this is the truth, Why would nvidia want everyone to wait for there next top card. When they just announced SLI and want to bank off SLI(nforce 4) and More Nv40's. I guess they control the market. :eek:
Jasonx82 said:
I guess they control the market. :eek:

I dont know about that, I wouldnt be surprised if it was canned because it was going to only improve on the 6800 by a small margin. Despite the setback it is good to see a company is willing to scrap a whole program with a longer term goal in mind.
kuyaglen said:
Let me get this straight...if this is true,
you can stop right there. fuad is correct less often than a coin toss. :p
they wont put dual GPU's thats for sure..they would need like a 4 pci slot cooler cuse the card already runs hot...its not possible yet...
I doubt this is true. I talked to someone at nVidia today and specifically asked about this, they did not know anything about it
