Nvidia releases new drivers for unsupported graphics cards and Windows versions


Jan 1, 2014
Speaking of older OS's and support, looks like you can get an updated NV driver for your GTX 760 running on Win7.

It's only a security update. No new features, game support or fixes.



It's live.

Win 10, too.

I actually appreciate that they don’t make big performance changes in legacy drivers, it keeps things consistent.
Nvidia shifting Kepler to only receiving security updates happened a long time ago:

Nvidia said:
Effective October 2021, Game Ready Driver upgrades, including performance enhancements, new features, and bug fixes, will be available for systems utilizing Maxwell, Pascal, Turing, and Ampere-series GPUs. Critical security updates will be available on systems utilizing desktop Kepler-series GPUs through September 2024.

Since those drivers are based on an older branch (pre-500), it was probably trivial to create a non-DCH / Legacy driver version. I doubt that they had to do a lot of work, as drivers between those Windows versions, aside from the use of DCH on newer Windows versions (which mainly affects the control panel), is minimal.

I'm glad that they are continuing to "support" Kepler, since they are still trying to sell Geforce 730 cards at places like Best Buy. But, it would have been better if they stepped up and just kept them on the main driver. It's especially frustrating when different nvidia cards use different driver versions because you can't run different Nvidia driver versions on your computer at the same time. So if you just wanted to use an old kepler-based card just to power a few extra monitors or whatever, that would prevent you from installing the newest driver on your primary card. That's what I was doing, and when Kepler was dropped from the main driver, I had to get a 750ti to replace it just so it and my 4080 would be using the same driver.