nVidia realeasing the power of 3

I'm not about to go through all these posts but has anyone already noticed that the timer counts down to Aug 11th

Aug 11th = Official Release date of 7800GT
fallguy said:
If its true its still my opinion, thats is a lame PR tactic. Why? Because they have had these three things since, what, Jan or Feb? ATi is about to have the same three things, so why even bother? Perhaps if they did this months ago, it would make more sense to me. But now, a month or so away from ATi having the same three things? No sense to me at all.
I agree with your points here and respect your opinions. And as such, I'm merely giving my opinions in return.

nVidia has had this tech trio for quite a while now. I myself wonder why the hell NV didn't start this widescale campaign with the introduction of the 6000 series when they knew that ATI's full X-series lineup lacked these features.

But I still think that this is a good move for NV to make. And in the long run, educating consumers is definitely not a bad thing. It's not only going to be good for NV's 7000 series, but their still-being-produced 6000 series, as well. When an unknowing consumer with a fixed budget (a majority of users today) walks into a B&M shop or logs on to an e-tailer looking for a video card because a friend said the one he/she has is too slow to play (insert name of game here), then they will now at least have the knowledge to look for these features as a result of this new campaign. And since the NV 6000 series (and soon to be 7000 series low-mid range) has these features vs the ATI low-mid X-series.....

The true money maker for these companies are the low to mid range video cards (X8x0's and 7800's aren't put into the mainstream high production quantity Dell, HP, and eMachines models).
...Build 'em cheap and sell 'em by the hundreds of thousands in mass quantity for a decent profit each.
Krycek1 said:
I'm not about to go through all these posts but has anyone already noticed that the timer counts down to Aug 11th

Aug 11th = Official Release date of 7800GT

that has been said already in the beginning.q
1c3d0g said:
What if it's 3 nVidia videocards in SLI? Coupled with nForce5? :)

/me drools... :eek:
It might be possible with the new SLI X16 motherboards (maybe some kind of hybrid?)

2 * 16 lanes = 32
3 * 8 lanes = 24

Maybe there'll be problems getting 3 cards to synch up properly and they'll have to go straight to 4.

DejaWiz said:
It might be possible with the new SLI X16 motherboards (maybe some kind of hybrid?)

2 * 16 lanes = 32
3 * 8 lanes = 24

Maybe there'll be problems getting 3 cards to synch up properly and they'll have to go straight to 4.

seriously, think about 3 video cards... that doesn't make sense. first off, if you have, for example, three 7800GTX video cards, what CPU are you going to use? You have a CPU bottleneck with TWO of them right now, hell, you have a CPU bottleneck with ONE of them unless you have an fx-55 or 57.
Kurtis said:
today i read a lot of opinions on this topic and decided to do some real research myself to attempt to get to the bottom of The Power of 3. Have a look at this article I posted a little bit ago to see what we were able to find out.


edit: fixed the link, sorry lol
in case you didn't notice, i fixed the link in an edit above, sorry for double posting just wanna make sure it is seen :-P
Kurtis said:
in case you didn't notice, i fixed the link in an edit above, sorry for double posting just wanna make sure it is seen :-P
Thanks bud! Gonna have me a look now.
Kurtis said:
...you have a CPU bottleneck with ONE of them unless you have an fx-55 or 57....

Nope, not true. Unless of course, you are playing at 800*600/1024*768. Then again, if you bought a 7800GTX to play at his res, you will be shot someday (I am not sure if I should even excuse those with Monitors locked at 1024*768)

At high res (even without AA and AF) the CPU does not bottleneck the card. Checkout this nice article. I think someone else on the forum psoted it. But I got it from another forum.


But 3 cards in one PC is beyond silly. I hope they might let one some more about their dual-core drivers. It would be nice to know about them.
slyven said:
Nope, not true. Unless of course, you are playing at 800*600/1024*768. Then again, if you bought a 7800GTX to play at his res, you will be shot someday (I am not sure if I should even excuse those with Monitors locked at 1024*768)

At high res (even without AA and AF) the CPU does not bottleneck the card. Checkout this nice article. I think someone else on the forum psoted it. But I got it from another forum.


But 3 cards in one PC is beyond silly. I hope they might let one some more about their dual-core drivers. It would be nice to know about them.
um, i actually have a 7800gtx and an athlon64 3500+, and in BF2 i noticed that my scores weren't as high as what they likely should have been at 1280x960 with noaa/noaf. it's not as much of a bottleneck when u crank it to 1600x1200 or higher of course, but my point is you're wasting your money on such an expensive card if you don't have a CPU with enough power to truly use it

i'll see for sure after quakecon, hopefully i'll be getting an fx-55 to put in our test rig and we'll see how testing goes then
Let's see, from when Brent still denied that anyone had guessed right, to when someone did, what post could it be between


Brent said:
"but people do still use dialup
i feel sorry for them"
Heh, ya, irrelavent though.

Tim said:
"You can feel sorry for me. The only internet connection I have is my GPRS on my laptop. It's almost as slow as


swatX said:
"they are annoucing 7800GT during quakecon"
Debunked by Brent earlier.

roninblade said:
"i guess none of you have seen this then if u think this is big news"

Mysogonist said:
"I'm about to go release the power of 2 in the restroom!"
Irrelavent joke.

phoderpants said:
"somehow, they have purified and infused the power of the holy spirit into a graphics card. they are going

to call it, the "trinity ultra gt."
it will be more powerful than any computer, not just graphics card, that has come before it and it will pwn ATI.

Irrelavent joke.

kcthebrewer said:
Hmm, the power of 3 (maybe) :

7800 (vanilla/GT/X)
7600 (vanilla/GT/X)
7200 (vanilla/GT/X)

New mobile chip (PLEASE!!)
New nForce?"
Debunked by Brent earlier.

swatX said:
" NV is releasing 7800GT during quakecon while priding in their sm 3.0/sli/hdr feature set"

When is QuakeCon?

kcthebrewer said:
Isn't SLI/SM3.0/HDR 1 generation old tech?"
Ya, we know, but that doesn't get us much of anywhere.

Tim said:
Brent already kind of debunked the Quakecon/GT scenario.

Quakecon is the 12th, 13th, and 14th of this month."
Ding, ding, ding! We have someone who understands!

DejaWiz said:
"They already own ATI "
Ya, irrelavent.

EquaLiZr said:
Im pretty sure someone has already guessed it and that person who did will win a prize when the NDA is up.

Too bad no one will tell us that we guessed it right now "
Haha, ya. Irrelavent.

-phoderpants said:
" own them with the holy spirit though? i didn't think so..."

Zinn said:
"Its probably a set of new drivers... that will triple graphics performance on all Nvidia cards except the

Hmmm... Interesting, this seems to be the only one in the series that hasn't been debunked by Brent. Followed shortly by Brent admitting that someone has guessed correctly.

Zinn said:
"Only if one believes in such trivial things."

Brent said:
"Somebody in this thread has now guessed correctly. "
Whoa! What could it be, did someone totally miss that connection!?!?!

Only a few more hours until the official announcement. This thread shows more than just a little interest :D

I think ZIN may be right. Except, it is more like a 55% increase. There are three basic dedicated function cores in the NV70 chip. As of late, chips have been scaling out not up. nVidia has also been working toward support of LDDM, much like ATI. The new drivers will release the other two ability cores to process video content in parallel to the main pipe. Imagine separate vertex, geometry and pixel shader pipelines. The power of 3?

Using RivaTuner 15.7 (soon to be released)

Brent_Justice said:
I'm shocked that this thread is near 300 posts

Yea, we would never fall into any marketing scheme. It would be ineffective. ;)

And nice photshop effort on the triple SLI. A little too fake.
like i said in my article, lol... nvidia did a great job with the marketing :-P everyone is freaking out trying to figure out what it is, coming up with all these amazing things, which are not going to happen. they can dream though i guess heh
So, could be SLI x16, HDR, and SM 3.0. Simple enough. But that info was released a few days ago. Well, I suppose it could be any three features. But, those features hardly render SL x8, SM 3.0 and HDR a "vinyl record". More of a baby step than a revolution. So, if that is the power of 3, then it is nothing but marketing hype for existing known standards. I would be disappointed at the announcement and mark it up to nothing but fluff.
L0s7_4_Lyf3 said:
Hehe, glad to hear that someone agrees with me. I can barely wait for the press release though. I've been awake for days watching the minutes count by as I await Nvidia's announcement. Kidding, but...

I'm hoping for drivers that really help tweak performance and utilize dual core technology. That would be a dream come true!
Ety said:
That seems right, 2 more on the 7xxx (Probbly Low and Higher end ones) or 3 all new 7xxx (Replacing the 7800GTX like everyone thinks will happen). And the day before my B-Day makes ether one better :D

lol, my birthday is august 12th too.

I think they are gonna release the rest of the 7 series. Can't wait to see though.
L0s7_4_Lyf3 said:
Whoa! What could it be, did someone totally miss that connection!?!?!


whats so hard about understanding the fact that NV is releasing 7800GT during Quakecon! while zinn might be right, the power of 3 is the feature set NV will be pouring its money on. there are already pics of 7800gt online.

BigDaddy85 said:
... 7800 GT period just like wat i mentioned many pages before.

read the first 2 pages, i reapetedly said NV is releasing 7800gt for about 5 times but i guess i couldnt reach through the thick skulls of people who visit [h]
swatX said:
read the first 2 pages, i reapetedly said NV is releasing 7800gt for about 5 times but i guess i couldnt reach through the thick skulls of people who visit [h]
I have seen ur post few times ago. I would rather to support ya.
Brent_Justice said:
I'm shocked that this thread is near 300 posts

Well when you only have one video card company that is actually releasing new stuff, you have nothing else to talk about.

Good thing Football season has started.
3x performance in 3D?? Yeah right... there hasn;'t been a driver release that has ever did that... biggest increase I remember was when they released the 6.xx dets like 4 years ago....

You dont buy vinyl records, you dont use a typewriter, you dont use dial-up; So dont buy old graphics for your PC. On August 11th nVidia delivers the Power of 3.

Well, Nvidia sure are wrong! I use dial-up, and buy vinyl records! Does that mean I'm not allowed to buy the power of 3? :(

And it's the 11th...so come on press release?
Nuzzles said:
And it's the 11th...so come on press release?
I can only recommend checking your calendar :D

EDIT* Didn't realize you were from New Zealand ;) I think this date isn't going by who live there
Nuzzles said:
Well, Nvidia sure are wrong! I use dial-up, and buy vinyl records! Does that mean I'm not allowed to buy the power of 3? :(

And it's the 11th...so come on press release?

You guys down under and over a bit, don't count.... :p

it's not my fault I live in the future. :( Now if only I got news faster...then I could sell it off to you people... >.> Although its only 2 and a half hours into the 11th. :p Here anyways.

Edit: You guys are so lucky you don't live here...the prices for things are absolutely outrageous. -twitch-
Nuzzles said:
Edit: You guys are so lucky you don't live here...the prices for things are absolutely outrageous. -twitch-
I spent 5 months in NZ in '04 and it's the most beautiful place I've ever seen. Count yourself lucky mate, there's more to life than the price of video cards. We get price-raped in the UK too and it ain't nearly so pretty. :p

OT, Power of 3 = SM3.0 / HDR / SLi = marketing campaign <yawn>.

The only new video cards going on sale will be G70-based, like the 7800GT for sure and maybe a 7800 vanilla? I'm pretty sure we won't see any 7200/7600 stuff yet because they would use a different GPU and the only 7-series GPUs validated by PCI-SIG are the G70 and G70M.
coz said:
I spent 5 months in NZ in '04 and it's the most beautiful place I've ever seen. Count yourself lucky mate, there's more to life than the price of video cards. We get price-raped in the UK too and it ain't nearly so pretty. :p

Well, day-to-day living isn't as pretty as the scenery you'd see on holiday. :p Most places have their beautiful places, but when you live there, you just don't see them. Well, at least not often. It's more of a mindset "Eh, it'll be there tomorrow, and so will I" For me it's that way anyway. >.>
And yes, there's the price of CPU's, PSU's, Mobo's, RAM, shocking. Absolutely shocking. :p
The only thing that would make this ad campaign any more ironic would be a 7800GTX in a Segway. :D
did you guys miss this one?


if you read it they state pretty clearly that it's the sli, hdr, sm3 features being the power of 3...
read post 46 on that nvnews forum link... if the info is not under embargo, than it's probably out already.. hint hint

EDIT: that was also said shortly before Brent (sorry - had kyle for a bit) said (post #70) "someone has now correctly guessed it" (or something like that) :)

post #63 http://www.hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1028054720&postcount=63
also in post #40 http://www.hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1028054228&postcount=40

god... I need to stop looking at this thread. lol
eggrock said:
The only thing that would make this ad campaign any more ironic would be a 7800GTX in a Segway. :D

You just wait, there will be a Segway revolution, its coming I can feel it!

(dumbest idea ever...)