NVIDIA Readies 3-Way SLI Technology?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Three-way SLI? VR-Zone says that NVIDIA is readying three way SLI for launch November 12th. Here’s a clip from the news post:

Nvidia is stepping up efforts on getting 3-way SLI ready for launch on Nov 12th. However, to get 3-way SLI up and running, there are a few requirements. Firstly you need a 3-way SLI drivers. Secondly, you need either a 680i SLI or the upcoming 780a/780i SLI board with at least 3 PCIe x16 slots. Thirdly, you need either GeForce 8800 Ultra or GeForce 8800 GTX cards as these cards have 2 SLI connectors on each card. Even the upcoming G92 cards will not support since it has only 1 SLI connector. Fourthly, you would need a 3-way SLI bridge card.

It's crazy. Takes mucho electricity and doesn't scale accordingly.

If you have the money to plump down on 2x8800 or 3x or 4x did you ever think about just putting that money into the best CPU, 1xGPU and memory/mobo/soundcard/LCD?

I mean a 8800GTX (ultra) are 500-700$.

I'm so happy to learn that all of the Forceware, Vista and nForce driver issues are fixed!
Regular SLI and single-GPU operation must be at its pinnacle, which thusly frees up valuable engineering efforts to create this incredibly useful technology that will be affordable, relevant and long-lived!

/wipes off the drippy sarcasm quickly before it sticks
I think the select few running 30inch monitors would be interested.

well i guess if you have the money to burn then cool. but i think if you do, you'd be better served to give it to me as i think i have better ideas on what to do with it. such as hookers and blow. lol
Can you imagine the heat and power coming from that beast....it seems quite pointless to even be working on a 3 way SLI

Why not work on an optical chip rather than a transistor chip so it could run faster and with virtually no heat
yea cooling seems ify if you look at the pic of it
3GTX or Ultras back to back like that cant be good

what i would like to see is Sli with diffrent cards ie 8800GTS + 8600GT with the lesser card use for physics or to assist the faster one
Me...I would think making this possible with mid range cards would make more sense. Let's say someone initially buys a 8600 series card. Later they get a very large monitor, but don't want to ditch their first card...being able to go triple SLI with 3 8600's could then be handy, and give an upgrade path for those not wanting to use dual slot cards for whatever reason, be it heat, cost or whatever. For that matter, it's a shame they didn't impliment this with the upcoming 8800 GT. 3 of their most powerful single slot cards might be worth it, if the cost of the 8800 GT isn't that high. 3 dual slot cards like that...yep, cooling is going to be an issue, especially air cooled...the middle card basically isn't going to get any cooling pretty much.
Currently suffering under the tyrany of the ram eating bug farm known as 680i. I don't care how many GPUs I can stuff in there, I will never ever buy another nvidia chipset motherboard. All they do is brag about overclocking while neglecting the basics like reliable standby/resume behavior.
Can you imagine the heat and power coming from that beast....it seems quite pointless to even be working on a 3 way SLI

Why not work on an optical chip rather than a transistor chip so it could run faster and with virtually no heat

That's another industry entirely. Nano scale fans and fins built into the processors are already in the works. I forget what it's called, but Intel's supposed to use them in one of their next few processors. I'm sure alot of processors will be picking up that technology once it becomes available to them. About all nVidia can do now is either invent this technology on their own (why? someone else already is), or reduce their die size and wattage requirements, which they have been doing.
I'm so happy to learn that all of the Forceware, Vista and nForce driver issues are fixed!
Regular SLI and single-GPU operation must be at its pinnacle, which thusly frees up valuable engineering efforts to create this incredibly useful technology that will be affordable, relevant and long-lived!

/wipes off the drippy sarcasm quickly before it sticks

QFT man. Maybe nvidia could be bother to fix their current bug farm lineup before adding some dumb "mine is bigger than yours" feature that nobody wants.
Releasing 3 way SLI when regualr SLI is buggy as hell and few applications can really take advtange of it.

Utter waste of engineering resources and time; I really hope AMD gets back in the game soon, this is the kind of crap we can expect in a one horse race.
I think it's still kind of cool even if the practicality of it is useless. All I've seen around the web have been the quad Crossfire setup's from AMD. So it's nice to see a counter from Nvidia even if I don't ever buy it, my friends don't buy it, or my neighbors don't buy it. I didn't buy the FX-7X line from AMD either, but it still was kind of cool.
why dont you get dual sli right first ASSHATS, youve only been pimping it and not supporting it properly for what.. eleventy billionson trileniums.
Oh Hellz yeah :cool: Finally my days of video lag running two 8800GTX's on native resolution with full graphics may be over :)

I can't wait, just need a third card.
What is the point of 3 way SLI? It's basically e-penis time and nothing more than that.
What is the point of 3 way SLI? It's basically e-penis time and nothing more than that.

That may be true in the CRT monitor days, but with LCD's getting larger with larger native resolutions, we need to be able to push pixels onto them. Like some says, this would be great for enthusiastic builders with 30+" LCD's.
That may be true in the CRT monitor days, but with LCD's getting larger with larger native resolutions, we need to be able to push pixels onto them. Like some says, this would be great for enthusiastic builders with 30+" LCD's.

so few games will even support those super high res' anyway... i have a hard time getting some games to 1680x1050...
Sure it looks like overkill, with no real software support right now....


What about 5 years down the line.

Your 10 gig quad core cpu with 6 gig of ram running on a 2 gig bus may need additional help pumping out the pixels to the 30" lcds on all our desks. If the basic technology aint developed today, it won't be mature for tomorrow.

Just look at my sig. I don't play the latest bleeding edge games anymore, but am considering a new rig because my current Frankenstein mess won't even install Supreme Commander. Vista pushed basic hardware requirments to insane levels. Just imagine what the next big OS upgrade will require.

The game developers are trying to make their games indistinguishable from real life. That may require even more graphics power to pull off. If there is no hardware, the software people can't develop anything new.

If you don't want to be a guinea pig early adopter, fine. But don't give them hell for trying.

Besides, it's a win-win for them. They get to sell even more outrageously priced cutting edge graphics cards and they get to field test their latest crap.

Not to mention, they have nothing to lose. Like SLi, you have a choice of buying one or two cards. It's not like you need a very special card to run SLi. If you already have an SLi and want to upgrade, at least you don't have to worry about thinking that you can't upgrade for a long time because you just paid with your left nut to have 2 cards. Just get a third one!

(disclaimer: I realize CURRENT cards will not support 3-way SLi. I'm just saying that if it existed now, this would be most people's train of thought.)
Step 1: Read benchmarks

Step 2: Divide FPS in your favorite games by cost times e-penis facot, (Varies in direct opposite to actual penis size) and compare this number to similar ratio of waiting for next generation card times "I want it now" factor

Step 3: Evaluate bank account

Step 4: Open mouth and blab about trisli being good or bad
Maybe Nvidia should focus on making drivers work with the current hardware, instead of inventing newer stuff.
Not to mention, they have nothing to lose. Like SLi, you have a choice of buying one or two cards. It's not like you need a very special card to run SLi. If you already have an SLi and want to upgrade, at least you don't have to worry about thinking that you can't upgrade for a long time because you just paid with your left nut to have 2 cards. Just get a third one!

(disclaimer: I realize CURRENT cards will not support 3-way SLi. I'm just saying that if it existed now, this would be most people's train of thought.)

Wow, you just completely invalidated your entire argument all by yourself in one post.

Beyond that, next generation cards are more powerful than the SLI'ed generation before them, so adding a third to an obsolete hardware base would be a poor choice. 3 GeForce 6800's or 1 8800?, you do the math.
Wow, you just completely invalidated your entire argument all by yourself in one post.

Beyond that, next generation cards are more powerful than the SLI'ed generation before them, so adding a third to an obsolete hardware base would be a poor choice. 3 GeForce 6800's or 1 8800?, you do the math.

Why the hell did you pick the 6800 against the 8800's? How about being a little more fucking reasonable and pretend someone had 2 7900's and debates on buying one 8800 or one more 7900.

Why not say 5600 against 8800? Or hell, argue I'm invalidating my argument because someone has a pair of GeForce256 DDR's?

You're just looking for reason to argue.
Sure it looks like overkill, with no real software support right now....


What about 5 years down the line.

Your 10 gig quad core cpu with 6 gig of ram running on a 2 gig bus may need additional help pumping out the pixels to the 30" lcds on all our desks. If the basic technology aint developed today, it won't be mature for tomorrow.

Just look at my sig. I don't play the latest bleeding edge games anymore, but am considering a new rig because my current Frankenstein mess won't even install Supreme Commander. Vista pushed basic hardware requirments to insane levels. Just imagine what the next big OS upgrade will require.

The game developers are trying to make their games indistinguishable from real life. That may require even more graphics power to pull off. If there is no hardware, the software people can't develop anything new.

If you don't want to be a guinea pig early adopter, fine. But don't give them hell for trying.

Besides, it's a win-win for them. They get to sell even more outrageously priced cutting edge graphics cards and they get to field test their latest crap.

SC barley ran on my 3200, now, my 5200 X2 smooth :cool:
Why the hell did you pick the 6800 against the 8800's? How about being a little more fucking reasonable and pretend someone had 2 7900's and debates on buying one 8800 or one more 7900.

Why not say 5600 against 8800? Or hell, argue I'm invalidating my argument because someone has a pair of GeForce256 DDR's?

You're just looking for reason to argue.

The point I was making, and you would see if *you* weren't looking for an argument, is that any comparisons are moot since the technology doesn't exist. Furthermore, if you stretched your mind, you'll see that newer generations of hardware are more powerful than two of the type before it. Making his "keep adding cards" suggestion, also invalid.
42" 1080p monitor here and I think it's a complete waste.


but then again, 30 inch monitors for example, the Dell 30incher has a HUGE resolution. I believe that is what they're talking about.
The point I was making, and you would see if *you* weren't looking for an argument, is that any comparisons are moot since the technology doesn't exist. Furthermore, if you stretched your mind, you'll see that newer generations of hardware are more powerful than two of the type before it. Making his "keep adding cards" suggestion, also invalid.

how about you scroll up and read the disclaimer bit I put in there.

but then again, 30 inch monitors for example, the Dell 30incher has a HUGE resolution. I believe that is what they're talking about.

Yeah, good point I guess! :p But in my eyes, spending that much on video cards compared to the rest of the system is a total waste.

but then again, 30 inch monitors for example, the Dell 30incher has a HUGE resolution. I believe that is what they're talking about.

Yep, 2560x1600 is nearly twice the pixels of 1080p.

Which is almost the same # of pixels as running 3840x1024 in triplehead.

While it doesn't exactly scale, I think most people can understand the principle that if you double the pixels, you might half the framerate...

Hence SLI being helpful...

And, again, if you can afford $1,500 monitors, maybe you can afford SLI?

But, at least they have the option (whether they want to or not) of gaming in 1280x800 (one-quarter res) if their card's having trouble with native res... (Heck, my brand new card from just 18 months ago won't do 2560x1600, it's not dual-link DVI...)
Yeah, good point I guess! :p But in my eyes, spending that much on video cards compared to the rest of the system is a total waste.

Two cards SLIed cost about the same as the 30" monitors, though. So, it's equal. If the framerate still isn't there, might as well consider a third card perhaps...

Personally, I would think the waste would really be in the electric bill to run all of this!

I just really hope this three-card SLI isn't the reason Crysis has been delayed... To give Nvidia time to work on a solution that will make Crysis half-playable for ultra-high res...
What is the point of 3 way SLI? It's basically e-penis time and nothing more than that.

Yes. Thats it! :rolleyes: You obvously don't own a good monitor.

so few games will even support those super high res' anyway... i have a hard time getting some games to 1680x1050...

Really? Last time I checked just about all my games will run 2560x1600, some older ones wont... but hell, even CS:S does!

42" 1080p monitor here and I think it's a complete waste.

You need to check your facts. You have a TV, not a monitor. A 30" Monitor has a MUCH higher resolution as your 42" TV... so much higher, that it would lag on dual 8800GTX's with full options enabled.

5% performance boost in 3 games for triple the price! /Sarcasm LOL

:rolleyes: Yes, because FPS is all that folks are after :rolleyes: How about the fact that you can run 2560x1600 for starters with full options enabled? Now thats a thought!!
Gotta love it when people hate and bash on new technology pushing the envelope further.

I do have a question for them though... what are you guys doing on the HardForums then? I think it's time they created a SoftForum for you folks.
You'll need a 6.5 gigawatt power supply and start wearing a lead cup to use though.