Nvidia’s Roy Taylor Smacks AMD/ATI

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
Roy Taylor, Nvidia’s outspoken VP of Content Relations, said that “The UK is the only place in the world where anyone talks about AMD or ATI.” He was talking with TechRadar about various subjects and pulled no punches when discussing AMD’s position in the GPU market.

… Taylor was keen to press home the point by quoting two independent surveys (Valve's Steam users and the YouGamers community) which put ATI's market share for DirectX 10 compliant GPUs in the 12-13 per cent range.
You forgot to put the comment link in the front page?

Funny how Nvidia now is poking at AMD/ATI after doing Intel. Whose next?
You forgot to put the comment link in the front page?

Funny how Nvidia now is poking at AMD/ATI after doing Intel. Whose next?

Yeah - forum glitch earlier prevented me from getting the link to this post. It's fixed now. :)
They've done this everytime they got a slight lead in something, their heads litterally swell up and they can't keep their mouth shut.

If Intel wanted to enter the non-mainstream market, it has the power to totally rip them apart.

And what this in responce to? or is Nvidia again anouncing that all their previous bad performance was due to bad programming on their driver team/game developers?
This gloating to almost to Sony proportions! Makes me kinda feel bad I invested in an 8800GT. I am hoping the 4870 will help re-spark competition.
Granted, but their head swelling in relation to Intel graphics is not undeserved. What was the last good 3D graphics card from the blue boys? Intel makes lots of boastful claims and many a game developer b*tches about Intel labeling their on-board chipsets 3D at all. They blame Intel, even more than Microsoft, for creating a confusion about the PC Platform in relation to gaming. Intel probably could move forward quite a bit, but developing a good 3D card is very different from a CPU. Not only that but Intel might run into AMD/ATI & Nvidia patents trying to do so.

As far as ATI/AMD goes, currently, they can't touch the high-end. This will most likely change at some point in the future (almost unthinkable it won't), so I don't worry about that.

They've done this everytime they got a slight lead in something, their heads litterally swell up and they can't keep their mouth shut.

If Intel wanted to enter the non-mainstream market, it has the power to totally rip them apart.

And what this in responce to? or is Nvidia again anouncing that all their previous bad performance was due to bad programming on their driver team/game developers?
It seems that most nvidia reps are good at talking absolute bollocks. Wonder what it takes to fill a job position at nvidia, be able to fill a room 2 feet deep in mouth ejected bullshit?

Obviously ati\amd do talk some crap as well but lately its been spewing from nvidia like weater from a fossit.
Why not talk like that? It's marketing. Some parents actually listen to their stupid kids when it come to pc purchases.
"Mom ati sucks, don't get that 3870 from them, this 8400gts is better cause Nvidia made it."
Appearance of superiority is nearly as good as actual superiority. Obviously, a 8400 is not as good as a 3870, but brand recognition can make some people think it is. And the way that fellow is talking smack, speaks to the 12 to16 year old crowd that tends to think that sort of stuff makes Nv look cool. Anyway, just my opinion, yours may differ, mine will not change.
Getting tired of taking steps back. Here is stupudity why market a card that has less memory and smaller pipeline and not keep to success from previous 8800 series. Less memory for anti-aliasing like shooting yourself in the foot and not only that making it only 256 bit versus 384 bit. See the trend. Yes, its cheaper but not the knock out punch. I have 2 gx2's but only advantage if you run vista. I am going to wait a long time now for something inovative that has good drivers. I do know that directx 11 will have raytracing. I will wait until dust clears.

Its not about performance but marketing the crap for dollars.
A lot of big talks coming from the NV boys. We'll see this summer how they will respond :)
In my eyes it is anti-marketting. Throwing flames around you doesn't help to build your image, rather destroys it. Right now NV is in my eyes even worse company than MS, and that is pretty bad status :).
BS marketing. They are just making themselves look stupid.

This gloating to almost to Sony proportions!

In my eyes it is anti-marketting. Throwing flames around you doesn't help to build your image, rather destroys it.

I totally agree with the above.

So totally juvenile to rub it in while you're on top. You *will* always be taken down a notch at some point...and it's usually relative to the level of arrogance displayed while you were on top.


Most of their recent "smack talk" comes off as more than a 'brotherly competition' type punch in the arm. Sad.
I totally agree with the above.

So totally juvenile to rub it in while you're on top. You *will* always be taken down a notch at some point...and it's usually relative to the level of arrogance displayed while you were on top.


Most of their recent "smack talk" comes off as more than a 'brotherly competition' type punch in the arm. Sad.

Yea because they should totally be modest about it and make sure everyone still focuses on AMD/Ati. Because that is the right thing to do when you are on top and need to capitalize on that to make money.
I just don't think they will get taken down a notch, the 8800 series has been out for over a year now, they certainly have better products waiting in the wings, they just have no reason to release them. The PC gaming marketing is dying off, consoles is where gaming is going, almost all the big developers/publishers are alienating the market. As much as I hate to admit it, it's possible that AMD just isn't interested in the market any longer.
I think the big claims are to avert the fears that NVIDIA will go the way of the dinosaur if Intel's integrated CPU+GPU idea ever takes off. Intel is gearing up to compete with NVIDIA and AMD in the high-end graphics arena, and AMD has their own high-end graphics. When we move to the future of an all-integrated processing unit, where does that leave NVIDIA? Just about all they can do is buy VIA, and that's a drop in the Atlantic.
He's pretty much right. If you want performance you want Nvidia. AMD just isnt a competitor on the high end and theres no debate about that. As someone said, the 8800 has been out for over a year and AMD hasn't been able to touch it. I'd probably talk a lot of shit, too...

And it's going to be a while before graphics are done well on the CPU. Maybe next decade. I do think Intel is responsible for a lot of the problems people have with gaming on mainstream computers. Integrated graphics are just horrible for it- great for office use, though.
Based on what my customers ask for and what I sell, that sounds about right. He may even be overstating the ATI sales figures.

Honestly, unless AMD pulls a rabbit out of nowhere my crystal ball says they may be gone by this time next year. The only product they make that's even a little interesting is the Q9550, but even there the aborted first launch of the Phenom has killed them. Whatever advertising AMD is trying is not working. Average Joe Consumer doesn't even recognize the word Phenom and even the more tech savvy don't know what socket it is for or have any idea what motherboards to get for it. Many more on average recognize "Core 2" which is really the more confusing term.

If the battle is really going to be between Nvidia and Intel, I suppose Nvidia could gobble up AMD one of these days just to acquire the IP needed to avoid licensing issues. Who knows.
...Average Joe Consumer doesn't even recognize the word Phenom and even the more tech savvy don't know what socket it is for or have any idea what motherboards to get for it. Many more on average recognize "Core 2" which is really the more confusing term.

C'mon! The "average Joe consumer" knows or cares nothing about CPU's or GPU's. If you sprinkle enough glitter on a 486, "Joe consumer" would buy it...

Roy Taylor is simply talking smack. For what purpose, I don't know. Smack is the realm of idiots. 3DFX used to talk smack...
I don't know about AMD's future. I hope they get that 32nm technology promised by IBM, Intel is already working on their 32nm chips. AMD is now 2 year behind on bulding fabrication plants, and the cost of building those is going up fast.

I don't know what the hell Nvidia is babling about. This is so childish saying cpu is dead and no one talks about AMD, i dont know wtf is going on with their marketing. bunch of corporate thugs lol
Nvidia knows they are fucked when Intel acts on it's raytracing plans, and when DX11 comes out, and only Ati has full support for it.
So... What to do? Prepare as much as possible before the shit storm explodes on them.
There's no raytracing that can compete with CURRENT graphics cards until we have more than 16 cores available in a CPU. And that was just to make it "viable". It may take 32 or many more to actually get raytracing working better than a current high end video card.

So, that puts us what... at least 10 years into the future? Where will Nvidia be in 10 years compared to now? Who's to say they won't create a godly stand-alone raytracing card long before then? Who the hell knows what we will have for video hardware in ten years.
You forgot to put the comment link in the front page?

Funny how Nvidia now is poking at AMD/ATI after doing Intel. Whose next?

Microsoft.... well nvidia think since they had a few ranges of good vga.. they can do anything... :)
I already mentioned this once in the Video Cards sub-forum, but here it goes again. NVIDIA's CEO was pretty confident in Analyst Day, while he pretty much attacked Intel. And now these comments. I don't think they would do it, without knowing for a fact, that their next generation i.e. GT200 based cards, are extremely powerful. At this point, I'm wondering how much powerful they are. At first I thought single GPU 10-15% ahead of a single GX2, given the rumoed specs. But I'm imagining something even better now...
Nvidia knows they are fucked when Intel acts on it's raytracing plans, and when DX11 comes out, and only Ati has full support for it.
So... What to do? Prepare as much as possible before the shit storm explodes on them.

Not going to happen. Intel itself already confirmed that Larrabee's main concern is rasterization. Ray Tracing was just marketing talk, it's not going to happen in the proportions that some thought it would reach.
I think the big claims are to avert the fears that NVIDIA will go the way of the dinosaur if Intel's integrated CPU+GPU idea ever takes off. Intel is gearing up to compete with NVIDIA and AMD in the high-end graphics arena, and AMD has their own high-end graphics. When we move to the future of an all-integrated processing unit, where does that leave NVIDIA? Just about all they can do is buy VIA, and that's a drop in the Atlantic.

I highly doubt that Intel can compete with AMD and much less NVIDIA, in the high-end GPU "arena". Larrabee will compete, graphics wise, with a mid-low end card from AMD or NVIDIA at most.
Yea because they should totally be modest about it and make sure everyone still focuses on AMD/Ati. Because that is the right thing to do when you are on top and need to capitalize on that to make money.

:rolleyes: And anyone who hasnt *already* learned this in a year and a half...

For the first 6 months... np
Gotta love those 6 month cycles. Like said before its was step back in AA field of things...512 Ram doesn't translate to smooth as butter game play. Fact they went with 256 bit versus 384 bit. Only advantage was the price was lower. I would have prefered 384 bit and/or 512 bit with 1 gig of memory and/or 784 meg of memory. Just a dream but its speed of game play and realism is what we want and playable frame rates. Will see in summer.
Why not talk like that? It's marketing. Some parents actually listen to their stupid kids when it come to pc purchases.
"Mom ati sucks, don't get that 3870 from them, this 8400gts is better cause Nvidia made it."
Appearance of superiority is nearly as good as actual superiority. Obviously, a 8400 is not as good as a 3870, but brand recognition can make some people think it is. And the way that fellow is talking smack, speaks to the 12 to16 year old crowd that tends to think that sort of stuff makes Nv look cool. Anyway, just my opinion, yours may differ, mine will not change.

I prefer ATi :p 16 year olds aren't dumb enough to fall for that, neither are 15 and most 14 year olds. 12 year olds maybe.