Nvidia Pick Your Path Bundle! [Assassin's Creed Unity, Far Cry 4, The Crew]


Official NCIX Representative
Oct 2, 2009

The new Nvidia game bundle is out, and although Borderlands is gone now, the replacements are just as awesome. With the purchase of any GTX 970 or 980, or 970M or 980M equipped notebooks, you get your choice of one of these games.

I also wanted to let you guys know that if anyone ordered a 970/980 from us but hasn't received it yet, then we will be including this new promotion with it when it ships. :)
Nice, just bought an EVGA 970 ACX 2.0 Superclocked from NCIX.US earlier today.

Sittin' at Credit Card Verification. Hopefully it will ship soon and get here before the end of the week.
This is ridiculous. Why don't the early adopters who had to suffer with returning their cards until they got one without coil whine get in on this deal?
To be fair, early adopters got Borderlands: The Pre-sequel. It's not like they were stuck without any games.

For NCIX, we're handling it on a case by case basis on whether early adopters are eligible for the new bundle as well. You can start a ticket with customer care or message me on here - after all, there's no harm in discussing your options.
To be fair, early adopters got Borderlands: The Pre-sequel. It's not like they were stuck without any games.

For NCIX, we're handling it on a case by case basis on whether early adopters are eligible for the new bundle as well. You can start a ticket with customer care or message me on here - after all, there's no harm in discussing your options.

I don't think any early adopters got Borderlands... at least I know I didn't when I bought my 2 cards.
To be fair, early adopters got Borderlands: The Pre-sequel. It's not like they were stuck without any games.


And yeah, I'm kinda pissed, having bought my Asus STRIX GTX 970 less than a month ago....
I'm not sure if they had different promotions with different outlets, but I did not receive any game codes with my GTX 970. I did get to wait a few weeks while it was on back-order though, so at least I got something...
Early adopters get to return and re-buy to get the promotion. Or at least that's what I'm doing if amazon doesn't respond to my email with a game code.
Ah, my mistake. We are offering this new promotion to anyone who purchased a 970/980 from us, so you can PM me your details if you'd like the Pick Your Path bundle :)
Early adopters get the good feeling knowing they beta tested everything for the rest of us! :p
Ah, my mistake. We are offering this new promotion to anyone who purchased a 970/980 from us, so you can PM me your details if you'd like the Pick Your Path bundle :)

That's great customer service right there.

Question for you if you don't mind answering. The last time I bought from NCIX, I was charged a currency conversion fee, it wasn't trivial % either. Is there any way to get around this? Maybe pay with paypal? Honestly I haven't even bothered checking NCIX out since then because of that.
Well this is a bummer. I just bought two 980s from NewEgg on 10/29.
I didn't get my hopes up, but I just chatted with Amazon to see if they would do like NCIX and retroactively give out codes to early adopters. Amazon told me they could not do it. Oh well. Early Adopter tax, I suppose.
Contacted NewEgg and they sent me a code. Would have preferred two, but I'll take what I can get!
Nice, yeah I got one too but ordered 2 cards, but didn't want to get greedy and push my luck. :)

I was going to get both AC:U and FC4 anyways, but now one will have to wait for Ebay or cheap sale price on the one I don't get with the promo.
That's great customer service right there.

Question for you if you don't mind answering. The last time I bought from NCIX, I was charged a currency conversion fee, it wasn't trivial % either. Is there any way to get around this? Maybe pay with paypal? Honestly I haven't even bothered checking NCIX out since then because of that.

I think Paypal would get around it. I'm from Canada and have only purchased from our Canadian side so I'm not too familiar with our NCIXUS payment processes :(
UCIX has a Canadian Site and US site, which charges in either Canadian Dollars or US Dollars. THe currently conversion fee is usually assessed by your credit card company. So you won't have to pay for it if you get a credit card that doesn't charge conversion fee.
Tigerdirect refused to send me a code, even though the card that I ordered from them didn't even arrive until the 4th.
I just got off of Live Chat on Newggs site and I purchased 2 Gigabyte G1 980 cards at Launch and they gave me 2 codeS!!!, THANKS NEWEGG!
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Newegg, after pointing to the NCIX's Rep post on here, caved and gave me the coupon.

Unity here I come.
Newegg got back to me with a code this morning, awesome!

Now which game is the one to get???
Newegg got back to me with a code this morning, awesome!

Now which game is the one to get???

Well, none of them have actually launched yet and they all disappeared from Steam, so I'd say just wait a bit.
One thing that might have helped my cause at Newegg is i first complimented their customer service then pointed out how much I've spent with them. I also told the rep while she was looking into it I would be picking out a Cpu for my new build while I wait hehe.
The one you want to play the most. :p

I contacted TigerDirect again, and they say that they'll try to get me a code since Newegg is sending them out.

I'll post an update if I get it.
I contacted TigerDirect again, and they say that they'll try to get me a code since Newegg is sending them out.

I'll post an update if I get it.

Yeah, I think I'm going to have to contact them again, since the first time it sounded like I was getting the 'need to confirm with my manager' runaround. The more people succeed, the better the precedent.

Honestly I only want Far Cry 4, but Assassin's Creed Unity wouldn't be unappreciated either - if anything, I could give a code as a gift to a friend.
I'm guessing these codes will only be available through ubisofts launcher, not stream.
I'm guessing these codes will only be available through ubisofts launcher, not steam.

That's a good question, if it does end up being UPlay only I'll probably just trade my code for something else.

I guess I'm spoiled, but I refuse to buy or even play a game if it's not on Steam. :p


Looks like the codes are good for UPlay only.... bah!

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^^i know. Its really sad, but I'm so addicted to Big Picture on my HTPC that I'm willing to pay a premium. Gabe's pile of money continues to get irrationally bigger.
Is anyone having problems redeeming the promo codes? I got my code for The Crew to work, although it's not showing up in Uplay, but my code for Far Cry 4 is coming up as "invalid promo code".
Is anyone having problems redeeming the promo codes? I got my code for The Crew to work, although it's not showing up in Uplay, but my code for Far Cry 4 is coming up as "invalid promo code".

I emailed Uplay about Farcry4 and The Crew not showing up, they got back to me and said it won't show up until around launch day. You can check your order history which shows you do own it. Not sure on the invalid code, it would only let me redeem 1 at a time.
Amazon just gave me the brush off when I asked for a promo code on a card I purchased on October 16th while Newegg gave me two codes fr cards I purchased on October 1st. Based on this situation I won't be ordering computer products from Amazon again.