Nvidia Will not allow Voltage Tweaking Period on 680 series :/


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2003

From the Article above

"While I was writing this article I learned that NVIDIA just issued new BIOS files to the AIC partners and is frowning upon voltage tweaking outside their limitations. As such all new batches Lightning cards will have BIOSes where their limit of 1.175V is enforced, even in the LN2 BIOS. MSI has to follow that directive or probably face the fact that they will not be able to purchase the GPUs anymore.

This as well includes setting restrictions in the new AfterBurner 2.2.3 (download here)

So while everything as described above is possible it in the end means that only the first batch of 5000 cards will have an OLD Bios that is freed up from the limitation and thus allows voltage tweaking to a certain extent. We can only assume that the old BIOS will spread like a virus to current Lightning owners to give them a little more flexibility on voltage tweaking matters. However you'd also need a special MSI AfterBurner build to support it. And that we do not see happening, due to the limitations requested by NVIDIA.

We understand NVIDIA's point of view on this, really .. extreme voltage tweaking can damage GPUs, and in the end these are returned to NVIDIA. Next to that the complexity of this new methodology is extensive and to a certain extent even unreliable. For NVIDIA it thus is matter of RMA and cost.

The flipside of the coin however is that when imposing such limitation on the high-end GPUs it pretty much kills off the fun for many of you. Extreme performance and tweaks drive the overclocking community and in the end drive the sales of the complete product line.

We do hope this point of view will change in the future allowing the AIC partners more flexibility. But for now you guys will have to face the fact that NVIDIA's 1.175V limitation is a solid fact. But sure, this news is a little bitter."

Pretty Shitty if you ask me...
Thought the same when I heard about this. Oh well, there are always hard mods ... ([H]ard mods? ;) )

Well it will work. Just older cards, and using an older bios.

Like Guru3d said...thats going to be 1 hot Bios
We understand NVIDIA's point of view on this, really .. extreme voltage tweaking can damage GPUs, and in the end these are returned to NVIDIA. Next to that the complexity of this new methodology is extensive and to a certain extent even unreliable. For NVIDIA it thus is matter of RMA and cost.

I'm sure that is the issue there. Many of us here will purchase a GPU & push well beyond what WE KNOW is its limitations & when something does go wrong, we are on the phone faster than it took us to install the GPU. On top of that, most of us will flat out lie by saying " I didn't do anything, it just died ". Although Nvidia is the one making this decision I am sure that it was a partner, or multiple partners, that set this decision in motion.
I don't understand why nvidia feels that reference card voltages should be applied to aftermarket cards with WAY better thermal cooling....
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GO AMD! Now's your chance!

edit: They should just enforce a strict warranty voiding voltage security system.
Pretty ridiculous. NVIDIA's restrictions this gen have taken a lot of the "fun" out of overclocking and put it back into the hands of the vendors (i.e. EVGA with their 15 GTX 680 SKUs with slight OC variances and different heat sinks, etc.).

Obviously the catalyst was money/profit/etc. - but do you think the GTX 590 problems led to the final straw that created the 6xx-series limitations?

FWIW - the Lightnings are the best cards you can buy with the unlocked BIOS. Unreal how nice Kepler is with no restrictions. It's awesome before - but unleashed now.
I have an unlocked lightning though, so its all good
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No voltage tweaking is the whole reason I went with AMD this round. No point in watercooling a card that you can't up the voltage to OC on.
Really does sound like evga is collecting on nvidia for being exclusive...

or something along those lines...
No voltage tweaking is the whole reason I went with AMD this round. No point in watercooling a card that you can't up the voltage to OC on.

I do mine for silence and cool/fun factor. I very much see your point though and sometimes I wonder if I should have gone amd. My loop is very light and wouldn't have allowed for much of a bump anyway.
I hope this was only due to the very poor Kepler yields. Maybe they were just so bad that they decided to lock down voltage control to avoid having to replace overclocked cards.
Can you dump the BIOS and provide it to the newer 680 Lightning owners, I wonder?

Yeah. i'm posting the original BIOS on OCN later this evening, if someone hasn't already. It really shouldn't be an issue, people in the know will still be able to OV/OC...
Im confused why is this a big deal? Just flash an unlocked bios on it..

That's what I was thinking.

Someone with intentions of adjusting the voltages has probably already flashed the BIOS on cards before, so it shouldn't be new.
I flashed a classy with a lightning bios last night (not sure if it was a locked version or not), but the card didn't like it (crazy artifacting and such). Once the unlocked version is up for sure I'll try again tonight. I'm curious as to whether or not it uncaps the current sense resistors, because it appears for all 680's that limits voltage around 1.3v no matter how much you attempt to pump into it. I have tested this with my classys + evbot.
Doesn't bother me. Naturally, I expect someone will tell me why it should, and how I'm a bad consumer for not caring and all the rest, but I don't expect that's going to change anything for me.
Yep, I'm getting a 7970. Although when I had a 680 it did OC very very well even with the voltage limitations.
I flashed a classy with a lightning bios last night (not sure if it was a locked version or not), but the card didn't like it (crazy artifacting and such). Once the unlocked version is up for sure I'll try again tonight. I'm curious as to whether or not it uncaps the current sense resistors, because it appears for all 680's that limits voltage around 1.3v no matter how much you attempt to pump into it. I have tested this with my classys + evbot.

Homer, just curious what stable speeds where you getting on the classy with voltages at 1.30 on evbot?

The msi lightning hits 1.21 volts with afterburner 2.2.2 on LN bios
1302mzh stable as a rock here.
I must have the original bios. If I knew how to extract it and post it I would.
i want to overvolt my 670, it hits 1311 at stock volts. but by the sounds of it 1400ish is the limit for kepler
I guess I can understand why nvidia would want to do this on their end but it really kills the market for 680's with high end after market cooling, when at most without voltage tweaking a "high end" 680 will maybe get you 50mhz than a stock model.
Exactly, voltage lock is fine for reference boards but severely limits the value of factory overclocked cards. Aftermarket cards have coolers that can handle the additional power so I don't know why nvidia is so up in arms about this crap...
early indications for myself on air with 2.2.3 and old ln2 bios is pretty nice. can't wait to throw my h100 i have lying around on it friday, hopefully that helps my early results so far.
They might as well start selling unlocked versions. Everyone is going to be flashing the old LN2 bios to their cards hoping for unlock. So far the Galaxy 680 SOC (white PCB version) has been confirmed to unlock up to 1.3V like the rest of the Lightnings using AB 2.2.3.

(Cards that unlock with LN2 are also going to be the only ones selling at this point imo)
Update on msi lightning 680

I have the original bios and tried using afterburner 2.2.3 I pass all benchmarks ( 3dmark11 & Heaven 3.0 )
at 1350 and memory 300 over with confirmed voltage readings between 1.24 and 1.27 set on afb at .72

Problem is when I go play BF3 on max settings the game LOCKS up after 5 minutes and shows me a complete Red screen and I have to do a cold shut down and restart again.
Checked the temps never over 60c
Power limit set to 150% Fan at 70%
Motherboard asus rampage extreme Black Edition X58 and a 990X with 24 gig gskill mem

At 1302 mzh the gpu is stable on everything I throw at it. I guess that's the limit for my GPU

Does anyone think since I have the card installed in a 8x lane can cause the problem on BF3
or having BF3 installed on normal hardrive at sata 2 instead of having it on my sata 3 ssd could be causing this issue?
Update on msi lightning 680

I have the original bios and tried using afterburner 2.2.3 I pass all benchmarks ( 3dmark11 & Heaven 3.0 )
at 1350 and memory 300 over with confirmed voltage readings between 1.24 and 1.27 set on afb at .72

Problem is when I go play BF3 on max settings the game LOCKS up after 5 minutes and shows me a complete Red screen and I have to do a cold shut down and restart again.
Checked the temps never over 60c
Power limit set to 150% Fan at 70%
Motherboard asus rampage extreme Black Edition X58 and a 990X with 24 gig gskill mem

At 1302 mzh the gpu is stable on everything I throw at it. I guess that's the limit for my GPU

Does anyone think since I have the card installed in a 8x lane can cause the problem on BF3
or having BF3 installed on normal hardrive at sata 2 instead of having it on my sata 3 ssd could be causing this issue?

You just have to fiddle with voltage, and power settings and/or increase manual fan. The voltage in afterburner monitor is not accurate , its actually better to get an overclock with the lowest voltage possible. If you max everything out thats not good unless you're on water.
The bios version my card has is 8 this is the unlocked one for LN voltage tweaks???

I tried all the voltage tweaking and power settings. Fan settings at all different levels even though this card don't over heat at all. Not even at 70% fan it never gets above 60c no matter what bench I run for any period of time, so the fan is out of the equation here.

Its just so weird how it benches 3dmark11 and heaven at 1350mhz for such long periods without a hiccup then when I play BF3 at those settings for more than 5 minutes I get a lock up in graphics.
Its just so weird how it benches 3dmark11 and heaven at 1350mhz for such long periods without a hiccup then when I play BF3 at those settings for more than 5 minutes I get a lock up in graphics.

In my experience, that's not weird at all!
Pretty common occurance

OC stability testing, especially with CPU's, always involves multiple applications
Got it stable finally at 1350 mhz and 400 mem.
Thanks to xoleras I kept playing with voltages on afterburner and found the memory voltages
and tweaked the gpu voltages a little lower. Now all benches are stable and BF3 for hours without any hiccups.
This is an ass kicking card. I feel bad for the people that got shafted with the second bios.
I think someone posted it on http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=366203&page=2
my thoughts EXACTLY

once i heard about the evbot, i knew it was a blatant cash grab by removing features on-card

The ev bothas been out way befor the 680 were released I think nvidia is doing this because the 680 were suppose to be the midrange card. So when they release what was suppose to be the highend they dont want these cards to compete.